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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi Larry, thanks for posting this. It reminded me that I need to complete my order with Chuck. I started putting it together a few days ago, and then got busy working on the Morgan and as usual, I forgot to finish it. I'm going to need some stuff from him and I want to have it on hand when the time comes. Blocks and line also. Looks nice and it'll really look good on the ship.
  2. I like the pictures, I hope I will have room on the buffet to make her my next build after The Morgan. She's really a sleek looking ship.
  3. Thanks for all the likes and kudo's guys, greatly appreciated. Welcome to the newcomers here - welcome aboard. Today is an absolutely gorgeous day here. The temp is 74 degrees, clear and sunny. Big debate to either go outside and enjoy it or stay inside and work on the ship --- The Morgan won, so I got the Mainmast done. Just checked on my paint order, and Model Shipways hasn't even shipped it yet....baaaah! One criticism I have about them is it takes 2-3 days for them to process an order. Must remember to plan ahead. So the masts are done with the exception of the finishing yellow ochre paint scheme hopefully this week, but not so sure. I'll be working on figuring out how to serve the Shrouds, so any advice is welcome as I've never done it before. I have Alexey's Server but need to figure out how to make the right sizes and especially the lengths since they will have a Deadeye on one end...hmm
  4. Thanks for the likes from all that pushed the like button, much appreciated. Hi Tony, haven't seen you in a while, hope all is well with you. Yesterday and this morning I constructed the Mizzen Mast to break up the monotony of repeating most steps from the Foremast to the Mainmast. I'll do that later today and tomorrow.
  5. Hi Dennis, thanks for stopping by. At least my paint problem was only a $5 bottle of paint, not quite as drastic as yours...worst problem for me is I want it NOW! Just as I get moving on things something happens...oh well, we must be patient.
  6. Hi Piet, unlike you, should I have to think about running 5 miles to get paint, this model would never get finsihed because someone would be scraping my worthless carcass off the streets because I would be dead on the road 50' from the house...
  7. Today was a bit tedious again, making Futtoch Shrouds for the Foremast, and re-doing the Mast Top and painting the Foremast. As luck would have it, the bottom of the Foremast below the Brittania Spider band is Yellow Ochre, the above that is white, so I grab the Yellow Ochre bottle only to discover it's hard as a rock. So finishing and mounting these will have to wait until an order from Model Shipways gets here next week. Lots to build so I don't have to worry, only it's frustrating when you're making progress and don't have something.
  8. Hi Rich, just an observation, and I'm sure you've already thought of it, but now is a good time to make your footropes, before hanging them on the ship as well as rigging blocks. They're looking good.
  9. Not a lot to report today just a little more tedious type of work....slowly trodding along and working on the Bowsprit. Got the Inner and Outer Jibboom Shrouds installed with Bullseyes mounted on the Catheads.
  10. Hi Dave, yeah, it's good therapy....lol. Hope Fran is doing better and your life is easing up for you. Look forward to seeing you back at the bench.
  11. Mike, Alexey's Serving Machine worked great. It does simplify the serving, and keeps everything where it's supposed to be. I highly recommend it, and the price is quite reasonable. Alexey and I are in touch with each other quite frequently as I do feature his products in my website and try to promote his unique to the trade products to all model shipwrights. It takes about 2-3 weeks to get the delivery from Belarus, no customs hassels at all. His contact information is on my website if you don't have it.
  12. Hi Mike, thanks for stopping by. I did not color the chains at all, that is a natural finish. Some of the chains have an antique bronze type of finish, which was how I bought them. They did not come with the kit. The only chain I've used from the kit is the 40 link/inch chains I used yesterday on the Martingales.
  13. Thanks for all the likes. Slowly but surely progressing. Thanks Augie, yes, tedious is worth it for sure. Might be slow but like how it is shaping up. I love Bowsprits anyway...I think they are my favorite part of the ship.
  14. Today was very tedious and time consuming. Using two very tiny 40 link/inch chain, I installed the Martingale Stays from the Jib Boom to the Dolphin Striker, then using Bullseyes and line, ran the Martingale Backstays back to the hull eyes to square up and tighten the dolphin Striker. The Bowsprit is starting to shape up. I used Alexey's Serving Machine to serve the Bulllseyes to the lines on the Backstays.
  15. Hello Michael and Piet, thanks for stopping by and for the kudos. It's good to be back in the shipyard again and getting things done.
  16. Today was spent mostly studying the plans to figure out what the Brittania parts are that are staring at me. There is no idintification as to what they are. The plans show some drawings, but if you can't read the plans there are no reference to them. I think I have figured them out, but don't know for sure. Then I worked on completing the Dolphin Striker getting it ready to paint and hang. I'll do that tomorrow and run the Martingale Stays and Backstays to the Bowsprit and hopefully get a fair amount of rigging done to the Bowsprit before moving on to the masts.
  17. Thanks Piet for the likes. I have to get back to your log soon, I think I heard you are finished with the O-19. Wow, you made a lot of progress since I saw her last. Glad I had the honor of seeing her in person.
  18. Larry...interesting question...hmmm...how do I answer that????? Well, from a Nautical View, I don't have an answer yet. I am very fortunate to have a rough cut slab of I think Red Oak that was cut in the forming of the real Bowsprit on of the Real CW Morgan, given to me by a very gererous "Head Honcho" doing the restoration of the ship last year when I visited Mystic. It still has the bark on it, and I understand that it was a 250 year old tree knocked down during Hurricane Katrina from Mississippi. It is a beautiful piece of wood, however, it is about 4 feet long by almost 2 feet wide and weighs about 45 pounds. It is about 2" thick....I made an interesting sight hiking through Mystic Seaport with a 45 lb. piece of wood in my hands. I was cleared through the gates but sworn to secrecy as to who gave it to me, but I will say he had the power to do so. I am thinking I'm going to rough finish it, and use some Dolphins I made from clay to mount My Constitution and the Morgan to it. Been thinking for a year about it, and still not sure how to use it. I'll photograph it tomorrow and post it for suggestions. Thanks for asking.
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