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Everything posted by Edwardkenway

  1. Hi all, Could not find the time to get any more frames made up, so decided to have a crack at the gun carriage axles and wheels. I racked my brain thinking what to use for the wheels but then I looked at the pencil I'd been chewing, it would be perfect as it was 5mm diameter and the lead ran exactly through the centre. So I drilled the lead out and then sliced the pencil into as many rounds as it would make as I was bound to break some.I could not cut them to thin as they just broke apart so there was a lot of sanding to make them look passable. All in all I had an enjoyable couple of hours doing this. Oh well back to the frames next time, although there's no rush as I'm waiting for the wood for the deck structure to arrive. Cheers
  2. Hi all, I'm doing this as having bought the plans for the cross section I thought I might as well use the full ship plans too. When I get time I will cut the bulkheads and centreboard. Til then please bear with me as I f I'm not here I will be next door on the cross section. Cheers
  3. Ok thanks Chuck. Phil thanks but going to get a print shop to do it for me as I'm not too tech savvy
  4. Hi Chuck I'm back sorry to be a pain but I've downloaded the Triton plans but can't get the POB centre board to print off, everthing else prints off fine. Thanks
  5. Hi all Rain today so not at work so I have done a bit on my build. Tack glued another frame template ready to cut out and made the gun carriage sides. These are made from some scrap 2mm walnut ply. These 4 are the best of my efforts. I'm not quite ready to tackle the wheels yet so I'll leave them till later when I'm a bit more confident. Cheers
  6. Hi LS The rigging is less complicated than it looks. The one thing I would have done differently is the running rigging that the plans show belayed on the windlass, if I were doing it again I would belay them on the mast bits. You have made yourself a lovely little ship and she will compliment Ballahoo perfectly. Cheers
  7. Hi Daniel This was supposed to be 1:64 but has ended up about 1:60 luckily all drawings have been printed and all of them are the same scale. Thanks for looking in Cheers
  8. Hi Phil as usual I'm late again and the show has started. Do you mind if I stand at the back and watch, because I think I may start this once I've got a decent start on my Triton cross section, and after seeing your Victory I think I can learn a lot.
  9. This is going to be a long, slow and enjoyable experience as I'm learning new skills and seeing something I've made come slowly together. I checked that my drawings were the same and yes all frame drawing are identical, apart from position number/letter. Bought some new and finer blades for my coping saw. Well I cut my 2nd frame and it's better than the 1st, at this rate my last one should be perfect!! It's now glued and clamped and while waiting for the glue to dry I attempted to cut the rabbet into the keel, the one you see in the photo is my 3rd try, I think I may go with that one. Cheers
  10. @Bob Blarney thanks for the link but $160 is about $110 too much for me when my old coping saw still "cuts it" @Y.T. I thought my £38 coping saw was expensive when I bought 20 years ago It's an Eclipse and today they are reasonable at about £20.
  11. @Bob Blarney I have just bought some more extra fine coping saw blades bladesand am going to try them tomorrow as I need to cut some more frames . I've got some f clamps I use for work and some scrap board so I'll see how it goes. Thanks @Bob Cleek. Having read all the advice given in this thread I understand that if I bought a scroll saw first it would help cutting frames for POF projects but with a different blade it could also be used for POB projects where it would be used to cut out the bulkheads, therefore I will save up for a decent parallel action saw. Until then I shall persevere with my trusty coping saw. Much obliged to everyone for all advice , opinions and reccomendations .
  12. My strategy was to sound out the jigsaw here before spending my money. I have not bought the jigsaw and after @Bob Cleek input I will save up for a decent scroll saw. The photo I posted is a stock photo. But I thank you for your input Cheers
  13. Thanks for the input, @Jaager it is POF Triton cross section and as as much as I'd love to be doing a first rate, it would have to be big enough to live in as that's where I'd be🤪 @Bob Cleek your reasoning makes absolute perfect sense so I shall be saving my pennies for a scroll saw and table saw etc.
  14. Mark I'm with Vaddoc glue sticks like pritt are good, clean off easy and stick well
  15. Hello Svein erik. Would you please let me know what it is like ? Thanks
  16. first frame glued, hopefully these make do clamps will work. I'm buying stronger clamps for the rest of the frames. Having put this one together I now think it is not 1:64 but 1:60 so as long as all the rest of the parts are the same it will be ok.
  17. Hi, I've started a scratch build and found cutting frames by coping saw labour intensive. Searching the internet came up with various scroll saws all out of my budget but a proxxon jigsaw was not and would leave me enough to get a table saw. So I wondered if the jigsaw would be any good. All input welcome. Cheers
  18. Well after a couple of hours I have my first frame cut, it definitely in need of some serious sanding but for a first attempt and that with a coping saw I'M happy. Only eight more to go.😅
  19. Hi all, I have managed to resize the plans and have reprinted the smaller versions. I've cut out one test frame template and glued it to my wood which is walnut, and now just need to cut the frame components which will be slow work as I'm using a coping saw with a very fine blade. Unfortunately I don't yet own a scroll saw but depending on how I find making my own parts I will buy one. Til next time
  20. I'm waiting patiently for Speedy and saving my pennies, because Christmas is coming also my birthday. My family have been told😆
  21. Hi Mark, Hmm I'm not at all tech savvy and can just about manage an email but I will look into it. Do they do things like that for tablets (a very old galaxy tab s?)
  22. Hi all, this will be a very slow build as I'm still undecided wether to build 1:48 or 1:64. With the latter I'm going to have to get my plans resized, with the former a whole new stock of wood will have to be bought. That said I may end up doing both just for all the experience. Any way not alot to post about apart from having spent the last hour or two printing the plans. Cheers all Jon
  23. Thanks Chuck, I'm going to get right to it.
  24. Hi LS She's looking better every day. I must say I'm a little envious of how neat and tidy you've got her😉
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