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Everything posted by DCIronfist

  1. ok so I have been thinking of this area for a while now.. I found this and cut it off the body from it... I painted it with a krylon gold leaf I then proceeded to mount my dragon figurehead And here is a side view I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I was very nervous but glad I went through with it. Any and all comments are appreciated :)
  2. So I found some embellishments I wanted to add so here there are after a color change.... adds a nice touch I think
  3. I had a picture of the back of the fore mast but must have lost it along the way lol. Perhaps it will turn up sometime.
  4. Here is the fore mast done a little at a time over time.... Also have the main mast on deck Lots of little bits here so been working but not always feeling the progress.........
  5. Guess your shot panned out congratulations on your teams super bowl victory.
  6. Seems I have not checked in here in a while. I may have pictures in a few days. I have got the masts and spars ready to be rigged. I am running into some tough going with holding on the lower round pieces onto the round mast. I actually drilled a hole and put a pin In to help line it up since it just would not stay. I've put in some time but really don't feel I have much to show for it so be patient and I will get pictures eventually. : :) I have also been fixing pieces that just did not want to stay glued together.....
  7. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy and safe new year
  8. I don't know why but it seems like everything takes forever to do now lol. I got another picture to show progress..... It's on the ship but that's an update for a later date
  9. I painted the outside and then instead of painting the top I just stained it
  10. oh yeah forgot to post my wheel since you would never know I put a guy in there
  11. Been putting items on over time. Here's the overview.... These anchor lines took me quite a while to do. I am thinking of placing my pirates in these places. They are not glued down yet so if you have input now is the time
  12. Ok got 6 more chains done and since pictures are the ongoing chosen method...... 9 more chains and I may be gluing the superstructure components on :)
  13. They ship you weekly parts for this? I kinda like that idea. :)
  14. Well I don't want to push myself into a 2015 timetable lol.....if your patient perhaps end of next week lol
  15. Got a few more (three) chains done. I think I have a better way moving forward so that I don't drop one link 20 or so times lol. I will post a pic if I ever get them done.
  16. Ok all moved in and repaired the moving damage to the ship.....no pics but feel free to try and find it lol. So I've done another set of chains (seems to be quite difficult for me not sure why ) I did try the angle with these so..... So maybe an update sooner next time but no promises lol :)
  17. So good to read your posts again adrieke. And thank you for the kind words. :)
  18. Build will be hitting the dry dock once more while I move once again.
  19. I did use a pencil for the deck but not for the outer hull. That's outside my skill level perhaps someone else can answer. I know some ppl drill little holes and use toothpicks or fill the holes.
  20. That looks great....does it take a long time? The more you do the quicker it may get :)
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