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Everything posted by Zarkon

  1. Thanks everyone for the likes!! Haha! It will take me quite a while to catch up to you Chuck! I have finished adding the strips of wood above the quarter deck along with the hance and forward hance pieces. Now onto the bollard timbers! It says to reduce the stem and bulwarks inboard so they are all 5/32". I marked what needed to be removed. Is this correct? I just shaded the inboard sections that need to be removed to thin it down to 5/32". What is the best way to do this? Put some adhesive sandpaper on some scratch wood strips and sand down manually? I'm going to read and re-read how to make the bollard timbers before starting that. Lastly, I received my new Byrnes table saw! I definitely won't be keeping it up here. I will move it somewhere else when I start using it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to mill the wood I nead, I should get some wood sheets slightly thicker than what I need the strips to be. Then use a plainer to make the sheet the correct height. Then rip the strips from that? I will need to also get a plainer then!
  2. Thanks Chuck! I am happy with the result! I finished the quarter gallery framing and sanded the outside smooth with the hull. I did have an uh-oh moment because one of the tops of bulckhead 28 was cracked near the gun port frame. I was actually not surprised because the top of frame 28 was super warped. So when I tried to cut off the part of bulkhead 28, this happened. I was actually glad it did that because that meant I could straighten up that part of the bulkhead using an extra bit of stop included with the chapter 1 package like so Not only is it straighter, but it released a lot of tension between the top of the bulkhead 28 and the small top of the gun port sill. (The top of the bulkhead was warped in 2 dimensions) This is a pic with that side completed And the other side When placing those frame pieces,l made sure that they laid down on the frames without pushing on them. It was mentioned to be careful not to change the stern frame angle. The last things to do for chapter 1 are to add the strip pieces to the tops of the quarter gallery framing, adding the hance pieces, and the bollard timbers! I am excited that I am close to completing chapter one! My new table saw for milling the strips for chapter 2 arrives tomorrow and so I am super excited about that! Thanks all! Jeff
  3. Thanks Ben! I will definitely be using this for the rest of the build! Thank you for sharing! Thanks again to Chuck for mailing me one set of stern frames. That was a life saver! I got them in position and here is how it looks: I will be doing some tweeking. But I think this placement is better than what it was before. I still need to finish gluing and sanding down the stern, but that will be saved for later this week. If anyone has comments on their layout, please feel free to let me know! Thanks everyone! Jeff
  4. So I had to remove the stern frames ST-A and ST-B since all four of them were unusable after removing the window sill pieces. Luckily, the outer stern pieces look alright. So I haven't removed them for now. Removing these frame pieces was much easier than I thought. I took some rubbing alcohol and applied it using a straw to the joins to help disolve the glue. I then waited and was able to pry them off with Hobbie knife without widening the slots. I have to give a huge thank you to Chuck, who was able to send me a replacement set of laser cut stern frames! This was very generous of him and recieving them honestly made my week a lot better! I was able to glue on the new replacement stern frames and will be taking my sweet time making sure I place the sills in the correct spots. Here is a pic of where I am now. I will not be gluing anything until I am happy with the position of all the top window sill pieces. If anything seems off, please let me know so I can correct it! Jeff
  5. G, that's a great idea! After I replace the stern frames, I will keep this in mind when I put the sills on again. Your model looks fantastic! Jeff
  6. I was able to remove the outermost sills, but then realized the sills 2 and 4 were too low as well. Lastly, came to the realization that they all were a little too low and not positioned correctly. So I took them all out. After taking them out, I put in the spacers again and realized I over sanded the stern pieces (especially where the windows will be). If I keep the stern section pieces in, then the windows will look warped and jagged on the left and right sides of the window sills. Ugh! What a disaster! I might have to dissolve the glue on the stern pieces and replace them. Thats 2 weeks of work that I will have to redo. If anyone has ideas on how I might fix this, I would be very grateful. Jeff
  7. Thank you Chuck, I definitely placed sills 1 and 5 too low. I will have to take them off and redo them. I did use the spacers but since the windows are too low, I will just need to start over with 1 and 5. I will need to check 2 and 4 as well after I take 1 and 5 off. Thanks for your help Chuck! Luckily, you provided another set of sill for just such an occasion. I wouldn't be surprised if this will be the first of many boo boos I make! Haha! Jeff
  8. Thank you very much! This is exactly what I was looking for! Jeff
  9. Lastly, forgot to mention, I do not have a small table saw to make my own strips. But the past 5 months, I have been talking it over with the Admiral, and she agreed that I can order a Byrnes table saw next month! I am very excited about it! Will I also need a planer as well? I think Chuck made a guide on how to make planks but I can't seem to find it. Thanks! Jeff
  10. Thanks Chuck and everyone for the likes! I have glued and sanded the stern window sills. I have also sanded the fore and aft sides as well. I also sanded "bulkhead" 29 to match the the other frames and placed a plank against it to check the curve if the hull. And I sanded down the sides of the stern frames as described on the plans. Wow. Thats a lot of sanding! I saw in Chuck's log that it's important to make sure that the tops of the sills are about 3/32" thick. I was able achieve 3.5/32". I hope thats good enough. I do have a question about the laser cut stern frames. Do I need to remove ALL the char from these pieces? Or just the char that's next to the window sills? I know I didn't sand the tops of the sills, nor all the char below the window sills. Lastly, inboard, do I need to sand off all the char from the stern laser cut pieces as well? Thanks all! I hope all of you are safe and healthy! Jeff
  11. Hy all! Finally an update! My family and I are all at home, so I have little time to work on her. But, I was able to finish the gun port sills as well as finish sanding them. Lastly, I glued the stern frames. I hope the lines look alright for the gun ports. Thanks everyone! Wow. I need to clean up the sawdust! Jeff
  12. Sorry about that. I ment Titebond. I use either Titebond II or Titebond III. Whatever I can find at the store. 3 takes longer to dry than 2. Both are great wood glues and you wouldn't have any problems using either. Jeff
  13. Hiya! I do not know where to get the instructions online. I looked too and couldn't find them. As for tools, I would suggest a mini manual miter saw set and get a saw for it with a high tooth count. Like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001G9NP7O/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_CylIEbQYRE5BK Also, different grits if sand paper 80, 100, 220, 400. Also get some sanding blocks. I have small and medium sized ones. Also what I found very helpful was http://www.fourmostproducts.com/our-products/construction-tools/ look for the miter sander. I use this for precise angle sanding. I use adhesive sandpaper for this so it's easier to change. I would not recommend their miter saw from this site because it can cause wood to crack along the edges. Use the Amazon link above for a miter saw. I use Titanbond wood glue for most of the glueing. Lastly, get some hobby knifes and heavy duty blades. Light and medium blades might break and that would be bad. This is just a basic list and I might be leaving something out. As for building the kit, i would highly recommend building a build board to hold your model while you are working in it. There are many references to how to build one on this site. I hope you enjoy your model and have fun!!! Jeff
  14. Hey Chuck, it was hard for me to figure out how to ask! But after mulling it over in my head i figured it out. Sometimes it just takes a nights sleep to clear the head! Jeff
  15. Whew! Finally an update! I finished placing all the lower gun ports sills and have started working on the top sills. I realized that the first pre cut sill at the bow was a little too short. So I added some small cherry wood to extend it. I followed what Chuck said about placing the bottom sills between each bulkhead. I realized this wasn't really a recommendation as it was mandatory. At least for my ship. Since my bulkheads were somewhat warped, I had to add the sills in between each to square them off. I made sure to start at the bow and move to the stern. This made sure the bulkheads were as square as they could get. I am happy with the result! I will continue to place the top port sills this week. I do have a question though. For in between a few of the ports, there is a spacer that is taller than the port sills. Is this made by putting 2 or so of the port sill strips together (from the chapter 1 package)? Thanks everyone!! Jeff
  16. Its sure taken me a while, but I finally finished fairing the hull! I started cutting and gluing on the bottom gun ports. I agree with Chuck that you really need to put supports between every bulkhead. It has started to straighten them out! Thanks everyone for the likes! Jeff
  17. Thank you everyone for the likes!! Well some good news bad news. The bad news is, I'm sick with a virus so I had to stay home today. The good news, is I was feeling well "enough" to fair more of the hull. I was able to complete more today than in the past few weeks! So I am close to finishing the first side and I was able to complete most of the other. The last section not done yet is the bow. I hope to get to it later this week when I'm feeling better. This hull is huge! And does require a lot of removing material. I feel that if I can fair a hull this size and this number of bulkheads, it is an accomplishment in and of itself! Its tedious, but super important to get right. The many bulkheads actually make for a great guide to how much to fair. My round sanding blocks really do help, and are just long enough to span 3 bulkheads at once to help form the shape correctly. Jeff
  18. Its been a while, but it's time for an update! I am currently fairing the hull. This hull is huge!!! I don't have too much time right now to do this work, but slow and steady. I am about 80% done with one side. Then only one more side to go! I noticed that the glued frame sections were starting to give too much and almost break. So I added supports on both sides to strengthen the joint. I hope to get some time this weekend to do some more fairing, but my soon to be 5 year old demands a lot of attention!! Jeff
  19. Thank you everyone for the likes! Today, I finally finished gluing on the bulkheads! For the filler pieces at the stem, two of them were pretty warped. So I had to douse them with water and clamp them to my building table to straighten them out. After they dried, I glued them on one at a time. Only unclamping each piece when I was ready to glue them on. That seemed to work and the filler blocks are now glued into position! I did my best to straighten the tops of the frames. They are somewhat better positioned, but not perfect. That's okay though, because the bulkheads themselves are straight. You will see what I mean with the pictures. As you can see though, on the last pic, the back part of the frame is twisted. I will do what I can to straighten it out before the end of chapter 1. Onto fairing the hull! After looking through other logs here ar MSW, I know this will take a while. But its VERY important to get right or planking the hull will get more difficult. I hope to start fairing this weekend!! Thanks all! Jeff
  20. Thanks all for the likes! Slowly but surely, I am adding the bulkheads. This is a small update, but I can't just quickly add and glue the bulkheads or the bulkheads will be way out of alignment. The bulkheads themselves are slightly warped, but they are a small enough warp to fix when adding the supports later in chapter one. The bulkheads are off by 0.5 - 1mm. Little over half way done!! It is fun though. I have never seen a 1/48th scale so this is exciting! Thanks!!!! Jeff
  21. Great idea Chuck! It was pretty warped at the top, so to help make sure that each bulkhead is perpendicular, I created some right angle blocks and used clamps to help position them back to where it needs to be. The pictures are a better explanation. I am noticing that it is helping. So this will be a slower process, but I know that this step is very important to minimize bumps and valleys from bulkhead to bulkhead when it comes time to both fare the hull and for planking. Lastly, the first 2 bulkheads needed to be sanded a little at the bottom so their bottoms didn't hit the stem pieces. Doing this now is a lot safer that trying to take off the this access after it's glued into position. Thanks everyone!! Jeff
  22. Thanks everyone for the likes! Today since it snowed, I had some time to remove the bulkheads and dry fit them into their slots. First thing I noticed was how big this ship is! It will be very impressive when it is completed!!! Here are some pics of the dry fitting. All but 2 pieces went into place nice and snug. I had to sand those 2 to allow them to slide down nicely. There are a few that need to be sanded in a different way because they do not sit perpendicular to the frame. Just some slight slot modifications. It looks like its leaning to the right in the middle picture, but its really not. It is just my bad picture taking! Haha! My building board is straight and holds the frame very snuggly. The tops of the slots on the frames are warped. This causes the top of the frame to look out of alignment. The bottom where the false keel lies is straight, so the bulkheads actually are positioned straight on the frame. I will double and triple check the bulkhead alignments and make any modifications before I will do any gluing. I find these pictures fun because there are so many bulkheads! Jeff
  23. I came in late to the build, but you have done an excellent job on making a wonderful model! Very impressive!!!!! Jeff
  24. I am almost done making my building board. I just need to fasten the brackets to the board, then I am ready to cut out and fit the bulkheads! It took a few days because I forgot to order the brackets from Syren on my original order! The pic above is a test fitting of the ship on the build board. Like what Chuck said earlier, the frames were somewhat bent, but after test fitting it into the building board, it looks like it will straighten out just fine! Jeff
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