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king derelict

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About king derelict

  • Birthday 07/08/1954

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  • Location
    Hobe Sound Florida

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  1. Beautiful work Mark. From the lovely glossy blue hull to the neat rigging and the magnificent sails it a lovely boat. The stand sets it off so well too. congratulations alan
  2. Progress hit a bit of a roadblock. I had to order the hull grey, the Flyhawk guide calls for a darker grey than anything I have. Then I had to do taxes, vet visit, eye clinic visit and a trip to the dentist. Anyway, the has arrived and the hull and superstructure were given several light coats to try to avoid a uniform color. The decks then got a coat to the Tamiya wood deck and then I used washes of burnt sienna and burnt umber oil paints. I like the result so far but I may add a thin black wash to pick out the details. Next up will be painting the linoleum decks and then back to the photo etch and a lot of railings. Thanks for looking in and the likes and comments. Alan
  3. Hi Ken, As far as I can tell very few are alternative options for a different version so it’s all going into that tiny hull. tracks are link and length which I like better than the elastic band style but the links are tiny and it’s all going to be on show. Alan
  4. Thank you OC. It’s an amazing kit with so many parts for such a small vehicle, although I have a feeling I’ll be cursing it later. Flyhawk make a small number of AFVs. This one and the regular Kpfw I and II, the Renault tank and the King Tiger which has a nice brass barrel. They make super little models and are very satisfying to build. Alan
  5. While I was stalled on the Iron Duke build I opened this box to keep me out of trouble. It’s a tiny 1/72 model of a tiny tank but with all the details that Flyhawk do so well. As I understand it the Zusatzpanzerung refers to the additional amor added to the tank. For such a small tank the box is well stuffed with parts There is a small PE fret of delicate parts. Some look impossibly small. The finished model is going to be small even with all the extra parts added. Assembly has started with the lower hull adding some PE to the engine vents and armor. There is quite a lot of suspension parts to add to the hull . So far it’s all fitting very nicely although it takes several reads of the instructions to work out what is intended. And the instructions are printed very small. One side done and one ready to start Thanks for looking in Alan
  6. You made a beautiful job of her and the color scheme really sets the boat off. Congratulations and the case looks great too. alan
  7. I’ll watch with great interest. It sounds like a nice looking model when finished with a rather different build method. Good luck, I’m sure it will come out well. alan
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