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Everything posted by modelshipwright

  1. Thanks to those who visited the build. The fifth sculpture is now complete and mounted on the bulkhead. It is starting to fill in nicely. More to follow.................
  2. Spring has sprung and so has my garden. It has taken several days to get it under control so not too much time for The Sovereign. Here is a photo with sculpture number four completed and mounted on the model. Number Five is under way. Then I will look at the gunports and provision for the main stay. More to follow..........
  3. Sculpture number three is now mounted on the bulkhead. It is certainly a stunning viewpoint of the Sovereign and must have been glorious to see gilded in gold with the sun shining on it. Thanks to everyone who has visited the build. More to follow..............
  4. The first of the six sculptures is shown in this picture. They represented Consilium, that is Counsell; Cura, that is Care; Conamen, that is Industry; Vis which implied force; Virtus or Virtue; and Victoria, that is Victory. This description of the figures is taken from the text of "A True Description of His Majesty's Royall Ship" by Thomas Heywood written in 1638. Two of the six sculptures are completed and mounted on the pedestals. Note the bottom of each sculpture forms the top of the pedestal. A side view of the new sculptures. More to follow.............
  5. Hmmm, that sounds vaguely familiar as something I have done in my past, that is, measure and cut and do it over. Sorry you have to repeat that beautiful work a second time. Bill
  6. The thumb has healed for the most part and work continues on the pedestals for the six sculptures to stand on against the bulkhead. The final pedestal is in place and it is time to contemplate carving the sculptures. It is indeed interesting the Van de Velde showed the stay coming through the bulkhead which would lead to the assumption that it then emerged through the deck above on its way to the mast. Was it the artist's impression, or was it indeed rigged that way? More to follow..............
  7. Another pedestal has been completed and mounted on the bulkhead. They are proving to be difficult to hold on to when carving as I accidentally ran the tip of my left thumb into the blade of my Preac saw a few days ago. A dumb move for sure! Now that it is healing, I can churn these out a little faster. In the meantime I did fashion a couple of heads for the beak based on a keyhole design that allowed standup and seated use. I will mount these on the beak head after the side panels are fastened. More to follow.................
  8. I'm sure you all agree, it's great to see our friend Bill Short back in the shop after a long absence. His SOS has been such an inspiration to me in my feeble effort.
  9. The first photo shows the boxwood blank to be used for the pedestal that the carved figure will stand on along side of one already rough carved. This photo shows two of the carved pedestals mounted on the bulkhead ready for the carved figures to come. Note the darker colour of the Boxwood as I milled some new stock yesterday from a 60 year old piece of Boxwood I was saving for the carvings. More to follow...................
  10. Progress continues on the bulkhead sculptures with the mounting of the six carved pieces above the vertical panels. They are carved from English Boxwood. More to follow.............
  11. After separation, some of the detail has been carved into one of the pieces. With final finishing, the piece is mounted above the vertical panel. More to follow................
  12. The backing panels for the six sculptures that will adorn the bulkhead are now in position. This partial view of the Van de Velde sketch shows the area in question and above the backing panels are decorative carvings with rectangular protrusions. The picture below shows these decorative carvings in process. Using my table saw, partial cuts were taken in two directions to create the raised areas. next I will form each carving and separate them later for mounting on the buklhead. More to follow.............
  13. Now the work begins on decorating the beak bulkhead. An entrance way with a set of doors is shown sitting loosely on the model. More to follow.............
  14. The plywood form is now planked. It will be mostly covered in sculptures when mounted in place on the beak head. It is shown lying loosely on the ship. Now to duplicate it for the port side....... More to follow..............
  15. I use metal scrapers such as can be seen at this website. My SOS hull was scraped with these and I did not finish with sandpaper, but rather 0000 steel wool. http://www.leevalley.com/en/wood/page.aspx?p=32639&cat=1,310,41069&ap=1 I believe Lee Valley has a store in NY State. Regards, Bill
  16. Construction of the sides of the beak head are underway. Swiss Pear planking is now being applied to the birch plywood forms. More to follow............
  17. The small deck extension is planked and the next photo shows it loosely fitted to the model with a dowel in place to represent the bowsprit. The straight piece across this deck is the trim to finish off the deck agains the hull. The ends will be bent to conform to the shape. More to follow..........
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