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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Hi Mike, a good Single Malt Scotch works pretty good. But seriously, in 2008 I had a brain aneurysm and a stroke spent 36 days in ICU and died twice. After my second death, I letterally walked out of the hospital 4 days later and the Dr. couldn't even prescribe an asprin for me. Oddly enough the only repurcussions I had from it was that my dexterity improved tremendously and my hands do not shake at all....great for modeling....sorry long answer for a complex statement...lol. Glad to be here my friend, and thanks for the comments.
  2. Piet, Grant and Augie, thanks for the encouragement and I'm glad to be back. Updates hopefully later today, it seems getting lined out and finding everything is taking longer than making the needed parts, but if ya don't start somewhere ya never get it done...lol.
  3. Hi Tim, welcome aboard. The white trim was tricky, but there was no masking involved. This was done slowly with a fine brush. It takes a steady hand and also 2 coats. Any screw ups I had would be followed with black paint to cover it up. I used the Model Shipways paints which are kinda thick and did not dilute them. I'm not sure I could have gotten masking tape to work here and it would take a lot of it and much more work. Hope this helps. Some of the photos of these stages might be missing on this log. My website has many more photos of these steps in the build logs if needed. http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com John
  4. Hi Larry, I checked Patrickmil's log, and your's looks to be about the same. Maybe when it's painted it will look correct to you.
  5. Good Day Mate's. Today I am opening the shipyard again. I got the tools out, dusted her off and documented whre I'm at to get this thing rolling again. First thing I'll takle will be to replace the anchors. The one's I had were black Britttania and they should be wood. So I've dusted off the Proxxon DB 250 Wood Lathe, and tomorrrow will get them turned, stained and hung on the ship. I have the black metal ones there temorarily as seen in the pictures. From here, then it will be to build the Foremast. First, the pictures of where I'm starting from:
  6. Hi Larry, well on the fashion piece, I guess to start with since it's a port side piece it looks a little funny on the starboard side, but other than that it looks pretty good....(just couldn't pass that one by)sorry. Back on a serious side, to the unpainted look, it just kind of apears to be a little "bulky", but not seeing the plan or another interpretation it is hard to tell. I'll check around and see what I find. Looking good buddy, keep it up.
  7. Nice update Dennis, they're shaping up and starting to look like ships. Keep it up. We must be getting on our Admiral's nerves if they're trying to get us back in the shipyard....lol
  8. Hello Jason, you've been missing from the log longer than I have. I'm trying to get back to work again. How have you been...is all ok? Hope things are ok on your side. John
  9. Wow...must be the Leffe my friend, prayers are answered. I'm so pleased to hear that it's gone away, so that must mean you have many more ship's to build, and many more Leffe's to consume. Here's one to you so kick that flu stuff in the butt! Take care Mate. John & Diane
  10. Sounds good Dennis, as for me....my Admiral actually told me I needed to start back to work on the Morgan....drop my teeth man!
  11. Hey Dennis, looking good buddy. Sadly we'll keep waiting..I'm in the same boat so to speak. Looks like someone is close to adding another star on the shoulder board...Aye, Aye Sir! Will you be the first one?
  12. Looking good Larry. Glad you visited my site. Things are moving along nicely on it, and I should be back in the shipyard soon. Yes, I will be posting other builds and general ship related photos in the gallery section. It might be a bit before I'm ready to get there though. Lot's of other things to get done first.
  13. Ahoy Henry, what's going on with the Conny? Do you still have a job? Glad that you and Lester met up, he had a ball. Are tourists still allowed onboard? Take care my friend, we may be back next year.
  14. Hey Mate, dang, I turn my back for a couple of months and you manage to finish your decades long project....Congrats are in order.....I'll bend an elbow full of Foster's at ya......beautiful but who would expect less....
  15. Ahoy Mate, looks like all is well on your side of the pond. I'm back, not quite in the shipyard yet, but I'm back.
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