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Posts posted by edmay

  1. Hi Andy, Your heart was put through it's paces when the SoS was damaged,making you fearless,The instructions are small and hard to read,a local printer could be asked to enlarge then hung up with the plan in use.The quality of the kit seems to be very good but was wondering if fillers ie (balsa) or some other wood could be used between the bulkheads?? . Also the interest you have already generated in this build will come into play in a very positive and meaningful way. Kudo's for starting this log.Edwin. :)

  2. Hello Andy,WOW,What a great picture of  the SoS and yourself,a masterpiece to be sure,with accolades from other brilliant modelers such as Garym ,Denis Pink and many others you can very very proud of yourself.I don't think my heart would have survived the mishap which you magnificently repaired,Bravo a job well done,now you can relax some and enjoy your beautiful garden,keep in touch.Edwin

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