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    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    A couple of more

  2. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Some more sunshine pictures

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    texxn5 got a reaction from JerseyCity Frankie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Today was such a beautiful day here (sorry for all you New Englanders and northern folks) 80 degrees and bright clear sunshine. This was an opportunity to photograph the Morgan outside, so I'm taking the opportunity to show her off a little. I also made the Mizzen Top Mast, finishing it and making the Main Topmast. I used my Proxxon DB 250 Lathe to turn the Mizzen and Main Top masts and Royal. This is done from one dowel so I set it up in the lathe and used sandpaper to reduce the diameters down to the proper size. One nice advantage of this lathe is that the longer dowels can go through the center of the motor freely. You could stick a 5' or longer piece through it and just turn the area you want.

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    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    A couple of more

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    texxn5 got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I think I'm going to continue building all the mast parts before moving on to the shrouds, that way as I keep moving up I'll be prepared to continue with the shrouds and not be held up by having to make mast parts. I'm not going to glue them together so that the shrouds will be able to be hung off easier, so I will just dry fit them. I stained the areas that need to be stained so that if I should get glue on anything it won't soak off into the wood and look "crappy" when staining it. So here is the Fore Top Mast. First I set up the mill to cut in the Fid, then moved on to make and stain the center section, then finishing all the trusses and sling band finishing with painting the rest of it.

  6. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Your details are starting to look like fun, very nice my friend. Good to see the updates.
  7. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from GLakie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Your details are starting to look like fun, very nice my friend. Good to see the updates.
  8. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Jimz66 in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Your details are starting to look like fun, very nice my friend. Good to see the updates.
  9. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The quarterdeck details, beams, carlings and  knees have been completed:

    With that, we bid fare thee well to the stern and turn our attention to the long forgotten bow.
    Before tearing into it, I've prepared the beams and knees to go under the forecastle deck.  These will be set as we install the bow details:

  10. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from lb0190 in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Looks very nice Larry. I blackened mine as much as I liked the polished brass, but I didn't have any Blaken-It at the time so I painted them black. Looking back I would have blakened them first, then painted them again after I got them into the pinrails. Most I've ever seen were a rough natural wood finish and mostly covered up with the ropes and lines. Unfortunately if they were brass in real life, it would take a crane to get them into the pinrails - they'd weight 400 lbs...lol. Keep up the good work, I love the color scheme on this ship.....again, Capn's perogative.
  11. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from GLakie in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Looks very nice Larry. I blackened mine as much as I liked the polished brass, but I didn't have any Blaken-It at the time so I painted them black. Looking back I would have blakened them first, then painted them again after I got them into the pinrails. Most I've ever seen were a rough natural wood finish and mostly covered up with the ropes and lines. Unfortunately if they were brass in real life, it would take a crane to get them into the pinrails - they'd weight 400 lbs...lol. Keep up the good work, I love the color scheme on this ship.....again, Capn's perogative.
  12. Like
    texxn5 reacted to SGraham in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Love the miter joints, Larry!
  13. Like
    texxn5 reacted to patrickmil in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Larry, Niagara is looking awesome! I blackened my belaying pins and was very happy with the results. Like Augie said though, it's Captain's discretion.
  14. Like
    texxn5 reacted to augie in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    Dust and nicks?  Looks like she just rolled out of the showroom to me!  VERY nice.
    The belaying pins are really Cap'ns choice.  You're starting with brass and you could use them 'as is' which looks nice but is not really accurate. Personally, I would only leave them brass on an all natural (unpainted) ship. You can blacken chemically or with paint.  Actually, I've done both together --- blackening first then painting.  That gives a very durable finish. Or you can go with a wood finish (paint).  
    Decisions, decisions  
  15. Like
    texxn5 reacted to lb0190 in Niagara by lb0190 - Model Shipways - 1/64   
    I've completed a few items and thought it was enough for a few photos. I mounted the ships bell but not before changing the OEM rope for Chuck's rope. It now hangs more natural. I also changed the bell handle due to the first handle having a knob that was too big and out of scale. I finished the remaining hatches and mounted them in place. I used grating for all but the center hatch which shows cover boards. Flush mounting the hatches was a decision I will not repeat on any future builds, due to it not looking as natural as it could. I also mounted the two anchor chaffs but still nee to paint them. The capstan is finally mounted to the deck and I installed the spanker sheet horse just below the stern cap-rail.
    I have a question regarding the belaying pins. Your opinion on how to address the color would be appreciated. The OEM parts are brass which looks nice but I suspect not realistic. Do you think I should leave them alone, paint them a wood color, blacken them or ....????
    Next is adding the attachments to the bulwarks followed by the deck structures.
    Sorry about the dust, nicks etc.. Every time I look the build over (especially with that darn macro setting) I see things that need fixed. I'm trying to hold of as much as possible so I do the repairs as few times as possible       

  16. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Jimz66 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Thanks for all the likes guys. It's good to be at this point, now all I have to do is learn how to serve the lines...never done this before...should be interesting...suggestions are welcome.
  17. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Brucealanevans in Charles W Morgan by Brucealanevans - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    So, here is the skylight in place.
    I'm relatively pleased with the result, although there's too much overhang of the top window panes - the coaming I put in place was thicker than it should have been so the base part was slightly smaller, and I didn't allow for that when I built the top from the plans.
    Overall tho, pleased with the result. 2 weeks of intermittent work.
    Next on to the next most fiddly bit - the tryworks. After a break.

  18. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Jimz66 in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Looking good John. 
  19. Like
    texxn5 reacted to lesterpalifka in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    May you have fair winds and following seas.. I get cornfused sometimes....
  20. Like
    texxn5 reacted to lesterpalifka in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    That looks great John...glad you went with lookouts on both fore and main.. I never liked a royal on the main beside one royal didn't give that much of an advantage as far as sq ft of sail goes...but your rings look really good.. kudos...may you have calm winds and following seas..
  21. Like
    texxn5 reacted to gjdale in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Congratulations on reaching another milestone John. She's looking superb.
  22. Like
    texxn5 reacted to mobbsie in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Simply superb John, ,another milestone reached, well done mate.
    Be Good
  23. Like
    texxn5 reacted to Piet in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Looking very nice and impressive John.
  24. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Ol' Pine Tar in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Here she is ready to rig.

  25. Like
    texxn5 got a reaction from Ol' Pine Tar in Charles W Morgan by texxn5 - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I managed to go through several different types of materials to construct the Lookout Rings. In this configuration I am going with using 2 Lookout Rings on the Formast and the Mainmast. In reality they are round iron rings, but I wasn't happy with my wire rings I attempted to make. I finally found a plastic container that holds small drill bits and it was the right thickness and diameter, so I cut these the right thickness to simulate an iron strip. Then painted them white and dryfit them back together and set them on deck. At this stage I am now completed with the Masts. Yea!

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