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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Popeye Thank you. But when I cut more sails out I think I will add an extra 20mm. I cut them down to one third of the full sail, so will add the extra 20mm they should look a lot better. Denis.
  2. Hi all Had a go at furling a sail last night. This is the bowsprit yard and sail. Denis.
  3. Hi Andy Yes looking very nice indeed well done. Are you going to finish the second planking before you PAINT the upper hull and do the hand rails. I don't know what you are going to do next but take care when you cut the hand rail parts out they will split when you look at them just go very slow when you do them ( just a warning ). Denis
  4. Hi All I am sorry ask this but I am furling my sails on my SOS build. As some of her sails have blocks on the bottom corners when fully set. What I am asking is do you still put the blocks on when you furl the sails. Can anyone advise me please. Denis Pink
  5. Hi Edwin Long time no talk nice to see you back. Been sorting mothers will out ( still going on and on ). As you can see I have attempted to do my own sails, as well as getting all the deadeyes for the crows nest ready . Talk to you soon my friend. Denis.
  6. Hi Popeye Thank you, I will not give up on the sail making as when my wife got home from work I said will you have ago as I am making a bit of a mess of this, she said you are on your own its your build get on with it ( bugger ) ha ha. Denis.
  7. Hi All I said I was going to have a go at making my own sails. But before I carry on I would like to take my hat off to all the ladies and gentlemen that can master the art of sewing. This is my first attempt, its the fore mast top sail ( thought I would try a small sail first ) I have to stain and stitch a bulk rope to the top of the sail, after that stitch the sail to the yard then furl it. Denis.
  8. Hi Andy Re lower planking of the hull, I don't know about Vince but I did not find it a problem , I got a block of soft foam to rest it on. Denis.
  9. Hi Ron Very pleased to see you have the middle sails in the correct position for furled sails. Very nice work. Denis.
  10. Hi Andy Looking good my friend . Pleased to have helped you. Denis.
  11. Hi Ron Well done the sails are looking fantastic . You must be pleased with them like I am , just a great job you have done. Denis.
  12. Hi Brian Don't quote me on this OK. But I think Gary ( Modellers Shipyard ) wanted an outlet in NZ , So Model ship Supplies started to supply materials + kits from Modellers Shipyard Australia. And I have got to say Tony ( Model Ship Supplies ) is so helpful you could not wish for a better supplier in NZ. Denis
  13. Hi Brian. No I have not used any of the ropes supplied with the kit at all. Got all the ropes from Modellers Shipyard in Australia v his outlet in NZ. All materials like glue, wood and rope come from them. I have to say they are a good shop to deal with. Denis
  14. Hi All Sorry I am back but forgot to say I have not cut the lower hem off yet as I wish to know what yard they go on. Will cut them off when the time comes. Denis.
  15. Hi All I said I was going to have a go at making the sails. Well my sewing machine arrived the other day. This is the start of the Foremast yard sail, as all the sails are going to be furled I have cut it down to 60 cm + 10 cm on each side for the hem . The original sail is 150 cm. Just got to find the nerve to sew it now ha ha . Denis
  16. Hi Ron Forgot to ask you, will you be doing a log for the Endeavour . Denis.
  17. Hi Ron Popeye is correct , I was the same as you, saying I will have to do better next time. Popeye looked at my log and put me in my place, Mr Critic should be put in a box 6 foot down and left there . Thank you Popeye for opening my eyes.... Denis.
  18. Hi Ron And I do hope it's not your last build. You have done a fantastic build so far, the sails will just add that finish touch. Well done. Denis.
  19. Hi Vince Sails and rigging looking very neat and tidy indeed lovely workmanship as per usual. Denis.
  20. Hi Andy How are you getting on with the build. Denis
  21. Hi Popeye You said this is your first wooden ship build ( well you fooled me my friend , It looks to me you have been doing wooden ship builds for years so what can I say ) but well done and I would like to take my hat of to you, just fantastic build ( and I do mean that ). Denis.
  22. Hi Andy I do love the lanterns affects in the cabin windows , very nice touch. Denis
  23. Hi Popeye Thank you for them words. Like you said we are own worst critics , Denis
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