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Posts posted by edmay

  1. Hi Denis and Vince,Starting out right with two of the same kits will create the  confidence,to quickly share ideas,problems,and be more pleasurable just as the Niagara modelers, must have felt,like being in one room,fairly instant answers depending a little on time zones,You are both teachers and learners,hope you have lots of chairs,beer etc,Your logs will be interesting to a large crowd,booking seats for two(Urmilla)Edwin

  2. Hello Donny,thanks for reply,the Admiral had an inkling that was what they were,recycling the way to go,as for the needles,I saw a thread on MSW whereas somebody made rigging tools from used ones,ie cut off the eye half way making different types of,hooks some were bent others flattened and attached to slim wooden handles etc,maybe your doing that already.But to say again you do nice work,keep posting.Edwin

  3. Hello Jan,nice gun carriages rigging setup,a good tip,thanks.your photo's show a really well done ,neat build I mean really very well done,Good luck with the moving,the two things in life that are a pain are moving and toothache,ie toss that "no keep it,might come in handy"etc etc.,the thought of a new bigger modeling room,should keep you cool.have a good week,will follow when you get moved,Edwin

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