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Everything posted by ErnieL

  1. Daily update. The hull frames seems decently faired, the stern counters look decent enough, and the inner prow is on, so, this is where the rubber meets the road, next come the gunport patterns. Yay. Going forward, this will be new skills to be developed. Building R/C planes and boats gives you plenty of framing experience, but making flat wood curve and bend is gonna be fun. Onward and upward
  2. Now why didn’t I think of that. Duhhhhh. Thanks. It makes sense
  3. Do any of you brains use any sort of special tool for cleanly driving brass pins into wood? I’ve managed to band at least 10 so far and I’ve given up..
  4. Yep, I’m getting close as well. Gunports are next, so after that, first planking and we’ll try Chuck’s method first. What could possibly go wrong? I think I’m handy enough with CA, but one thing I’m loving do far is how weed and wood glue slow you down, make you enjoy what’s actually happening before your eyes. When I rush it I make stupid mistakes. Like putting bulkheads in backwards. I’m going to try both methods so we’ll see.
  5. Welcome, Peter! Now that’s like a grand entrance! Beautiful work, by the way.
  6. So as of this moment, requisition forms are being prepared (in triplicate) to press into service a hot plate and pot for use in plank prep. These forms will be submitted to the War Department ASAP.
  7. Welcome! I’m a raw noob as well, having embarked on my very first ship build in decades, and I’m really enjoying the forum here. A lot. Looking forward to seeing the yawl take shape.
  8. Yep. The model industry and market over there is massive. Here we’re seen as the nerdy bunch, but there, you’re right, it is respected. I better quit. We’re close to hijacking a build log. LOL
  9. Speedy sharing bench space, although the aircraft will need to go take a break in a bit. Too much sawdust.
  10. I hope you’re right, because my opinion of regular Chinese business practices (not just Trumpeter) lies somewhere lower than the level of a garden slug. Im all my years, I have yet to build abTrumpeter kit, although I will do the Arizona as the Pennsylvania, and the Hood backdated to her 1930s wave the flag South Pacific Cruise.
  11. Does anyone else around here like sexy curves? Epoxy bottle meet stern counter. It went for a swim in some almost boiling water, then joined with the bottle for a few hours, and..... POOF! Instant sexy curves.
  12. Standard Trumpeter practices. The plastic model bunch don’t seem to put as big a deal on it because the Chinese stuff is usually a different scale, etc. But they recreate every problem of the copied kit, warts and all. Add to that reboxings, mold sharing, etc, and it’s tough to tell what’s real and what’s pirated. But Trumpeter’s two best 1/32 aircraft models, the Douglas SBD and the Grumman TBM are both blatant pantograph enlargements of 1/48 scale Accurate Miniatures kits. Nevertheless, this build is truly mind blowing.
  13. So the darker planking strips are the pear for the second planking?
  14. Hahaha. She’s hauling quite the load, but notice the skill involved in spreading the load evenly over the deck...
  15. What about depleted uranium?
  16. Thanks, Glenn. For me, the thing I'm experiencing with this kit is that because of the stellar reputation Vanguard has developed in such a short time, combined with effortless parts fit, I could easily find myself lulled into false sense of security and very quickly paint myself into a corner. Other than my last plastic build, I've never so looked forward to getting home at night and building something. And regarding Anna, we were a great little country town of a couple thousand folks for many years, but it's sure changed lately. And not for the better
  17. I was under the impression that the stern board ribs were MDF and fragile. So imagine my surprise when I found these little gems in the kit. They’re plywood, and nice plywood, too. I expect they’ll be much stronger but Han MDF, and a very scale thickness as well.
  18. But I continue piecing the hull frame together, trying not to booger the thing up. So far, Gorilla Glue seems to be working fine for me. I’m trying to make sure the edges are beveled as much as possible now because I have nightmares about gouging the MDF with my sanding sticks.
  19. James, I’m truly enjoying this so far, and I must be the only guy in the world actually looking forward to trying the coppering process. I just have an odd feeling I’m going to enjoy it. I almost overlaps with the other half of my model building life. I certainly owe you a bottle or three of fine highland nectar.
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