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Everything posted by 4whelr

  1. Anja - Thank you for the kind words, they are much appreciated!!! Richard - Thank you for the tip. I do have some more painting to do so I will be getting some the Tamiya tape! Eddie
  2. Sjors - Thank you for your kind words! Thank you for the Admiralty Paint recommendation! I really like the colors! Randy - Thank you! I had to wait a very long time for the paints to get here from Cornwall Models but to me it was well worth the wait!! Eddie
  3. Nils, Really nice work. The stern looks fabulous! Your build is a pleasure to follow!! Eddie
  4. Daniel, Fantastic work!!! I applaud your attention to detail! Oh, I probably won't ask you to bake me a cake!!! Eddie
  5. Dick - As others have said, beautiful work! I too will be following along! Eddie
  6. Nils - Thank you for the kind words. If you gave the same attention to detail and displayed the same craftmanship on your Bluenose as you have in your build of Pegasus it has to be a real beauty! Eddie
  7. Russ, Thank you for the kind words and the information! I will let the paint harden off for a few days before applying the Polycrylic. JPett, Thank you for the tip! I will file this one away for use in the future. Such a simple way to avoid this problem! I'm glad I don't have to spend many hours of trail and error to avoid the bleed over!! This is why I love this site. All the member's willingness to help those of us who are just starting out! Thank you so very much!! Eddie
  8. I am going to show warts and all in this update. I marked my waterline, taped off the hull and painted it. Unfortunately my tape job was not as good as I thought it was. When I removed the tape I had experienced bleed over and I had a paint build up between the two colors! Why yes that "S" on my chest doesn't stand for superman. Suppose it must be for "Stupid Man"! I sanded it all down. I then re-taped and repainted. Turned out better the second time around.( I placed the unfinished cabin and hatches on the deck just to get and idea how it will look with them in place.) Now I have a question. It is my intention to let the paint harden off for no less than 24 hours. I intend to sand lightly and put on a couple of coats of MinWax Satin Polycrylic. I want some type of protective coating on the acrylic paints. Is this a good idea or is there a better way to protect the finish on the hull? Thanks, Eddie
  9. Lawrence - Thank you. Have been enjoying watching your build! Looking really good. Doing very little outside work here. Has rained all but 3 days in July. JPett - Alcohol may not fix the mistake but it sure takes the sting out of finding it and stops the constant self flagellation over making it! BTW glad you haven't painted your treenail work! Nigel - Thank you! So true! That mistake is all I could think about after finding it! Have enjoyed following your build also! It looks really awesome!
  10. John, Looking forward to your build and will be following along! Eddie
  11. Lawrence, Thank you! Am at a standstill right at the moment. Have been working on the deck furniture while awaiting some materials and books I have on order. Once everything gets here it will be back to the shipyard! Eddie
  12. Ilhan, Impressive! Very neat and detailed work Eddie
  13. Robert, It just keeps getting better and better! Wonderful cannons! Eddie
  14. Jan, Beautiful work! Looking forward to seeing more of your build. Eddie
  15. JohnB, In Chapelle's The American Fishing Scooners 1825-1935 he states the hoops were made of Ash with 3 copper rivets each. Hope this helps. Eddie
  16. Hi Robb, Try this link and see if it will get you to the site Nigel suggested. http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/mantua_manuals.html Eddie
  17. Russ - Thank you! I may be slow but I am learning from you all! Most of the skills I am aquiring are due to information shared by other members of the forum!! Sjors - I think the little guy wants a drink and not coffee. He said something about going out for rum and wenches when I was cleaning up! Randy - Thank you! I am taking everyone's advice and taking my time trying to get it right. Of course I blame everyone on this forum for this need to get it right. After seeing all the beautifully done builds on here I had to really up my game!!!! Eddie
  18. Adrieke, That is sooo neat! The lighting "brings her to life". Makes it easy for me to imagine all the passengers and crews going about their activities at night. So which room has the old Riverboat Gambler got his game going in? Eddie
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