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Everything posted by deckape

  1. Ahoy Philo she is getting there my man glad I decided to build this if this thing was to be left idol for another 5 to 10 years it would crumble into wood dust polyurethane saved my bacon stay tuned for the next update should have another here by this evening. Frankie Day
  2. Ahoy Steve Can do I built the Billings Bounty years ago and still have the model all those years it was released in 1980 all parts had to be cut out b no laser cut parts in those days purely old school design as incorporated in those kit in those days. I will break out the model from below in my finished basement an take a couple pictures I will go and review your build nice to see someone who has this kit for the money and the laser cut parts makes this kit a must to buy and build. Thanks Steve for checking in buddy Frankie Day
  3. Ahoy Steve Thanks buddy I am honored building models is my lifes work and it keeps me Sane youing and happy. thanks for the comment The Spanish galleon Isabella is taking shape Frankie day
  4. Ahoy Gents Slow process but this is what model ship building is all about lots of time and plenty of it. At this stage of construction cant do much more until the water line of the hull has been pre paired and painted. Then after that the real fun will begin the upper planking and transom will be next on the genda. Although an ancient kit with all of the wood saturated with polyurethane the wood is holding its own, I should have built this kit ages ago but when you spend 30 years of your life fighting for freedom in the NAVY as a career man there is no time to build just collect and build when I retired now I am paying penalty for letting this kit go idol for almost 50 years. with all of the wood pre pared and moisture prevasils makes the build more enjoyable at first of its construction I had second thought in what to do build or scuttle. A kit with this beauty and the fittings set I purchased separately made me make the decision build on . The photos at the bottom shows the results of the separation of the waterline from the natural wood planking. The pictures before hand shows the planking since the this portion of the pl;anking at the bow differs from the rest is because it will be filled with putty masked down sanded and painted it wont be seen. Here are the update pictures. Frankie day
  5. Ahoy Gents Okay the fun has just begun the planking has started I should have her done this evening with the planking session. The planks in the kit are very old and drying out I snapped off four planks if they continue to snap off I will most certainly run out of planks.so to prevent this I took all the planks and wood from the kit and gave them three coats of polyurethane so the wood will soak up the moisture. Thus far no problems of the wood splitting my advice to all modelers who own ancient kits such as this don't let them sit idol for years on end or kit will discentergrate before your eyes. The kit gives you these thick tough mohogony listels or planks so you got to be careful when forming these planks to conform on the hull or they will break and you will end up pulling your hair out. For the bends around the bow area I took wire nose plyers and bent the front end of the plank as you walked up the plank with the plyers this method works like a plank bender and it works very well without fuss. So far I am enjoying the build of this relic of a kit it still stands out well today compared whats on the market today. At my collection end I have over 18 old Billing boats kits I purchased through 1962 up to 1972 all of the kits were bought separately back in those days the fittings kit was not present in all Billing kits they had to be bought separately by doping this they keep the price down on the kit for everyone to efford and if the builder finds it to difficult to build and abandons the project no money has been lost only with the exception of the kit. Below are update pictures of the ISABELLA.. Frankie Day
  6. Ahoy Here is the first update of the construction of the Billing boats Isabella. the kit in general is ancient I had it for years since 1963 my third kit from Billings The norske Love was the first one hell of a kit to say the least the second was the Danmark and now the Spanish Galleon Isabella. The construction is straight forward your typical plank on frame construction I had to take care and work slowly on this I let this kit stand idol for years on end and all of the wood is drying out I applied 3 coats of polyurethane so it will soak in the wood making the parts more easy to work with, The kit gives to listels or plank strips in the kit the deck is typical for Billings they give you the printed deck and it needed to be varnished. But I can do better then that I am planking the decks No hobby shops in my neck of the woods stock up on plank strips you have to order it online from a mail order house or dealership, I went the easier route I made my own planks I have a balsa stripper that can rip wood planks as much as 1/16th I bought some boxwood and ripped out a bunch of planks in minutes I need to rip some more. The pictures of the update will show you the planking session Frankie Day
  7. Ahoy Jean No such luck on this kit I had it to long I bought it in 1953 been sitting idol all this period of time, This is the reason I started this build thread if I don't build this kit to soon all of the wood will crumble away rendering the kit useless and a waste of money and time ther wood in this kit is very brittle in some respect not all of it Just longer time to cut and work with without any breakage. Okay here is a update build report on this old relic kit The box top is tattered from old age kept in a dry place for years on end. Now I am paying penalty LOlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll On the box you will see the beauty of the kit that inspired me to construct thanks Jean for tuning in good friend. Frankie Day
  8. Thank you sir for your comment I am honored. I gave the chains several coats of black wash the same I did with the deck. I got this kit on my 19th year Christmas from my parents I came home for leave in the Navy and spent Christmas with my folks they surprised me with this kit It took me off and on for 56 years to build this now she is done she is in her permanent berth under a dust cover for total exile. thanks buddy Frankie Day
  9. Ahoy Philo Looking great Philo I got the same kit Artsenia Latina the only difference is that thee are no building plans to the kit instead they give you a DVD so to get the measurements the are on the DVD. A beautiful kit is I will get mine started soon after I knock out a couple builds. Again looking great Philo you the Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Frankie Day
  10. Ahoy Gents Here is a fresh build I went to my vast stash pile and rooted this one up I had this kit since 1962 one of Billing boats first kits the Crabincutter was the first kit. I decided it is best to start this one to finish the wood in the kit is starting to dry out if I let this kit sit another few more years the wood will crumble way. Thus far in the construction the keel and formers are dry fitted and trimmed finally the structure is glued together and let dry 24 hours next will be the tedious planking. My wife loves this one so you got to keep mama happy. Frankie Day
  11. Ahoy Fellow Modelers Here is the final reveal of the build, she is completed and it took 58 years to build I should live so long Lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Okay she is resting in hew dust cover and it is sitting in the living room. Here are the pictures of the build/
  12. Ahoy Almost finished crew figures rope coils and the rigging of the life boat davids and she ready for the final; reveal Frankie Day
  13. Hardy Well David Beautiful collection LOLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll when I was a young boy I to worked in a double closet it was my first man cave, Obe evening my dad called me down for supper had no idea I had a man cave in the closet. Came upstairs to fetch me and found to his surprise I was in a closet building models the only reply was that's a great idea. Thank you for sharing your collectgions they are beautiful Frankie Day
  14. Ahoy Jud I joined the Navy in 1957 I was 17 years young back then a far cry for getting close to 80 years old Ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Modeling keeps me young at heart and health and still working on a job. I went NTC at San Diego next to the Hollywood marines Camp Penalton I was a pumper in the Navy all of my ships I was on for 30 years in Navy were Fleet Oilers last ship I was on was the USS GUADALUPE AO-32 Boatswain Mate Chief was my retirement rate. Thanks Shipmate for tuning in Under Way Ships colors Frankie Day
  15. Ahoy Yep we are lucky we got the kit when it was first released I was 19 years old in 1959 got back home for leave and it was a great Christmas when I opened up the Christmas package and seen this kit I saviored this kit all those years been building her off and on all that time and she will be done today and I will go to something else thanks buddy for checking in on this topic I am honored Frankie Day
  16. Ahoy shipmate thank you for your comment I am honored The kit in 1959 cost my parents $8.95 the kit retailed for my 1950 they stayed even keel for $9.95 up to 1969 then from there on the4 cost went up year by year. I am not to much of a ebay shopper I like to window shop there I seen a couple of these vintage kits available for bid I seen some as $35.00 to $ 50.00 out for grabs. In my mind the first production kits through out the 1960s were better kits they came with pre painted hulls that really sold the model. Nowdays they throw everything in a box even the delicate ratlines get all twisted up in plastic sprues and they quite thinned apposed to the 1959 ratlines. Although plastic this kit still turns heads and makes a great Museum quality kit I highly recemend getting this kit Thanks Clao Frankie Day
  17. Ahoy Gents This will be a short build log on this topic on my next it will be a full build log, Okay this is the first release production of 1959v Revell CUTTY SARK I got this for Christmas been building it for all those years up to now she is at the finishing down hill slide. I should have this wrapped up by tomorrow evening and get started on something new. Here is my 1959 CUTTY SARK Frankie Day
  18. Ahoy Been following your build a hardy well done I purchased the same kit only difference is there are no instructions everything is on cd I have no clew what they were thinking like all of us we are use to build off the plans and take measurements too, With the cd the only measurements are the metric system this really corny. Great build Sir. Frankie Day
  19. Ahoy Here is another update the standing rigging has been completed next will be the rat lines and the running rigging will follow. I should have this wrapped up in 5 more months so there will be a lot of updates. Boats
  20. Ahoy Thanks buddy you have the same stay tuned next update. HAPPY NEW YEAR DENNIS
  21. Ahoy Here is another update all of the standing riggi9ng is done with the exception of the shrouds and ratlines. All back and fore stays are completed leaving only the shrouds and running rigging. Last Saturday I received my new dead eyes from Bluejacket Ship Crafters. The original lead dead eyes that came with the kit disintegrated in my hands threw th.em away I got new ones miles better I say. Okay here are the update pix next later on in the week I will post another update of the shouds. Boats
  22. :10_1_10:Ahoy LOllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll that's all I need one can of spinach and I will have her done in no time starting on another build. Hmmmmmmmmmmm I might try that Thanks buddy for the comment stay tuned I have another update in a few. Boats
  23. Ahoy Popeye Thanks buddy these old school kits build very different compared what on the market for today most kits now days are engineered with new state of art building rendering the model builds its self. I love these old Marine model kits I cut my teeth on these old gems of yesteryear I inherited this kit from late father also a lot of the old Boucher and Lewis now Bluejacket ship crafters these kits go back as 192os. 17 kits in all My Charles Morgan was purchased in 1954 I was 14 years back then man does time fly. Stay tuned I have another update the standing rigging is completed. Thanks buddy for the comment. Boats
  24. Ahoy Here is another update the bowsprit standing rigging has been completed next the fore and back stays of the main mast will follow. By this Friday I should have all of the standing rigging done. Boats
  25. Ahoy Here is another update of the standing rigging been away from the bench for a little while now back at it. all is left to complete the forward standing rigging is the bowsprit stay chains and bob stays are added next. Boats
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