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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hi Jörgen, I will definitely give treenailing some thought but for now I'm not going to do it Jon
  2. Tony, Henrik The deck will be laid without treenailing, then I have the option to do it later if I change my mind. Thanks for your opinions
  3. Tony Yes, I prefer B. It is interesting to note that the treenailing in the deck of Pilgrim is barely visible, therefore it makes me think wether to bother doing it at all. But then again I do like the look of it on a finished deck!! I will have some time out and think about it😀
  4. As promised photos of the sample decking. My personal preference is sample B . Any input welcome, thanks.
  5. Thanks Henrik, I shall give both versions a go, photos will be posted for a straw poll as soon as I can
  6. Hello again, just a quick question, when putting the planks down for the deck what is the best method of simulating caulking?
  7. Had a bad few days of rain so no work, the good news is that I had extra time on Sherbourne. I got stuck in to the top coat planking, just another fine fill and fine sanding and I'll be content with it. Also started in board planking, decided to use walnut supplied with the kit for this. As you can see I have lowered the high transom I'd made and fitted in the previous post, and yes it does look more in keeping with the boat style. Thanks Tony, an independent, unbiased viewpoint helps enormously!!😀
  8. After a day of looking at the transom I'm thinking that it has got to be lowered, mainly because I have decided I don't like it so tall as well as not having lift the boom higher. Once again thanks Tony for your insight. Just goes to show that a different viewpoint finds things that are overlooked by the builder.
  9. Because of the other Sherbourne logs here and the many discussions about the transom, I've modified mine to make it somewhat higher. It was after I fixed it on that the thought of the boom hitting it hit me. So would it be detrimental to the finish if the boom sat slightly higher?? All opinions welcome.
  10. well 1st planking finished, not the neatest but it will do. There is just a bit more filling and sanding to do. As soon as the extra planking I've ordered arrives I shall do the deck, Tony I've taken your method and got some wider plank to edge the deck. Also heeded your advice and shall be using .5mm × 6mm walnut for 2nd layer, many thanks
  11. Thanks Tony, I've searched Sherbourne and still reading and thinking it has to be some sort of housing structure rather than just a grating. Also remembered an Alexander Kent / Bolitho story set on a naval cutter and the chapter in which Bolitho steps aboard the boat the author writes a great description of the deck and mentions a companionway down to the stern cabin. The only difference is that it is not the placement nearest the stern but the one before and the stern hatch is an opening skylight. I guess it just depended which boatyard built the vessel. The novel by the way is: Midshipman Bolitho and the Avenger by Alexander Kent, it is one of a very good series of books set in the 18th /19th century navy
  12. been busy on this scratch build so time on Sherbourne has been a bit limited!! Still persevering with 1st planking, finding it a bit of a challenge, but I think it may be ok at the end. Put a cannon together to keep a check on the gunport heights. Also made hatch gratings but then re-read other Sherbourne logs and seems that the two towards the stern are more of a companion hatch so searched the internet for any info on hatch covers but found zilch. If anyone can help me out I'd be grateful, as I don't think plain grating looks quite right. Anyway back to the challenge.🤔
  13. Thanks again I did think about putting some filler blocks in between bulkheads but then didn't. Should follow my gut instinct more. As to the hull I am painting but after reading your article on the cutter models at Chatam it will be upto the wales. I will probably get .5mm planking if that is better Thank you for all your help and tips Jon
  14. After putting one plank on I've realised I've got to get some glasses with better magnification as my poor old eyes are straining too much. So maybe I'll get another lamp and a couple of those bulbs Vaddoc!!
  15. Thanks for the tip Tony. There is another thing I'm not sure about, how do I finish the planks at the stern as they just seem to be a bit untidy, or does the 2nd lot of planking cover it??
  16. Hi Jorgen, I've been trying to find this log as I am building same kit. Can I say you're doing a very nice version I can only hope to do justice to mine. Jon
  17. Ran out of time so dry fitting deck will have to wait til next time, right now it's time for Game of Thrones
  18. My work area ( haha a board on top of the kitchen table ) Anyway glued bulkheads , keel , prow and rudder post. Tried to make sure bulkheads were square to false keel, I think they will pass muster when planking begins. Have to get a brush to apply the glue to stop so much excess. Got to say nearly forgot to do the beard and rabbit line
  19. I am 7 miles east from Derby city in a small town Draycott
  20. Thanks for all suggestions, I will have a think and will probably have a go at something over the winter months.
  21. Thanks Thunder I have just started a log on here but not a lot done yet due to work and time restraints
  22. After rummaging about in the attic for my paints, glue etc I came across this poor girl whom I thought had been consigned to the bin years ago. My question is can she be saved and given a makeover.? Any suggestions and tips would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Hello all, after reading several build logs here I thought why not, so here is mine. This is the first time I've built a wooden kit so this will be a bit hit and miss so please bear with me. So far I've just dry placed bulkheads and bevelled bow and stern ones.
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