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jeff watts

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Everything posted by jeff watts

  1. i like your comment about the masts and yards etc ej, im nowhere near that stage yet , but will keep it in mind cheers jeff
  2. great advice fellas, common sense when you think about it , shame i havent got that much lol
  3. thanks chris , i started putting parts on in the order that the instructions implied ( i say implied because the billings instructions are more of a guide than anything else TBH ) and then realised that im spending more time and effort in protecting these parts from damage than if i'd left them off til later , i suppose thats the harsh lesson of starting a large model as a first attempt lol , but thanks for the advise , at least i know im going in the right direction jeff
  4. hi again , ive come to a bit of a standstill adding parts , , waiting for more copper hull plates , i need a lot more than i originally guessed , ah well , obviously i need to get those on as turning the hull upside down after adding the fragile upper parts is asking for trouble , ive started making the cannons and the rigging for them and also the gun doors are done too , but not attached as im afraid of breaking them off as i do other jobs , question is am i going about this correctly , i seem to be making lots of sub assemblies ready to fit ,such as side netting and deadeye strops and chains etc but not sure what order to fit them as theyre so fragile , any advise is gratefully accepted jeff
  5. very true sir , about painting everything , i didnt realise they would paint that often , puzzling , my only concern now is that ive already bought the ochre colour for my build lol
  6. while earth colour will retain their stability for longer the binders (linseed oil etc) which make the paint liquid and subsequently'dry out ' will crack and deteriorate to a point where the appearance is almost powdery and bleached , where there are layers of paint over time being of the same colour through their depths can be explained by the fact that in practice the re painting of a surface would only be done when needed , and so the fading would be right through the layers in a similar way , just my theory , and obviously theres no way of proving it one way or another
  7. im a bit late to the party , but would like to add my twopennys worth on the subject of the colour , i also saw the documentary in which the scientists used a spectrometer to identify the colour at the time of trafalgar , what they didnt do was to make any allowance for any fading of that paint, which after 250 years would have been significant , new synthetic pigments and resins have a lot better resistance to uv rays and salt damage , but they still fade ,so in my opinion the original yellow ochre would be my choice and the new salmon pink is what you get after 250 years of fading ,, just my opinion mind
  8. thanks heirich , i havent heard of it , but i will look it up to get some tips
  9. a few more little jobs done , finished off the cannon carriages , and started rigging them, ( run out of 2mm blocks ) and made the anchors and spliced and dyed the anchor rope , cannon brackets made and ready to fit when the pins arrive
  10. so ,i've decided to start adding some copper plates to the hull at the stern ,as i cant fit the rudder hinges until the plates are on , and i also thought that if i get them on quite early on then i wont need to turn her upside down once the little fragile gun doors are on
  11. thanks mark , your welcome , ill try to keep the log up to date and welcome any advice jeff
  12. ha ha yes , your build is very impressive , if i can manage to get somewhere close i'll be happy jeff
  13. hi guys , welcome to my build diary for my first build , started the begining of october 2018 so i've made a bit of progress already , a few mistakes but nothing i couldnt overcome , and a lot of learning of new techniques too , any advise is greatly appreciated as im a newbie to the hobby
  14. thanks for your support guys , its much appreciated ,and your comments make a lot of sense ,of course yes it is a hobby after all and is something we do because we choose to, taking a break and not' throwing your toys out of the pram ' is especially sound advice , which i have learned in other areas of work etc , i have to say i am quite lucky in that i have my own dedicated space to build , and just close the door after me when ive had enough for the day , and then just go back to the devastation ive left in the room with a fresh veiw on the issue ,, going back to the original post about builds not getting finished , i d like to add to the reasons , i think that having your own dedicated room for it makes a huge difference , as your not having to clear up your tools etc everytime you work , which is why i didnt start the hobby until my kids grew up and cleared off out of the way and left me a bit more space in the house and a bit of time of my own . and seeing others build logs, not putting a timescale on the build is paramount
  15. thanks chris , i do intend to , im one of those who loves a challenge , but when we get to the rigging it may be a different story ha ha
  16. ALUMINIUM BONSAI WIRE hi i love this thread , so many great ideas , i would like to recommend using 'bonsai aluminium wire , it comes already coated in dark brown and is soft enough to bend easily for deadeye strops etc and its relatively cheap and comes in many different guages i use 0.8 mm
  17. i found it ironic to come across this topic , as i am potentially one of those statistics , and i agree with the main theme of your comment about being over enthusiastic when you start , i have recently started building the hms victory billings kit , and yes i am an idiot for doing so , but 3 months in and still enjoying it , buying little extras , trying to interpret the 'non instructions ' ( i think thats a positive though as us blokes are not too good at instructions anyway ),but what i have found is that not having much modelling experience beforehand has made me do a lot of research at every stage ,and study a lot of others builds and you tube videos .i also take a lot of pride in what i have got right, so when i get into a bit of difficulty i realise that others can do it, so its just a case of finding the solution , but as you say many others have been that enthusiastic when they start , i will probably put up a build log (for better or worse) , because any kind of feedback will be helpful from more experienced shipbuilders , so we will have to see how we progress
  18. hi guys , just came accross your posts , (i know ive arrived a bit late ) , as i have just started to build the billings victory too , a bit mad i know but its my first build , im about 3 months in so far , and no disasters yet , lovely to see the progress in pictures, and yes i agree the instructions are vague at best, but i must admit i have been studying others builds to gain a bit of much needed knowledge , seeing what youve done in stages allows an insight for us newbies thanks jeff
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