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Everything posted by HardeeHarHar

  1. Wow, having just started the Granado, your build log text and photos (and all the other build logs) are stunningly informative, masterful in skill and beauty, clearly founded in solid research and best practice, and absolutely terrifying. 😃
  2. This build is looking great, cant wait for an update!!!! I am about to plank the Granado build I have in progress.....
  3. Thanks my good man, I appreciate it! Best regards!
  4. Thanks Vane. I might try the oar ports as I mentioned, but I get the point you made about getting to cut it out again after 2nd planking. Most importantly, no glue on extensions, right?
  5. Hey Vane, Tom, Grandpa Phil, and anyone else with an opinion or tip for the Granado build I am attempting: I was wondering if there would be any merit to "transferring" the oar port patterns onto the gunport patterns and cutting those little suckers out BEFORE I even glue the gunport patterns onto the bulkheads? What do you think, inspired or imbecile idea? Also, when fixing the gunports to the bulkhead frames, I was thinking I would soak them (again) so they can best conform to the bulkheads. Good or bad idea? Finally, what glue would be best to use, and do you ABSOLUTELY avoid glue on the bulkhead extensions that get removed, and just allow the clamps to shape the gunport templates? Sorry for all the questions, but us newbies need as much advice as from you experts as possible.....and thanks in advance for any and all advice.
  6. Vane, I wanted to let you know that your photos show the tapering you did from the bearding line to the keel very nicely. Did you use a dremel or was that all hand carved out, if you don't mind sharing? Also, you didn't make and use filler blocks in the bow and stern, as some have done previously....did you consider using them and decide against? Did you miss them? I am just starting the build and want to make sure I put my best foot forward....
  7. Hey Steve, what a very nice and generous offer to share your hard found ship kits...Best regards!
  8. Welcome from a fellow newbie....!!!
  9. Greetings Brian, welcome to the new guys on the block club. Hope you post some shots of your Smuggler soon!
  10. I tried to take a better picture of the finished launch on a green screen but it didn't work that well....but I did enjoy the build for a first timer.
  11. Hey JC, Looking great! I am just finishing up my first build of the Jolly Boat and have really enjoyed the kit and the experience so far. Looking forward to your progression! Brian
  12. Thanks for pointing that out. I edited them to jpegs above. Love any suggestions for setting sails to look “full”
  13. I'm wondering if I should make a dilute glue solution and try to shape the sails.... What do you think peeps? I also took some ideas from Spiff and Jmaitri (thanks mates!) and riffed on them a little, while staying within my limited talent envelope.
  14. I didn’t have the foresight to start a build log, but I will for sure next time! Will check your builds too!
  15. Hey Alan (and Hank and all the other NCers), Just wanted to give a shout out to the NC denizens club, live in Durham and Roanoke Island.
  16. Hi from Roanoke Island, Thanks for allowing me to join the community. I am just about finished with the Jolly Boat and have enjoyed the kit and the learning process. Thankfully, the build logs that were available helped point me in the right direction, and then I started to get the itch to learn more about rigging, etc. I was doing the Jolly Boat as a first "practice" build, but it quickly became more than a practice session. I am not much of a modeler, but I have been captured by the quality of the ship models and the attention to detail that makes a true masterpiece. I am looking at making the Caldercraft Granado as my second build, and hope that I am not setting my sights to high. I will post a quick picture of my first build if I can figure it out.... Looking forward to learning more and meeting people! Best regards, Brian
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