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  1. Absolutely fantastic. This is my first build and heavily using your technique to get her done. Photography is incredible! Thanks for your help
  2. SUPER WORK!!!! Also new to this. Currently working Charles W Morgan as my first build. Please know that I am using techniques you are showing on Connie (which I have in my"shipyard"). Quality of photography is far superior to anything I have seen anywhere. As ret USN (20) and ret Middle School Special Ed teacher (25) you have a tremendous understanding of teaching as does Eric, Der Alte Renter, GS, and the others that are contributing to this effort. I am saving these as pdf files on hard drive. Techniques I have seen here will help others and can be applied to any model they may build!!! WELL DONE!!! JJ
  3. GREAT job Steve - have not seen the jig for the boats before, Really like that. I have a question would it have been possible to build them but leave the bottom of the boat off? Would that have made sanding the inside easier, then add the bottom last? Looks like feathering the last layer would have been really difficult without digging into the bottom? The final results really look great. (PS - I am STILL struggling with the skylight). Again, GREAT JOB! I truly think I must have lost my mind trying to build this one as my First!!!!!!!!
  4. Steve - wanted to show you how I am making the pintails. I make a shallow cut in wood from my counter saw stop and placed 3/32 inch strip into the indentation. Using #70 bit in pin vise, drilled the holes for the rods. the sides of the cut seem to help in preventing the wood from slitting. tried the polystyrene, but the plastic seemed to cause the strips to bend and did not cut the holes evenly. 10 made so far from the 3/32 strips and seems to be working. THANK you for all the advice and looking for more in your build. MANY more holes to be drilled! . .
  5. Steve - just for info - K&S 0.020 in. D X 12 in. L Brass Rod 5 pk Rods (#8159) are available through Ace hardware and Amazon. Mine came in the mail about an hour ago. ($1.89 each - got 4 packs for $7.56 and almost $11.00 for shipping)
  6. Truly a work of art! I had never thought about styrene - I hope I can build this as well as you did. Have the 0.02 rods in the mail from Ace Hardware and should receive it by the weekend. I cannot over state how much this means. I have learned so much from these build logs and I share them with the members of the Model Group here in Tidewater VA - especially the new builders (like me). Means a LOT!!!!! Super Job!
  7. Steve - I really think you found the answer and I think I will follow this means to do honor to the ship and those who sailed on her. Thanks for the examples you came up with! GREAT job!
  8. Steve - I was about to begin the sky light when I saw your input. The wood is so small it will be difficult to make them. Two ideas. First would make a difference to treat the wood with titebond first then drill? Another idea could be to reduce the number of holes from 9 to five. As to the extra 2 mm, thanks for the heads up! Truly impressed!! JJ.
  9. WOW!!!!!!! I have been sweating having to cut 450 brinks and somehow building this thing. Your photographs are extremely well done and clearly demonstrates how to do it. I really appreciate the end on shots that show the layers. This is truly the work of a master builder and will following this will truly help any builder make this possible. Using Gerald Spargo's templates gives the dimension of each part so I feel that I can actually build it. SUPER JOB AND THANKS!!!! JJ
  10. I really like the brick sheet you showed so I just ordered a sheet. Concerning the color, have you tried a thin application of a brick stain to get this closer to CWM try works station? I should get mine in about a week. This issue has been bothering me for a while so MANY THANKS! Will advise when I get it done. JJ
  11. I am trying to glue brass to brass for rudder hinges and not having much luck - tried guerrilla glue, but does not seem to hold. Any ideas on what to use? Can't solder to the coppered hull, will have to glue the hinges. Thanks for any recommendation!!!
  12. I wish I had this before I started my CWM. Absolutely beautiful prsentation! Will be following your methodology as you progress!
  13. THANK YOU for the idea of glue drops for "rivets". Like you, thought of cutting the pinheads would drive me nuts! GREAT work!!!
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