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    edmay reacted to JesseLee in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    Thanks Jeff, I just checked out your build log. looks very good!
    Well, I haven't posted anything but I have been working on putting the tiny hooks in the blocks that will be on the carronades. There are so many of them it takes a while, not much to show yet. 
    Still pretty sick but going with the admiral to take our daughter to college & get her moved in. It will be very hard on me physically & I'll probably cry like a baby when we leave her. Hope to post some pictures of the progress when we get back this weekend.
  2. Like
    edmay reacted to JesseLee in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    Thanks Michael, Jeff, Piet, Ken and Carl !
    Michael, this is the camera I'm using. I don't know a thing about cameras. My wife gave it to me for Christmas last year just so I could do pictures of my build logs. It does pretty good but does not get really close up like I've seen others be able to do. One problem I have is I dropped it last year in the parking lot at a pier when we went to the beach. Now the screen showing what you are seeing is messed up from the drop & I can only see the edge on one side. I can't see if my pics are centered or in focus so I have to guess then take the smart card thing out , put it in the computer & see if it is ok. If not I have to go back & try it again.

  3. Like
    edmay reacted to Piet in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    It's so good seeing you back at the bench JesseLee.  Good idea on the lowering method of the carronades, that'll work.  Some very nice micro work on the carronade brackets too.  Keep at it my friend, your ship is looking really great.
  4. Like
    edmay reacted to JesseLee in Syren by JesseLee - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale: 1:64   
    Thanks for the comments, encouragement & the "Likes".
    I added a small lip or foot to the brackets. This was very small detail & a lot of extra time but I thought they looked a little better this way. Kept losing the darned little things so I strung them all on a wire loop - lost none after that. Pinned them through the lugs with wire & managed to keep them all movable somehow. (sorry some of the pictures didn't come out focused very well)

  5. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Elijah in Royal Louis 1780 by Ulises Victoria - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1/90 - French 126-gun ship   
    Hello Ulises,Sorry to hear about your sister,nice work on the model,god bless Edwin
  6. Like
    edmay got a reaction from mtaylor in Royal Louis 1780 by Ulises Victoria - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1/90 - French 126-gun ship   
    Hello Ulises,Sorry to hear about your sister,nice work on the model,god bless Edwin
  7. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Update - After painting the background black,the side decorations were trimmed to fit around the gunports,painted gold & glued in place.The joints were filled with some filler & smoothed over & painted. The forward most section will be fitted after the positions of the cathead brackets are determined.



    The port side decorations will be fitted next.
  8. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Update - I fine tuned the fenders by tapering the lower ends & glued them in place. The tops will be trimmed off after the railings are in place - if I don`t break them off first. I then added the bolster for the hawse holes - another layer will be added when the cheek rails are fitted. I simulated the double doors at the bow by simply cutting into the planking with a chisel & added some hinges from my spare parts box. Then I put a coat of polyurethane on the hull below the upper wales. I think it may be a good time now to start working on the side decorations.



  9. Like
    edmay reacted to marktiedens in Royal William by marktiedens - FINISHED - Euromodel - scale 1:72   
    Update - before adding the upper wales,I pre-shaped the fenders to the contours of the hull. They were made from some 4x4mm walnut strips. After bending them with my plank bender,filing,& sanding they ended up being 2.5x3mm. I figured it would be a good time to put a finish on the hull below the lower wale,so on went a coat of polyurethane. The ship was getting a little top heavy with all the metal work,so I felt it was a good time to mount it on the stand,which is a beautiful solid mahogany - not plywood as in most other kits. All the upper wales were then glued in place & notched for the fenders,which were also notched to fit over the wales.





  10. Like
    edmay reacted to Ulises Victoria in Royal Louis 1780 by Ulises Victoria - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1/90 - French 126-gun ship   
    Hello fellow ship modelers. Here's some good and bad news.
    I wanted to post an update when the whole transom was completely done. I have completed only the rear part, (not the sides) as you will see in the following pictures. The sides, the area where I posted before that the parts broke and cursed and blah blah blah, will have to be finished later.
    I am still thinking of ways to do that area. So many options, so little... whatever
    My sister, who is totally dependent upon me because her diabetic feet and other illness,  and lives with me, broke her hip, had to undergo surgery and today is being moved to my home.
    So my building time and mood will be severely undermined for some time in the future.
    So I decided to post what I have done so far.
    As always, thanks for visiting, and every single word of positive criticism will be taken in account. 
    I love you guys!!!
    This area had to be filled

    I used play doh to make a mold. then I moved the parts a bit downwards. I then filled the space with "Plastiacero" (Plasi-steel) which is a two part epoxy component with a metal charge that hardens very hard.

    Here the two parts with the extension added and filed, and partially painted. Also the upper curved part partially painted


    The upper part glued in place. The white wood parts you see are fillers which will be reworked later



    Here the 2 vertical sections have been glued. You can see at the right the black spot plastiacero left. I used plastiacero to bond metal to metal, and 5 min epoxy to bond metal to wood.

    Lower and upper  balustrades added.

    Close up of one of the winged female angels. I didn't know angels had gender, but this one obviously do.

    Thank you all for visiting!!!
  11. Like
    edmay reacted to NMBROOK in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    Wow,that looks absolutely fantastic Daniel!!!!!!!! I did wonder if you would adopt the red and black colour scheme
    Slow down though,I need time to save my pennies,this is a definite must have for my stash  
    Kind Regards
  12. Like
    edmay reacted to Daniel Dusek in Dusek Ship Kits-news+info   
    Hello everyone,
    Here are some new photos of Santisima Trinidad after painting the hull.
    Best regards

  13. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Elijah in HMS Sovereign of the Seas by Sjors - DeAgostini - 1:84   
    Hello Sjores, Nice gun port preparation,your precise markings even doing some of them over again  will enable a fine well thought out finish , slow and easy is the key, nice work ,Edwin
  14. Like
    edmay got a reaction from Hennie in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Hello Cristikc, great progress the brass work is outstanding ,enjoy the beach ,Edwin
  15. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Continue with the firs planking

  16. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Had to modify a lot the brass parts, that don't feet well

    some small problems

    testing the "galion" but not clear the picture...

    some more parts added

  17. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    After a "pause" with the hollidays (going to the seaside with my granddaughter and my grandson) i started to work to SoS
    Add some decorations

    also some plywood parts


  18. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Some new parts added
    and a new box board finished

  19. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Hi Pat, (and Denis) it is right, i have to adapt a lot, and you will see some new pictures.
    I expected much more from this kit (about the accuray) but this is

  20. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Add some new brass (bronze) decorations

    to close and the quality is not so good (sorry), but just to make an idea

  21. Like
    edmay reacted to cristikc in Sovereign of the Seas by cristikc - Mantua - 1:78 scale   
    Using Hdd-sanding tool, and the preparations

  22. Like
    edmay reacted to GTM in Santisima Trinidad by GTM - OcCre - 1:90 - Kit Bashed   
    Thank you very much Michael, and thanks to all who hit the “like button”.
    Yes !!, I'm finished with the second ships boat..
    The techniques and look i used is similar to the first boat.
    Underneath a very brief photo sequence.



    Here a few shots of both, with the fittings in place.. 


    .. I wish everyone in MSW a happy 2015 !! ..
  23. Like
    edmay reacted to md1400cs in Santisima Trinidad by GTM - OcCre - 1:90 - Kit Bashed   
    Your work is such a pleasure to follow. Your oars and barrels are works of art. That small launch is just as great.
    Enjoy your N Year's Eve !!
  24. Like
    edmay reacted to GTM in Santisima Trinidad by GTM - OcCre - 1:90 - Kit Bashed   
    I’m still working on the second ships boat.. pictures of the (slow) progress will follow soon.
    In the mean time I spend some time on other details for the ships boats..
    I had an idea in my head about how to make “barrels”, and started working on a prototype.
    I cut a “square lath" into “8” triangles with my FET saw and glued these in a "square lath" again with pieces of (black) paper in between.
    The picture underneath shows much better what I’m trying to write  ..

    Using a lathe I turned it into a round stick and drilled a hole in one end.

    I shaped it with a file, sandpaper and a scalpel into a barrel shape and glued a top & bottom in position.

    "Flattening" 0,3mm brass wire, soldered it into a circles and blackened them.

    Maybe not the best, but here it is: my first prototype of an barrel..

    I also spend some time on the oars (the kit’s supplied oars where made out of cast metal.)





    No more “new” ship boats details, I will leave it with this and continue with the second ships boat .. 

  25. Like
    edmay reacted to GTM in Santisima Trinidad by GTM - OcCre - 1:90 - Kit Bashed   
    Thank you all, for the motivating responses ..
    And guess what ! (almost after a year), an real update !!
    I have cleared an corner in the basement and started concentrating on the tops of the ST.
    Again the kit version of the tops are made of plywood and are pretty basic, so naturally I will build them from scratch.
    So I started with preparing the planks for the platform itself.

    And to glue/shape the platform.

    The kits version doesn’t have a “ring” around it, so I decided to add one.
    For this I used the “size modified” plywood version as a template, and glued 4 pcs. Of 0.6mm oak strips together.

    Positioned the ribs..   

    .. and after some rough shaping,

    I started to shape all the ribs with a scalpel blade

    I can see now on the pictures that 'm still a bit rusty, so a few "minor" details/adjustments are needed..

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