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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by 4whelr

  1. What is the best way to prevent the paint from "bleeding" when painting the edges of the planking black? Eddie
  2. Another fantastic build for me to follow. Totally impressive detail and construction.
  3. A true work of art. Awesome attention to detail and outstanding craftmanship!
  4. Russ, Here is one supplier. http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=11243&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=CP3wroDVjrcCFUPc4AodAxQAZA 4whelr
  5. My apologies! hexnut suggested the books! Thanks hexnut!
  6. Thank you for the replies and links! Adriekel Have searched for logs and pictures of a finished Elsie. Unfortunately, have been unable to find any logs and the photos are not detailed enough to see some of the things I want to see. JPett Thanks for the links. Will go over each one carefully when I have the time. Also will get a copy of the books you suggested. Need all the help I can get! Found myself laughing and shaking my head when I read the part about time and commitment. Built and scrapped enough brass attempting to make the gudeons and pintles to take a trip to the recycler! Cut and carved enough rudders to build a couple of rowboats! Finally decided to make the rudder and stern post out of two pieces rather than three pieces. Think I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel after my 15th one! Have been taking pics all along the process. Just need to make a bit more progress before I feel comfortable posting a log.
  7. Sure hope someone does post a log. Currently working on an Elsie myself, first build ever. Could use seeing how some of the building is done. Trail and error can be so frustrating!
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