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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. Greetings everyone and happy 2025! I was recently corresponding with @Ab Hoving and he mentioned that he had finished a new book on "Dutch 17th Century Ship Models in Paper". Being a huge Ab fan (self-proclaimed first and founding member of the Ab Hoving Fan Club), I went to order it, and also saw that he had published an intriguing book titled "Message in a Model: Stories from the Naval Model Room of the Rijksmuseum." I am trying to finish reading the latest Louise Penny book, "The Gray Wolf", then I will dive into these two books, and perhaps even dare to write a review if there is not one available at the time of my completion of what I anticipate will be most enjoyable and informative reads. Best regards to everyone!
  2. Hmmm, should that read "After many test prints, I am now doing production...". I'm semi-confused, but not alarmed, as I am quite used to being confused in life.
  3. Hey Chris, Are you feeling any better today? Hope so! Just wanted to let you know that I put in an order for the light kit, the chart table with figures, the 24 foot launch, and a couple of lantern kits. However, I think I jumped the gun, and should have waited to get the new boats (that are clinker-builds) and the new pinnace. Might be too late to do anything, and no blood no foul as they say, but just thought I would let you know I had screwed up (I think). I truly hope you are feeling better mate! Best regards to you and your business associate(s), Brian
  4. Argh, that is sad to hear Chris. Take it slow and take care of yourself, and hopefully you will cough the bug out soon. I believe it would make the most sense to wait until you have the pinnace available, and then place a single order for all 3 boats and the figure kit, so that we keep the labor and shipping costs to a minimum. If my line of thinking is amiss, please advise =), until then, I'll try to make some progress on the Sphinx while I can! Best regards, and get well soon my good man. BT
  5. Hey Chris, Which of the 9 boats would you recommend I purchase for installation on my Sphinx? I'll place an order upon receiving your advice, and include the new figures at the chart table too! Thanks for the assistance, and I hope you are feeling much better now. Cheers, Brian
  6. I bave the AOTS, and some other references to refer too. However, you are right, I need some courage 😜
  7. Awesome progress, so jealous that you are so far ahead of me and that it looks soooo good! Well done, you set the bar high, and I will try my best to follow your example!
  8. OMG, I am so glad my Sphinx build has proceeded at such a slow pace I can get a light kit (save me one, I’ll buy it as soon as it goes available!!)
  9. Welcome aboard, you found the right spot for inspiration and education!!!
  10. Francois, May I ask what is going on with the lights in the last picture - It seems your lights have covers over them? Just curious. Also, I have probably asked you this several times already, but I will ask again: (ahem) did you glue your masts and bowsprits in place prior to rigging? Thanks for any information or thoughts you (Or anyone else) might have on this subject matter, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers! BT
  11. Thanks, I can't claim the idea as my own, however, I did improvise on the approach!
  12. I have to add my praise for your incredibly well-done planking job, and for your decision not to paint over it!!!! I am glad you are creating another fine example for the Sphinx builders here (like me =).
  13. Managed a quick trip in to the museum, which is free to the public. Lots of eye candy!!!!
  14. I’ll jump into the fray. All the commentary about fit, etc are all good. However, the images people are critiquing are huge compared to the size of the figures. With my eyes, I can hardly see the figure, let alone a big hand or Ill-fitted coat. That’s not to say the comments aren’t valid, but holy cow I am starting to understand why Chris is saying he is going to punt.
  15. Excellent observation. The figures are awesome, but the telescope would not be sitting like that (at least not for long).
  16. Wich' being one who's building a Granado - I'd encourage add'n a bomb vessel to the Vanguard Fleet 😃. When it comes to armament, maybe bigger is better 😉
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