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  1. Hello All, Thanks for the comments Wefalck, Keith Black, Canute and Jim Lad. Thanks everyone for the likes. A short update: About halfway through cross braces for the derrick assembly. I think I have to make about seven more, then touch up /repair and hopefully paint. Thanks for looking, mcb
  2. Hi Keith, Lula is looking good, especially with the pile driver along. Weren't you thinking of a diorama? Thanks for posting. mcb
  3. Hi Keith, The model is looking excellent. I think it may be best with black trim as it probably should match the lettering. Otherwise, I would have liked dark green. Nice photo of Great Falls, pre traffic jams. Thanks for posting, mcb
  4. Hello All, Thank You to Keith Black, Canute, Fried Clams and Wintergreen for your comments and thanks to all for the likes. Here is a brief report as this build moves slowly along. The rear derrick legs are built up and resting temporarily in the fixture. I will now have to build the three sets of cross braces between the front and rear legs. All these legs and cross braces are of different sizes and constructions. I hope that it will be apparent in the final product. Before long I should check clearance on the actual model, so I don't have any nasty surprises. Last night I brushed the front leg assembly knocking it over gently onto the cutting mat. One of the guide sheaves went flying to the floor, I was an hour finding it. At least I don't have to make another. Thanks for Looking in, mcb
  5. Hello All, Thanks for the comments, Wintergreen, Keith Black, Jim Lad and Canute. Thanks everyone for the likes. I just want to put up a pic of where things are now on the forward derrick leg. I mounted the pivoting guide sheaves (3 larger and 2 smaller) high up on the derrick. I am not sure of the proper name for these, please correct me if I am wrong. I also put rivets on the gusset plates, I think they will look alright after paint, and I will be using more on the remaining parts of the derrick and boom. After viewing the latest pictures, I see more touch up, clean-up and corrections are needed. Thanks for looking, mcb
  6. Hello everyone, Thanks for the comments Keith Black, Jim Lad and KeithAug. Thanks all for the likes. Just a small update here as progress continues on the forward derrick leg. First pic should show the fixtures for assembling the components for the 2 beams of the forward legs. with cross braces and gusset plates. next photos should show the assembled leg assembly with guide sheaves/rollers at the bottom and smaller guides further up on the derrick. Last pic is where I am currently. Preparing one of the 3 larger pivoting guide sheaves for the top of the derrick. There are also 2 smaller ones that must be installed just below. After this I will prime and fix blemishes, then I will probably put rivets on the gusset plates as they are quite visible in the picture that I am using for a model. Thanks for looking, mcb
  7. Hi Keith, That looks good. Your pastels seem like the old chalks that I use, easy to adjust (until you clear coat it). This project is really moving along. Thanks for posting it, mcb
  8. Congratulations, well done. I especially like the muted colors. Looking forward to the stern wheeler. mcb
  9. Hello All, Thanks for the comments Jim Lad, Wefalck, Keith Black, KeithAug, and Canute. Its been quite a while. I have been busy with the usual home maintenance and have actually started to build the modules that these harbor models will occupy. I had to set aside the 'BLAIRSTOWN' for a bit as well. As I mentioned above I was not happy with the windows I installed on the pilot house and winch house. This is because they were far too thick, especially on the winch house. I think they will have to go. I have a few ideas about what to try next for them. We'll see. As far as the color of the windows Canute's reply is exactly right. I am building this model as it was in ~ 1964 when it was operated by Petterson Lighterage. Black hull and deck, red superstructure, white windows (with black trim which I probably won't be able to do) and pale blue! derrick top, stack top and mast top. I am using the cover photo of Transfer #30, as Canute says above, for 90%+ of my info for this build. I really should see if I can get permission to post that pic so that everyone can see what I am doing. I agree the white is too vibrant in my photos above I will have to tone it down on the next try. It is slightly more muted in person. Meanwhile as I stew over the windows I have started on the derrick. I took measurements from the above-mentioned pic and began on (crude) drawings. Started with the front derrick leg, building it up from styrene strips and shapes. Thanks for looking, mcb
  10. Hi Keith, The pile driver is looking good, it won't be long now before it's done. You found a good window size for your scale. I'm a fan of Tichy windows as well. Did you say this was going to burn wood? Thanks for posting, mcb
  11. Congratulations for completing this outstanding model. I must thank you for introducing new methods, materials and knowledge to consider in my own future efforts. She looks good in the water with figures and flag. Thanks for posting, mcb
  12. Hi Keith, Your pile driver is coming along well. I am anticipating the next models in the series. Box car red varied widely. I would be happy with any of the above suggestions as well as what you have already painted. I think we may be giving it far more thought than those who were responsible for the original. Just be sure to weather/fade it a little since the deck and hull are weathered. As for window glazing you may be thinking of Micro Kristal Klear which should be available in any hobby shop (if you still have a local hobby shop). It looks much like Elmer's white glue as Brian mentioned above. Kristal Klear, I think may be less cloudy, but worth trying the Elmer's first if you have it. Nice looking cutter. Let us know your impressions when you get to use it. Thanks for posting, mcb
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