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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hello all Yes you are. Thank you my friends for not laughing at me. The gap is about 5mm difference, I have about 9 planks to go on each side. Carl told me to loosen up so you are not seeing the Angel in me now just the DEVIL in me 😈. Jo.
  2. Hello shipmates I have now put some more planks on and to my horror I have discovered that the gap is not the same from the keel to the top of the planks. I think it is due to me twisting the first planks to make them fit. So I am now going to get the gap the same. Looks like I have a lot of filling and sanding to do, so I will have to eat a lot of BRUSSELS SPROUTS (😈) to get my strength up 🤢. Jo.
  3. Hello Tector Thank you, I will make more mistakes, but I am not going to give up on this ship build that's for sure. Jo.
  4. Hello shipmates Well you all asked me for some photos of my mistakes well I am now going to shame myself 😫. Sorry about the dirty glue marks. So when you have all piked yourselves off the floor, as I know you are all just killing yourselves with laughter can you tell me HOW BAD is it. Jo.
  5. Hello Tector Yes lots of putty (bog) is the answer as you will see below. Jo.
  6. Hello all Thank you all for your advice, but sorry no photos yet, I will think about it first, I feel sooooooooooooo BAD about it all I just wish to dig a hole and fall into it. Jo .
  7. Hello Mark. Thank you, but you have not seen the mess I have just made of the two lower planks 😥 😫. I will get over it the best I can. Jo.
  8. Hello again shipmates. I have now finished the upper planking, this will be filled and sanded down when the lower planking has been glued in place. I am so excited in building this little IL Leudo, it's looking like a ship now. Can I blow my own trumpet, well I am going to anyway, I think she is looking shipshape (sorry about the pun). Jo.
  9. Hello Ferit Thank you for your comment it is much appreciated. Re your first photo, the frames are curved; you have to follow the curvature of the frame and put a mark so you can glue the bottom edge of the 2x2 walnut wooden strip to, your arrow is pointing to my wrong mark I put in to the frame. The second photo, yes I have a gap, in fact I have more than one now 😫, I have to work with the tools I have got as I am new to building wooden ships and this is my first one. This is the first planking of the hull, I have to fill and sand down then second plank the hull. I will take your comments on board and learn from my mistakes, that I no doubt there will be lots more ☺️. Jo.
  10. Hi Vossiewulf I was only joking with Mark, he is a nice man like you all are. Jo.
  11. Hello Ulises I am trying to do my best 😥. Glued all the top planks on today, will start the lower one tomorrow. Jo.
  12. Hello all Just a small update, as I said I have started planking the hull. I found the hardest part was trying to get the length of the plank from one end to the other. What I did was bend both ends first, I then glued one end and worked my way along. I stopped about 4 frames from the other end and cut the plank to size. Sorry about the dirty marks on the ends. I am loving this planking, I can see the ship taking place now 😻. Jo.
  13. Hi Carl. I will try not to blubber any more Ok. I am going to start the 5mm x 1.5mm planking. Jo.
  14. Hello Steve Thank you I will put them in water before I try to bend them. Jo.
  15. Hello Don Thank you so much for telling me the name of them holes. Jo.
  16. Hello Sam My little IL Leudo today the TITANIC tomorrow 😻. Jo .
  17. Hello shipmates Well how do I start this ☺️. After completely scrapping some wood for the first plank (please don't ask me how as I don't wish you all to kill yourselves with laughing, so will keep my mishaps to myself). Ok I said to myself what did my shipmates say to me constantly PATIENCE, PATIENCE and more PATIENCE. So after two days I got my first plank on one side yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, the other side will only take me a day if I am lucky. This plank is walnut ?, all I can say is thank god I purchased an electric plank bender. The first plank is important as it is a guide for some holes that have to be drilled in the hull, I don't know what you call them but as far as I know it's for the seawater to drain out of, please tell me if I am wrong and what is the name of them if they have a name that is. The next planking strips are a white colour and look softer than the walnut ? ones so they should be easy to bend 🤣. I have ordered some wood of differant sizes in case I make more mistakes as I am more than likely to do 😫. Jo.
  18. Hello Carl Very nice, so much detail ☺️. Are you holding back on the post's as you must be finished by now 😻. Jo.
  19. Hello Carl Wow what a build, things have changed since I did plastic kits. Sorry I am late in following your build as you know I have just started building. It has been a long time posting, hope you are going to start your fantastic model again soooooooooooooooon. Jo.
  20. Hi all I would just like to say THANK YOU ALL for the kind words and advice on my IL Leudo build. Not forgetting the LIKES. I don't think you all know how much it means to me. Again thank you all. Jo.
  21. Hello Mark I was worried about the frames. Thank you. Jo.
  22. Hello Vossie I will look at what you said before I start the planking. Thank you. Jo.
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