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About Niallmhor

  • Birthday 11/02/1954

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  • Location
    North Yorkshire, United kingdom
  • Interests
    Ship modelling, Military Vehicles and photography (film)

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  1. Have you tried high lighting the anchor to help make it stand out more against the black of the Hull Peter?
  2. Hi Peter, Sounds like your a typical example of a VM in BAOR , who where you with? Did you get HMS Be able into the bottle in the end ?
  3. Hi all, And thanks for making me very welcome to the forum,I'm sure I shall learn new skills a long the way and new friends to help me where I go wrong ( I hope so ) I did make something in the past before moving on to something a bit larger and this is it ( Built in 1976 in Gutersloh) I think it's the Golden Hind . Please tell me what you think gents ?
  4. Hi Backer, Very nice collection of vehicles you have there, I myself tend to work on something a little bigger more like 1/1 scale ( please see photo ) . Grandpa Phil , the Paladin is a M109A6 , I taught the guys to drive a M109A2 , if you where to place them side by side you would see the difference.
  5. Hi Patrick, You are right it's a Sultan Command post vehicle of the CVR (T) family, as for a specialist vehicle for Driver Training no such luck ! You used what was available at the time , been a Sultan , 432 or M109A2 you could only teach so much in a classroom the rest had to be hands on .
  6. Hi, I'm no expert on the rigging of sailing ships ( War or Merchant ) and what I've read about the USS United States and USS Constitution , they may have been sister's but the rig of both ships where different due to the ship's captain's so having a book or books saying " This is how it was done " isn't giving the modeller the right signals to make a good job of his or her project. As someone has already pointed out it will give a in- sight into the workings of a ships rigging of what rope does what to the beginner . I know I'm going to get some "Flak" over this but isn't this the idea of this forum to enlighten people in a nice way. Niallmhor
  7. Hi Mike , It's a very impressive model when it's built, you can spend months adding lots of details to the model if you take your time , do your research on the Enterprise and at the end you will have a model to be proud of to donate to a VFW , I had mine just in front of the window and during room inspections they took more time looking at the ship then they did the room. So my advice to you is to for it. cheers Niallmhor
  8. Thank you Gentlemen for your very warm welcome, by the way what mob where you in Mike and what's the plank on frame you're building? That's something I've never had a go at , you never know I may try one day.
  9. Hello Gentlemen, My name is Neil Scarbro Aka Niallmhor , I live in the Riding of North Yorkshire, England. Been a modeller since I was a nipper , but only built.maritime subjects when I was serving in Germany with HM Forces . Now I am retired , with time on my hands ( unless our lass finds me something to do) I'm going to get back into maritime models . I'm building the USS United States (1812) 1/96 version having built the USS Constitution in Gutersloh, Germany, my room looked like a shipyard with Aircraft Carriers, Distant water Trawlers , USS Constitution, Cutty Sark and the odd ship in a bottle. If you are wondering why I built ships while been in the military I originally came from Kingston upon Hull , a City on the River Humber East Yorkshire so it was only natural to build ships, and been a Military Driving Instructor it helped me to relax after a busy day . The photo is what I used to teach people to drive
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