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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hi nikbud, I hope you've got some Wizardwood from the Rainwilds for her. The Liveship trilogy are a fantastic read so I'm eagerly awaiting the conclusion to your build. Cheers.
  2. This one looks interesting Chris! Smaller than the Bristol, looks like another to add to the wish/shopping list. That's my budget plan down the swannee
  3. Hi Vane are you working on these builds together or on alternate days? However you are doing it they are all looking good😀
  4. I am looking forward to seeing the 2nd planking, are you keeping it a wood finish or a painted finish? Cheers
  5. Hi Mugje I held my capping rails on Sherbourne down with elastic bands as you can put quite a bit of tension on with them. Hope this helps BTW very nice job
  6. LS, your first layer planking could pass as a top layer😃 I've noticed that you fitted all your transom posts, please be careful of the middle two as they are vulnerable til you put the transom on. As with Ballahoo you are going great! Cheers and good luck
  7. Good start LS, and leaving the keel, prow and rudder post should help. Hope you have fun with Sherbourne after your holiday with your grandkids😎 Mine has been on hold for a while and I won't be back building til after my holiday with my grandkids Cheers and good luck
  8. Ahh, I had just wondered as the Perry brothers do a lot of Napoleonic miniatures for wargaming mainly 28mm which would equate to 1:64. Thanks
  9. These figures are great Chris! The detail is superb. Correct me if I'm wrong but they look like they have been sculpted and painted by Alan or Micheal Perry??
  10. Hi all, When it came to putting a bit of colour on my mast I initially used a brush but the end finish was dubious as brush strokes were visible, while pondering what to do to correct this my better half suggested I use a sponge as this would wrap the mast therefore colouring it in one pass with no brush marks. Apologies if this has already been discussed.
  11. Absolutely wonderful paintings, you have a great skill there!
  12. LS you'll have fun with Sherbourne 😆 it will be nice to have another in the fleet. Congrats on finishing Ballahoo, you've done yourself and her proud! I've already got my seat for Sherbourne and l will follow you til you launch her, make sure you have fun along the way! Cheers and good luck
  13. For what it's worth my opinion is as long as Caldercraft continue with good little kits like Ballahoo, Sherbourne and Pickle the new modellers will still be there and so will Caldercraft as 18th/19th century ships will always be a good draw. I myself have picked many new skills building Sherbourne and the help and advice from this site. Having seen the new and very good offerings from Master Korabel, Marisstella and Vanguard I think the future could be good
  14. Hi LS, there were some but it is what it is. If everything went as planned life would be very boring, and would not challenge us! Cheers
  15. Yes Speedy is a beautiful brig, I think I can just about hang on til you release her! Your test build is looking very fine. Thanks for the book recommendation l shall get on Amazon for it.
  16. Hi all, The deadeye wouldn't turn so had to take them off 😭and then had to make new strops 😪however they've not been blackened so will have to very carefully paint them.😟 Have finally rigged the starboard side guns, only port side to do. Gratings have been glued in place. I've still got one chainplate and deadeyes to rectify, then get all deck furniture fixed in place, after which I can make a start on the standing rigging 😀 Cheers
  17. That's in pretty good condition for being down there awhile!! I'm sure I'd have no trouble modelling a wreck 😋
  18. Cheers LS I was pleased with them til I noticed that the deadeyes are upside down, doh, now I got to try and turn them and hope not to much glue got on them. Anyhoo Thank You for your encouraging words😃
  19. Nelson looks absolutely amazing Chris!! By the way is your Cochrane the same Cochrane who helped liberate Chile from Spanish rule?
  20. LS I've got to agree with Eamonn looking quite a saucy schooner. And yes didn't that rudder just appear as like magic😏😏 Oh and thanks for the positive comments on my build👍👍
  21. Right got about 4 hours on Sherbourne this evening. Fitted channels and chainplates. They went on better than I expected!🤗 Put the winch together as the kit instructions said and then promptly took it apart, it looked absolutely awful. Trying to keep the octagonal shape was beyond my skill set, so its been sanded to a round tapering shape, also drilled a few holes for the levers?? that turn it. The cog/ratchet thingymabob was a bit of a pain to get looking passable I'm so glad I bought some needle files! Anyway after all that only had enough time to rig the blocks on the bowsprit I will get round to rigging her cannons when I know I can take my time because I don't want to get like I did with the one I rigged in an earlier post (🤬🤬🤮😱) Cheers
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