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  1. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Canute in Bounty Launch by Canute - Model Shipways - 1/16 - Small   
    I got a cast off. My Admiral can be a gadget gal and buy a new widget from time to time. Some time back I said I wanted to try the heat technique for bending. Next thing I know, I get a hair dryer to practice with. I love her.
    Yeah, I was pre-bending that last plank between my thumbs and fingers and I felt a little twinge. I laid it down so that I can do it up properly, instead of pushing it. "use the heat, Obiwan" .
  2. Like
    canoe21 reacted to riverboat in Bounty Launch by Canute - Model Shipways - 1/16 - Small   
    Nice build Ken.... really nice work on the planking!!
  3. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Cathead in Bounty Launch by Canute - Model Shipways - 1/16 - Small   
    Looks like I had the link wrong in the first post. It's fixed now. Also, here's the photo from my log showing what this looks like.

  4. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in SHADOW by Omega1234 - FINISHED - Scale 1/300 - Luxury 60m Mega Yacht   
    Hi folks!
    Just a quick update on Shadow.
    I've been concentrating on getting the external superstructure built. So far, most of the general shape is there; well enough to see the beauty starting to come through.
    Still heaps to go, but time's been limited lately.
    Hopefully, I'll be able to get more time later.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Like
    canoe21 reacted to IgorSky in LENA by IgorSky - FINISHED - scale 1/290 - BOTTLE - steam schooner   
    Today's small update - another attempt to make the running lights.







  6. Like
    canoe21 reacted to IgorSky in LENA by IgorSky - FINISHED - scale 1/290 - BOTTLE - steam schooner   
    Many thanks, Lawrence!
    After a long break, I again continue to work with this project.
    Yesterday, I decided to use new bottle. Since I need to continue my experiments with the using of silicone for the manufacture of the sea, I think that this shape of the bottle best suits my needs.

    Best Regards!
  7. Like
    canoe21 reacted to cog in LENA by IgorSky - FINISHED - scale 1/290 - BOTTLE - steam schooner   
    One may wonder how amazing your builds would be at a larger scale, Igor. So much detail ... so clear and distinct
    Truly wondeful work
  8. Like
    canoe21 reacted to IgorSky in LENA by IgorSky - FINISHED - scale 1/290 - BOTTLE - steam schooner   
    Another small items - davits


  9. Like
    canoe21 reacted to mtaylor in LENA by IgorSky - FINISHED - scale 1/290 - BOTTLE - steam schooner   
    I'm going to my room and lie down for a bit.  My brain is numbed by what I just saw.  Amazing isn't enough to describe it.
  10. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I got back to the hinges........figured out a neat way to measure them.   I lined the length up to the table edge.   I clamped the brass rod to the table,  and slid the part under the wire.   once lined up to the edge of the table,  I held it in place and bent it with a free finger.   it's not fool proof because the wire does tend to flex a little.........good enough for what I need to do  
        I made a couple more of the longer ones.......enough that I had two sets of four,  the same length.   then I did the shorter ones.

    I made a few more and picked out the ones I wanted.   I cut a length of rod and fed them on......one short...one long... etc
         the last pair,  I had to switch,  because the bottoms are to be soldered to the rod....there will be one on both ends.   the bottom ones were soldered in the fixed position.

    the top ones will be movable.......I soldered them to hold the bend closed.   had to be careful not to use too mush solder.

    I did have to reheat a couple of them to free them up......from there I just kept them moving till the solder went solid.  as mentioned.....I needed to get stain.   all I have is a single bottle of billing mahogany stain 1/2 oz.......I didn't want to use it, but I wanted to keep going........so I did.   we did go out......I did get stain.........but when we came home,  I finished staining it with the billings stain {the fear of two different colors}.   I have some lifecolor weathering kits.....one for wood,  one for armor,  and one for figures.   they are acrylics though,  and I didn't want to mix them with enamels or lacquers.
          I got carried away..........I did the port side dump ramp........but here is how the box looks with stain.

    ...and here's the port side with the ramp and hinge assembly.

    one of the hinges is a little off.........this was taken when I first did it.   I went to open the ramp,  and it fell off.   putting it back together,  it got a few CA smears..........scraped it best I could and went back over it with the stain.  when I give it a coat of lacquer {or poly urethane},  it should hide it well enough..........just don't look at it lengthwise    here it is with the door open.......some CA did get into the hinge as well.   I'll work it a few times.......should free up enough.  it'll keep the hinge from being floppy .......trust me  

    in place on the deck....the ramp adds quite a bit to the box.   you can see the height........

    adding the extra plank gives it enough reach.....it extends just over the cap rail.  

    now to get the starboard side done........hopefully without any funny stuff  
  11. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    each corner has a post........the post are different heights,  depending where they are located.   I had made up enough wall parts to create the 'fender walls',  keeping the catch from spilling out onto the working areas of the ship.   the aft wall was created first.......the two cut away,  the side walls and the back.

    the fore walls of the receiving area was next.  at both ends of these walls {this wall and the cut away wall},  they extend to the wall edge,  creating a lip that the dump ramp can fit into when raised.   this will create a flush fit........a seamless box.

    I probably should have been more rough with this..........but I sanded each wall part as I made them.   I know they look smooth.......too smooth I think,  for a fish box {but that's me,  I guess.   all butted ends will be sanded flush.....I've done a little,  but not completely.   posts were added for the fender walls of the hold.

    I did a dry fit of the dump ramps........even though the box is closer to the bulwarks now,  they still seem a bit short.  I will add another plank to the one I made........that will bring the width of the ramp to 20 mm.   the overall height of the box is 24 mm.

       since the height of the bulwark {including cap rails} is 12 mm.......added to the height of the ramps when raised,  will make them the highest part of the box,  making that part of the box 32 mm.   the fender walls were added along the sides of the hold walls........the wall in front of the hold will be left at that height,  for access to the hold when it is in the open position.


    the dump ramp was cut to length and fitted.   here is an example of how it will look when lowered into position.

    I had a can of stain.........but it had long since dried up.  I found another can down in the cellar......but I'll be darned if I can find it........I've looked everywhere.  I fear that I might have used it on the plate holders I made for the admiral.   I don't want to use paint.............perhaps a trip to the hardware store is in order  
    thanks for look'in in  
  12. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    yea.......I was rushed with the fish box.......I'm a bit shy along the bulwarks.   the gap between is too much......especially if I want to try the ideas I came up with.   the alteration starts on the port side......I cut out the section situated between the gallows.

    I have these parts........they can be found in just about every Billing's kit.   they are supplied as dead eye straps.   I don't use them........probably no one else does either.   I will use these as the hinges.

    the cut out section was extended by adding a wall aft,  and extending the wall fore of the box.

    more wall parts were being assembled as I was doing this.   once these additional walls were dry enough,  the cut out section was trimmed to fit and cemented back in place.

    this creates a larger 'receiving area'........and the larger opening leads to the 'sort area'.   time to begin the starboard side alteration.

    quickly copied and quickly done............

    the time spent between drying times,  was devoted towards making hinges.   taking a length of brass rod,  the straps were folded,  trimmed and bent around the rod.   I wasn't measuring........just trying to see how consistent I could be.   I'll need to make some shorter though.......at least eight of them should be 16 mm........or less.

    when finished with the alterations,  I was a lot happier to see this.   the sides are in closer proximity to the bulwarks.  the 'dump ramps' may fit better.   the ramps consist of four planks cemented together,  in the same fashion as the box wall parts.   here is the box fitted again on the deck.....still more to add to it,  which will define the function of the box itself.


    there is more.........the installation of the 'fender walls'.........but Gibbs needs to go out.   he told me so in so many barks...........I'll be back.
  13. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    wow.....what a tough time I had with that update.........mistakes all over the place!    if it wasn't about text......it was about the pictures and what order they were in!  geeze Louise!    these are the most recent......a split between last night and this morn.
    the fish box is assembled........some parts of the walls will be made higher.......and the posts need to be added.

    dry fitted in place........the ideas I've been thinking of look even more doable.   it lays out the 'work' zone fairly well too.


    I have my own critiques........but what's done is done.   no going back.    tried some more to add the chain......still haven't found a solution to it   the drums were added to the winch

    thanks for look'in in  
  14. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    it's a blustery day out there today....was even worse yesterday.   definite reminder that fall is here,  and winter is around the corner.   as mentioned,  life has been rather busy for me,  but I still found table time     it starts with a forgotten picture,  that got put in the wrong log file.......I have since written all the logs,  so the threat of it happening again has been decreased once again.   I began to assemble the winch,  cementing the gears in place on the ends of the reels.

    I still haven't decided what thread I will use for the rigging aspect.   I was going to say the heck with it and use the white stuff,  but that would be a cop out,  for what little detail color cordage could offer.   cementing the planking together has yielded me enough 'walls' to play with,  so I began to assemble the fish box.

    allowing this to dry,  the rest of the winch was assembled.   I played around with the chain idea for a bit,  with no success.  I then realized that the reels need to be filled first....doing so later would be much harder to do.

    using the cast off posts that were shown earlier,   the inner walls for around the hold were cut to length and partially assembled.  the outer walls are assembled,  with the back wall staked out.

    the inner walls were assembled...........end caps cut and installed on the outer walls.   once this sets for a short while,  these two parts will be joined together,  and the rest of the posts can be added to it.

    a couple of ideas came to mind..........further automating the assembly.   it has a kinda futuristic spin to it.....not sure how it would appeal to the 'old salts'.  I fear they might find it to be a bit over the top.   I'll give it more thought.   I did decide what I would do about the cordage......I was going to use a beige/brown cord...I think the admiral picked it out on one of our scavenger hunts.   if I were to dry brush it with a rust color and black,  it might look better

    and again.........the winch was assembled.

    I tried again to get the chain belt to work.......but the teeth of the gears won't support it.   it's very hard to get the chain to sit on top of the gears.......I fear it may be a bust.
  15. Like
    canoe21 reacted to michael mott in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Hi Denis it is so interesting following your thinking and how you are able to cobble the disparate parts into a convincing winch unit that is believable.
  16. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    yesterday,  I was able to do some of the winch assembly.   at the moment I'm leaving it to the point  I can take it apart,  so I can rig up the spools with rope/cable.   I really want to use the hemp thread.......but it's not uniform in thickness and may not run very well through the blocks.   I have quite a few rolls of the Billing's rigging thread....many sizes in fact......but I'm not happy with the fuzz factor.   I'm not a huge fan of bee's wax either.  perhaps I can treat some of the thread.......I'll have to experiment a little  
    anyway........I ended up making a gearbox........starting with an oblong piece of wood.  I squared it up and cemented a plate over both ends......one end will lap over the base of the frame.   the edges were rounded off,  and the flats sanded smooth.  the next thing to do,  was to drill the holes for the shaft......but before I did that,  the side I had cemented was removed from the base,  and I made the legs shorter.   I thought it looked a bit too tall.....after both sides were made the same height,  the side was cemented back onto the base.   the process starts again  

    measuring the assembly,  I got the overall length of the reel.   this was transposed to the base....marked.....and copied for the other side.   the gearbox and the other side was cemented to the base.

    ....and the excess base was cut off.......

    making sure that the holes lined up OK......the shafts were run through.

    then I began to cut up some planking....thinking I ought to get the fish box {or fish boxes} in the works.  to begin,  I will cement them three high.......the height of the bulwarks for the moment.  one of them will only be two high......for facing the hold.

    I showed these a while back........the keel cut outs from the AmericA build {strange how I know where I got these from}.  I have been wondering when I would find a use for them.   I chose them because they will make ideal posts....some of them are different lengths,  should I have to lower the wall.  I'm sure I will along the bulwarks and hold face.  I need to sort them out.

    while I was doing this........the paint was drying........getting the winch closer to a final assembly.

    I heard something hit the floor...........one of the booms,  that I had to my left on the folded cloth tarp.  I still need to touch them up.  to keep them out of the way,  I put them in their place on the mast,  tying them up so they wouldn't lay on the bulwarks.   I like the way I did this.....looking like a pulley assembly.  I want to mimic the diagram......but this is kinda cool too  


    more assembly is in the works for today  
  17. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    I got some cool time in yesterday..........oooo-la-la  let's play dress up       mix 'n match to see what the latest fashion trawlers are wearing this year!   I finished setting up the frame to house all four reels.   I had to drill through the smaller ones,  and with out a drill press........or anything that would help me drill square,  it was a tall order.   I did manage to do it,  with a couple of goof ups along the way,  to make it interesting.

    I changed my mind about the plastic.........I only have one size thickness anyway.   I'm using the thinner frame sides and a wood base.   the holes in two 8 mm pulley reels were made larger to separate them.  I have a supply of larger brass rod for the lower reels.


    the big problem for it though,  is that it doesn't have a gear box.   I added one in.

    it droops down in the front.......mainly because it doesn't touch the base.  I cut a piece of dowel to make up the difference.

    it's not exact......it still droops a tiny bit.   I would have to make a gear box for it.......wood or plastic.

    I mentioned that I was thinking about making it chain belt driven.   I tried a few different types of chain that I have and came up with this.   possible color combination........gray or primer red sides and gearbox,  flat black base,  flat red reels, and flat black gears and chain belts.  any other parts ....suit to taste.

    now I did look at the Mary Ann winch to get an idea of it as well.   keen to note that it only worked the gallows.

    of course,  I did some extra detail on it.......reworking the gearbox with access panels.......and then making a goof with the frame {it's backwards}.   it didn't hurt it,  so I left it as it was.   paint was the bulk of the detail.



    the teeth on the gears are very blunt........perhaps if I were to file them,  the chain belt would fit on them better.   the picture you see is the only one I could get....darn chain wouldn't behave.   I like the looks though.
  18. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    some progress has been made....although I still need to figure how it will all fit together.   there will be shrouds on the mast, but I had to say the heck with it and relocate the eye bolts.   I made no cut outs near the mast......and the supports there were too narrow to fit them......so I located them along the outer edge.

    other eye bolts and blocks were fitted as well for the boom rigging since that picture was taken.   the booms themselves got fitted with eye bolts and blocks too.


    the winch is coming along....as mentioned.   I found that using the metal frames would be impossible,  so I made up a couple pairs from these four pieces of wood cut outs,  that came from two different kits.   one pair is 1/16 thick,  and the other pair is 1/8 thick.   the shape is duplicated from the metal frames,  and I cut them with the scroll saw.   once sanded and matched up identical to one another,  the first hole was drilled into each one.......this will be for the larger reels.

    then........after a bit of figuring........the second set of holes were drilled for the smaller reels.

    now,  I don't plan on using all of them........they give me enough to arrive at the finished winch.   I had made some other reels earlier........some were small {you saw those}........but I made three larger ones.   the trouble with these,  is that they are not wide enough,  so they may not get used.   if not,  I can use them for that other fishing boat........they won't go to waste      getting the measurement from the larger reels,  I made three more reels........smaller but to the same width as the larger ones.

    I did set up the larger reels in the winch frames.....I used three of them here.   I'm not picturing the finished winch looking like this.......I want to incorporate some gear work in the winch.....interlocking,  or with chain belts.


    throughout the pictures.........you can see plastic gears.  I had gotten them from a motorize stuffed holiday toy....a snowman and dog that sings Jingle bells {Gibbs loved it so much,  after it broke,  we got another one from e-bay}.
         the interaction between Gibbs and the toy is so cool...........as jingle bells is sung,  the little dog howls.........and so does Gibbs.   he's almost to the point that he can do it howl for howl.....right up to the big finish!   So darn funny!  anyway......I might be able to use some of the gears.........it will depend how they look in combination with the gears I got from Hobby Lobby.  
    so this is where I'm at at the moment........last week was a bust.   I got a little done,  but there were too many interruptions and work has been a total bugger to get through...........have I told you that I'm REALLY starting to hate my job!  
  19. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks for the birthday wish Lawrence........no toys,  but it was a very good day regardless       the deck is becoming more and more populated.....I'm adding more to the mast.   the winch is also being assessed......I may need to scratch build it completely.   I enlarged a couple holes in the metal frame of the original winch and moved the spool,  but there just isn't enough clearance for two.  I had a problem as well with the styrene pieces I cut out.   I bundled them together and attempted to shape them with the scroll saw.........this was a bad move.  the heat produced melted the parts together....the main cut was halted in the middle,  trapping the blade mid cut.   I would have to do them one at a time,  if I want to see any success with it. 
    I should have some pictures soon..........might even have the winch done..........3rd attempt coming up!  
  20. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hey There Dirk .. Thanks for stopping by and for the comment 
     I have another photo update. I know right, nothing for almost a year and now 2 in as many hours !!   
    Well I had a kind of 'strike whilst the iron was hot' moment and decided to get on with the Elm Tree Pumps ... So this is what I did, I mean, they were just sitting there so they might as well be attached to the actual boat 
    All deck fittings are glued in place and have a wire drilled into them and then into the deck for added security !
    Almost time to decide on what to do about the Anchor .. some research will be needed cos the supplied one just looks too big for a small boat like Ballahoo (Ballahoo is approx 55 feet overall)  having been around similar length and indeed longer wooden fishing boats most of my life (I live only a  hundred meters from the Harbour) I have seen the anchors on them and they are much smaller, the anchors on the Sailing ships (many examples of which are dotted around town) which operated from this harbour in the past would have had anchors similar to that supplied with Ballahoo and they were circa 100 to 120 feet or more.. The Anchor size is why I'm confident Ballahoo would not have had a Windless.
    Take It Easy Folks
    Oh and thanks for all the Likes and Comments are always welcome too !

  21. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Again Folks .. I managed to get some more work done on Ballier today and took some quick photos of the current state of affairs (Sorry in advance for the poor quality, it's kinda dull in Arklow (Home Town) at the moment and I'm sure you don't want to see the state of my Build Table so I covered it with an old sea chart.. kinda appropriate  )
    Anyhoo .. The deck fittings are almost all in place now .. all that is left are the Elm Tree Pumps, which are already made up and await fitting ! The Bowsprit/Jib boom is only 'dry' fitted and the Rudder Tiller Arm just needs to be finished off with a 'strengthening'  band around the Rudder Head, and perhaps something around the end of the Tiller itself .
    You may be able to see where I diverged from the Kit in the shape of the Jib Boom inboard end deck fitting (where it will be 'secured') I dispensed with the Kit supplied piece and made up a 'better' fitting as discussed and photographed earlier in this log on pg 37 post #730, (least I think it looks Better  ) one of the original plans of the Haddock (same class as Ballahoo) show it done this way, so I must be on the right track ..
    OK Folks enough Prose .. on with the Photos .. 
    All The Very Best
    Oh And Thanks For Dropping By.

  22. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    All Righty Then .. Got the Block And Tackle's for the guns attached, so am best pleased with the week-ends work .. 
    All told the guns were easier than expected (fiddly but easier) Admittedly not quiet finished, but nearly there.. all that's left is to clean up, make some rope coils .. sure what could be easier  I hear you say .. Cough Cough   
    OK OK Photo Time Again .. See how I spoil ye all !!
    All The Very Best

  23. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    OK Folks .. The Guns are in place,  the Breech Ropes are done and attached to the hull,  all that's left is to attach the Tackles and clean things up a bit ( You Know.. the usual scratches and scrapes (mostly on myself..    ) associated with using ever so gentle taps with Sledgehammers, Crowbars other nefarious items on model boats ... 'Huh !!'   says you  ..      ) 
    Oh and just to really keep ye all interested there are even Photos .. Yup you read that correctly Actual Photographs   See how I spoil ye all !..
    Anyhoo .. Here come the Photos ..
     All The Very Best Folks  Oh and Thanks For Stopping By .. !

  24. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Ok am back from the Holliers and decided to get going again on the Ballier ... Yup you read that right, it's Update Time Again Woo Hoo 
    Today's exciting Post is ..... Wait For It ... The Carronade Breech Rope !    
    I took some time to decide what position to put the guns in  (In or Run Out I Mean) and chose a sort of 'mostly' run in .. am not too sure how far the Carronade would slide inwards on it's sledge, so I experimented and saw that the 'mostly' Run In position cleared the Muzzle of the Bulwark sufficiently and it looked less awkward than Fully Run In (Or where Fully Run In Looked Like, if you follow) but it will be easy to alter at a later stage ! I also left enough slack in the breech rope so it would be tight in the Fully Run In Position.
    I Blackened some Eyelets and Rings I had previously made (by winding wire around a drill bitt) assembled them and looped the Breech rope through the Ring and seized the end in place, threaded the other end through the Sledge fittings on both sides and the Carronade itself .. then finally seized it around it's Eyelet & Ring.. The Seizing was fun to do .. and by fun I of course mean flippin' awkward  the knots were held firm by diluted white glue ... See Photo ... That's Right, There are actual Photos Too !!!   
    Have a great Weekend Folks And Thanks For Stopping By ..
    All The Very Best
    Photo Time Now ...

  25. Like
    canoe21 reacted to donrobinson in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Good Day All, Thanks for all your gracious comments, likes and checking things out. Not much has changed other than scraping, sanding, planking and painting  . I did a little cheating when I planked the bulwarks, rather than using the planking strips I cut and shaped veneer strips. I did this as I knew I was painting and to go from five planks at the bow to three at midships seemed like a lot of work that was not necessary. With the painting and stanchions placed every 15 mm the illusion of separate planks would have been hidden at any rate.
     After bulwarks were planked the scuppers then needed to be re-cut. I did this using a 1 mm end mill bit in my rotary tool followed by some filing with a needle file and the other thing I can't remember the name of right now      .
     Next up is the final planking of the deck :)      on top of the .5 mm planking goes a central plank and after that I will be happy to see that all planking on this ship will be finished.
     Not much to see but I hope you enjoy

    Mystery tool is the second from bottom
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