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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Vince Looking very nice, wish my clove hitches looked as good as yours. Will talk to you soon. Denis.
  2. Hi every one, I have not posted any photos over the last 8 weeks or so as my wife and I have been looking after my very ill mother. I will post some very soon. Denis.
  3. Hi All Not that this is new but. But doing the dead eyes by the bow sprit I made a pin to get the spacing the same.. Denis.
  4. Hi Gary Send me some info from your extensive library saying that ships of that time did not have hand rails on my PM. Denis.
  5. Hi All Like Vince said in his log on the SOS they don't say that the stern area steps have hand rails. I got 6 x 2 hole 15mm brass stanchions I then tried to put some .75mm soft brass wire in the holes just to keep it in with the brass decorations , it may be over the top but I think it works ok. Denis.
  6. Hi all Fitted the crow's nest and part of the mast, also start of the rigging. Denis.
  7. Hi all. Just a tip. Like Vince P said on his SOS log that 1.75mm rope don't come in black only fawn or may be brown ( but don't know about the brown ). I am just doing the rigging on the bowsprit that has part of the rigging that uses 1.75mm rope. To change it to black I used my black wax, I have got to say it was hard going to get the wax into the rope so came up with this. Pass the rope through the black wax about 6 times, then turn it over so you now have the bottom at the top, now do the same 6 more times. When you have done that put it under a light bulb to soften the wax ( this will let the soft wax to get into the rope ) then run a tweezer or your fingers over the rope. Don't burn your fingers OK. Denis.
  8. Hi all Sorry it is slow going. Start of the bowsprit. Part P.4B I used a rat tailed file so the small mast will fit a little better ( also more area for the gluing ). Denis.
  9. Hi all Bowsprit and yards, two coats of sanding sealer , sanded down with 180 grit then 3200 grit then two coats of satin varnish. Big hello to Edwin and Millie. Denis.
  10. Hi all Sorry no photos yet, will post some soon. Started making the bowsprit and yards. The only thing is in the kit the dowels for the masts and yards are different colours of walnut. I want and try to keep the colours as near as possible, so I am getting more dowels. Denis.
  11. Hi All Started to fit the cannons and cannon balls. Sorry I have made a bit of a mess of them ( it was late a night ) :mellow:
  12. Hi all First sorry about the photos ( not that good ). Extra belaying pins in + more racks . More cleats in ( but they will have to be shaped a little bit better than I have done them ). Denis.
  13. Hi all Sorry no photos yet, making belaying pin racks and it all takes time. Denis.
  14. Hi Vince Looking very nice indeed , quality workmanship at its best. Denis.
  15. Hi all I am trying to catch up on things I have left out like complete the stern area ie cannon ports, cannon doors, rudder build etc. I am sorry about the photos ( not that good ). Denis.
  16. Hi Vince The top photo on the left is the dry stained sail, the one on the right is a larger sail, I did it that way to show the difference between stained and non stained sail. The stained sail only shrunk about 0.50 - 0.75 but if I had pinned it a lot better I would not have known it had been soaked for 4 hours. The middle photo is when it was wet and pinned. The bottom photo is the sail before it was stained and a line drawing of the outside of the sail. I am sorry I should have said that the dried stained sail is smaller in size than the one next to it that is not stained, sorry I should have explained that in the first log. Denis.
  17. Hi all As I had some time on my hands ( waiting for some wood ) I had a go at weathering one of the small sails. Before I did this I did not know if the sails will shrink or not, I did e-mail Mantua asking them if the sails are pre washed about 4 weeks before I did the sail as sooner or later I had to know but like before I never got a reply ( so much for the support ). Some photos are of the sail wet and one dry . It was soaked in tea for 4 hours. Denis.
  18. Hi All Finished the paint work on the life boats. Now all I have to do is make a mast and some sails for them. Denis.
  19. I am putting 4 oars in each life boat. This is the shaping and staining of them. Denis.
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