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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi Popeye No more photos yet ;) . Got to get into the wife's good books first ha ha . I don't want a 16 size boot up my backside if you know what I mean. Time for a beer . Denis
  2. Hi Admiral Popeye ( congratulations on that ). I am doing the shrouds on the port side now, the only thing is when you lace the dead eyes up with the shroud lines one goes right in front of the cannon, if you moved the channel board then 2 more will go in front of the cannons. :angry: I am sure no one built this kit at mantua. Denis.
  3. Hi Vince Re what Mark said, that is a fantastic Idea . Other people will be able to appreciate the art of model building from a master builder like yourself . It may also encourage other people to take up this very rewarding hobby. All the best Vince and thank you for you log and help. Denis.
  4. Hi Ron Very nice work. Please come and do my rigging I am only up the road from you. Denis
  5. Hi All Foremast is now glued to the deck + yards and sails.. Started the rigging , only 20% done, Before any one gets at me, this is the first time I have attempted such a complicated job. It will look better when finished !!!....... Just like to thank Vince P for his help . Denis.
  6. Hi Ron I think I may have sorted it out with the help from Tony at Model Ship Supplies ( he is a good man ). Denis
  7. Hi Ron I agree fairing in not my favourite job, but we all have to do it . I am stuck on sorting the rigging on the SOS it is taking a long time ( I am dreaming rigging ropes when in bed , this is a bad sign ah ah ). Denis.
  8. Hi Ron What are you on, will you please send me some ha ha. Your build is moving on very fast. Nice work well done. Denis.
  9. Hi Steve Very nice work. Nice and clean very well done. Denis.
  10. Hi Steve We are here on this forum to help each other are we not. That is why this is the best Model Ship Forum in the world . Denis.
  11. Hi Steve I was not talking about the Endeavour being Black at all , I was talking about Mantua Sovereign of the Seas ( SOS ) that I am building, the box has it being BLUE but it was BLACK. If you wish more info I will send it to you. Denis
  12. Hi Ron Sorry I am back again but re colours. All I will say is before you do any painting do your research on the colours before you start. My SOS was blue on the box from Mantua !!!. But after researching the colour was BLACK, well did I get e-mail after e-mail asking me why did I paint it BLACK. All I am saying Ron don't go on what the kit says or recommends OK. It is a shame that the kit makers don't do the same research after all we are paying them for accurate replicas of the original ship are we not !!!. Good luck with your research . Denis. Denis.
  13. Hi Ron Will follow this with interest. Looks like a nice build, have fun that's what it is all about. Denis.
  14. Hi Vince On behalf of all the model builders out there that are building or thinking of building the Mantua SOS. I would like to thank you for all the photos and diagrams that you have posted on your log. Just a fantastic build and a craftsman model maker at its best . Denis.
  15. Hi Ron Give me a shout when you have started your new log OK. All the best with your next build. Denis.
  16. Hi Ron You have done a fantastic job on your build well done. Are you pleased you put the sails on as they do complete the build well done again, fantastic job on making them. Re photos, I have a programme for photos "Ashapoo Photo Commander 11" you can re size turn the photos around etc have a look at it . Looking forward to your next build. Denis.
  17. Hi Andy Coming along very nicely . Like you said when you get the brass on it should stand out very well ( the contrast will look very good indeed ). Nice build Andy , well done. Denis.
  18. Hi Ron Looking very nice job, nice and neat and tidy very well done on the build. Denis.
  19. Hi Andy Very nicely done, your planking looks ok to me. Re stain, I did stain mine but I also sealed it before with 2-3 coats of sanding sealer, then sanded it down with I think 600 grit but making sure I did not sand all the sealer off, I then brushed some mahogany ( wiping stain on ) then left it for about 5 min's then wiped it off with lint free cloth, then left it for 48 hours before varnishing. Denis Do a test first on some wood.
  20. Hi Edwin Answer no, no and no again, this is the first and last time at sewing ( do you want my sewing machine after I have finished ha ha ). I have asked the Admiral about 10 times to help me out but all I get is ON YOUR BIKE son shine. Did you say you have the SOS ( as I am sure you said on one log that you have had it for 17 years , or am I wrong ). Have you tried to put photos on yet !!!!!!. Talk soon. Denis.
  21. Hi Mark Thank you. I am now working on the fore mast lower yard, the foot ropes are 30mm at the widest point. The sail I made is only 45mm so will have to make a new one at about 60mm wide. I will not scrap the sail, just cut the length down so it fits the next yard up. Denis.
  22. Hi Kevin What makes it worse is I had to purchase my own sewing machine ha ha. Denis.
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