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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Finished painting the hulls on the life boats. Started seats and floor. Denis.
  2. Hi all Re Life boats ( none in the kit but SOS must have had them ) I did get 2 wooden kits and started to build one but I chickened out I don;t know why as I built one the same size for the Victory and that was OK so putting it down to a bad kit. So got 2 metal ones this is the start of painting the hulls. Denis
  3. Hi all Nice to be back again. When I finished the hand rails I found I was short on the posts . Time to get the board out that they came from, it was a good job it had a lot of surplus wood left over so I can make some more out of the same wood. Denis.
  4. Hi Sjors, Floyd Kershner and Phil can you send me your PM e-mails again as they must have got lost in the change over thanks. Denis.
  5. When I started the chain links for the dead eyes no they just fell apart. So i got some new ones. Denis.
  6. Stern cannon door frames fitted note that they are brass and not the wood ply ones. Decorations now finished at the stern area. Denis.
  7. Hi All Like I said before that most of the parts was missing the shop sent some 4mm x 4mm walnut but this was to small. I think you call them cat heads !!! so had to make them out of 2 x 3mm x 6mm walnut glued together.. Denis.
  8. Hi Ed I do my best but not as good as other model makers . Denis.
  9. Hi all Well the brass decorations on the bow area is now finished . Denis.
  10. Hi Sarah thank you for the comments . Most of the brass decorations have now been fitted apart from the bow area. You need a lot of time to cut + filing and then fitting them ( but it is worth the time taken ). Denis.
  11. Hi all This is the start of the brass decorations. Just a note to people that have or are building SOS and have not got to the decorations yet, you can see at the stern area it has a lantern before you glue that in place you have to put I think it is 7mm x 22mm block under. Denis.
  12. OK after spending some time on gluing the frames back together all are now painted and fitted to the hull. Denis.
  13. Hi All Bell tower, steps and pumps. The pumps have 3 brass strips round them and painted black, had to get more brass strips , the ones in the kit was short by 15mm on each pump. Denis.
  14. OK here we go. When cutting the cannon door frames out of the ply wood most of them fell apart ( thats ok can put up with that ). Next was cutting the cannon doors out of the ply wood 95% fell apart , 5 hours gluing them all back ( now getting mad ). Started to build the cannons and found I was 4 wheels short made 4 more ( now getting very mad ). To be continued. Denis.
  15. Hi back again. When I was looking at the flags in the SOS kit I noted that the Union Jack was wrong. It had the red cross of St. Patrick of Ireland on the white cross of St Andrew of Scotland. As the SOS was not built till 1636 the Union Jack would not have had the red cross of St Patrick on it. This did not go onto the Union Jack till about 1801. I had some made for me. Denis.
  16. Hi sorry no photos of the first planking or the progress of the second planking, as I did not intend to do a log at this time. The hull had 3 coats of sanding sealer and sanded down with 3200 grit, then one coat of stain when dry ( 24 hours ) 3 coats of satin varnish ( it my look shiny but when it cures it will look like satin it takes about 72 hours ). Denis.
  17. More photos of the cabin area , still only on coat of satin black. Denis.
  18. Start of the cabin area ( windows ) . One coat of stain on the lower hull and one coat of satin varnish. Denis.
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