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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Ron Looking better by the day well done. To keep the furls in shape, try and put some diluted PVA glue ( 50% glue 50% water ) on the folds with a small paint brush , but try it on some scrap tea soaked calico first OK. This will stop them going out of shape . I do agree about using less sail cloth , but it is all hit and miss. I hope this helps you. Denis.
  2. Hi Popeye First time I have looked at your log, what can I say but just magic. Just love your attention to detail well done indeed . Denis.
  3. Hi Ron Now that looks 100% better to me. Fantastic job. Denis
  4. Hi Ron Good to see you have stated the sails. Like Frank said looking good Denis
  5. Hi Vince Absolutely magnificent. Nice to see the masts in position, it gives you some idea how large and stunning the SOS is. I am sure I speak for most MSW people, thank you for sharing your build with us all. Denis.
  6. Hi Kevin I just had a look at the calico that I have washed twice ( but not ironed yet ) and also got one of the SOS sails out so I can compare the two, I would have to say the calico is only just a bit thicker than the SOS sails ( like I said not ironed yet ). As the larger sails will be cut down to 1 third of the SOS sails I don't think there will be a problem with the weight of the new calico. So going on what you are saying the calico may be a medium weight. I can send you a sample if you like. Denis.
  7. Hi All As I have the sails for the SOS I have decided not to use them. I have two rolls of calico, so I am going to have ago at making them myself. Will wash the calico twice first so it will not shrink later on. Take a pattern of the SOS sails and reduce the larger ones down in size to about 1 third ( as I am furling all the sails you don't need all of the sail area ). When all are done I will soak them in tea for 4 hours ( that is why you have to wash them to stop the calico from shrinking ). If it don't work out I still have the SOS sails to fall back on ( you have to have ago don't you ha ha ). Denis
  8. Hi Vince Once again very impressive workmanship my friend . You are correct the more you do off the ship the better, I also find it hard to move her around . Again very very nice work you are a credit to your skill as a model maker. Denis.
  9. Hi Kevin I have only a small office so when the Admiral gets in there she is like a bull in a china shop. Denis.
  10. Hi Andy Looking very nice, love the contrast . Yes they do take some time to do. Denis.
  11. Hi Tony The SOS only comes out of my office when the admiral has gone out. Some times I have heart attack's when I know she is in the house and I am out ha ha. Denis
  12. Hi Gary Thank you for that, you are correct. But some times when I stand back and look at the build I say to myself I should have done better ( but that is just me ). Denis.
  13. Hi Mark Thank you. But a long long way to go yet and hope to get better as I go along :mellow: Denis
  14. Hi All Just about done the foremast. Sorry about the back ground will have to find a better place. Denis.
  15. Hi Andy Looking very nice indeed . Wish I had thought of the jig for the curves well done. Denis.
  16. Hi All Just started the ratlines on the foremast lots to do will take a long time. Denis
  17. Hi Vince What can one say but master model building at its best. Fantastic ratlines. Your build just keeps me going , some one to look up to . Denis.
  18. Just tied down the capstan arms to the deck with black cord but on second thoughts it should have been fawn cord as they would have been used all the time. Denis
  19. Hi All Just finished of the main deck cannons. Now just fitted the life boats ( will have to tidy up the supports ie a little sanding and another coat of varnish ). When that is done I will have to tie them down to the deck. Denis.
  20. Hi All I have just started doing the blocks and tackle for the main deck cannons + the coils. This is the first time I have attempted doing rope coils I hope they look OK, Denis.
  21. Hi Vince Like Edwin said just brilliant workmanship I cannot say any more than that. Now I know what I have in front of me . Talk to you soon. Denis
  22. Hi just some photos of the buckets that go on the main deck ( not in kit ), Only one coat of stain on them still have to apply 3 coats of satin varnish . Denis.
  23. Hi All First sorry about the photos. Just started the supports for the life boats. I have only stained them just to see what they look like. Some are the wrong way round at the moment . Denis.
  24. Hi All It is good to be back working on the SOS again, but the sad thing is it is just for a week then it is back to doing 10-12 hour shifts a day looking after my mother. Doing the ratlines, sorry they don't look that good on the photos but they will get better as I go on. Denis.
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