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Everything posted by SHIPSCAT

  1. Hi Sam No I have not screwed the brackets to the keel thing. Going to glue the ends on today, hope to post a photo 😀. Thank you all for the likes. Jo.
  2. Hello vossiewulf Thank you also, yes I was thinking of putting some blocks under each side. Jo.
  3. Hello Ulises Thank you, yes it is my ship but I keep changing my mind about the colours, you know what we ladies are like, and please don't you men answer that 😄. Jo.
  4. Hello shipyard workers. Well I have put my L brackets on my shiny white board. Before anyone asks me my wrist hurts screwing the screws in 😭. So when you all have stopped laughing 😄 you can tell me I have done it wrong. That thing in the middle look a bit low don't you think, I purchased the smallest L brackets I could find. Do you think I should put some blocks under it on each end. It's a start yippeeeeeeeeeeee. Jo.
  5. Hello Ulises I agree love wood finish, but will paint the hull. Thank you for your comment. Jo.
  6. Hi Antony. Thank you for dropping in on my IL Leudo build. Was thinking of painting the hull only. Jo.
  7. Ha-ha Cog you got me, must have had a late night 🙄 rolling around on the MAT with my MATE. BTW you was not invited 🤣. Jo.
  8. Hi John from the land of the Long white cloud. Thank you for the information, we Have a Bunnings not far away from us. Thanks for the tip for the off cuts of wood great idea. Jo.
  9. Hello shipmates. tkay11 thank you re the video, yes I have that one on my PC but did you note the red deck 😷 no way will I paint it that colour. My DIY store had to order my board so will try and go and get it today. Steven is right we call it Car Bog in Australia. I have also ordered a cutting mat and drill set. Jo.
  10. Hi Cog ha-ha how about me screwing the brackets to your car bonnet 🤡 will send you a tin of the car bog they use for dents OK. Hi Sam, I have 4 plans will have a look at them tonight. Jo.
  11. Hello When I got my L brackets I forgot about the board to screw them on ha-ha. So that is my job for today. Had a read of the book yesterday, will have to read it again as some thing just went over my head (ok you can all stop laughing now). Are then there are the plans, best not to talk about them 😭. Jo.
  12. Hello Cog, yes I am going to look at the parts list today thank you. Sam ha-ha you know what birds are like when it comes to shiny thing, we have to have them. Thanks for the advice my friend. Jo.
  13. Hello OC Mark is right, it is called Jeweller's Rouge. Jo.
  14. Hello Sam Wow, wow, wow and wow again what a fantastic build you are doing. If I could press the like button a million times I would have. Do you wish to buy my little IL Leudo of me 😎 so you can build her, then I can say I built her 🤣. Jo xx
  15. Hi Sam I have news for you my friend, I don't drink that sort of stuff only water, tea or coffee (very strong coffee that is) I have to watch my figure. You can guarantee Sam I will be taking my time 😊. I am going to get some L brackets today. Thank you for the advice. Jo.
  16. Hello shipmates (can I say that). As promised the unveiling of my little IL Leudo. I am sorry about the photos as I was given the camera by a dear friend the other day all I had to do was buy 4 batteries for it, oh and she advised me to download a program for storing my photos. Ok I said I was dipping my toes in icy waters of model ship building, but OMG I think I am getting cold feet ha-ha. Looks like the best thing to do is have a good read then read again and again and again. Jo.
  17. Hello Mark. Yes it was a shock to me also, I thought we only had Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thank you for your wish's with my build. Jo.
  18. Hello everyone. Wow I cannot hold myself back for telling you that the postman arrived today (was not expecting post on a Saturday) with my little IL Leudo yippeeeeeeee . Will post some photos when I have gone through the parts list to see if they are all in the box like Mark asked me to do. Jo.
  19. Hi Mark I will take what you said on board (no pun intended haha). Jo.
  20. Hi Sam, thank you, I will have a look at her post if I can find it. Jo.
  21. Hi Sam Yes some very nice and talented people on this forum. I have lots to learn and I am sure I will mess up on the icy waters of model building. Jo.
  22. Hello seamanpeter. Sorry don't know what RC is, you are talking to a new model builder here I know that sounds dumb (and I am not a blond ha ha). As for lights, now you are pulling my leg . Jo.
  23. Hello BETAQDAVE My little ship as far as I know is coming from Australia, my partner ordered it, yes I know I said I ordered it but when you get excited about thing I tend to leave words out 😋. The tracking post has it coming from Sydney. More drinking as my little ship is with the couriers 🥂 🥂 and one for the men 🍺 . Jo.
  24. Hello Gals and guys. Happy, happy day today my little ship has sailed into port, yippee, yippeeeeeeeeee. Now the postman will be invited in for more than one drink when he comes 🥂 🥂 🥂. Jo.
  25. Ha Ha may be I should ask him in for a drink or two 🥂. Jo.
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