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    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   


    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Paul
  2. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Doreltomin in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Happy birthday, Doris.
  3. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   

    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Paul
  4. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Congrats to this beautyful little model
  5. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    The Cutter is finally finished. It's taken me just under 3 weeks to build.






  6. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Thanks very much for the kind replies Christian, Greg, George, Johann, John and Highlander. They are much appreciated .
    Christian - no, I won't be building the Pinnace.
    Johann - that's some seriously good work you are doing on your Longboat .
    John - It took me a while to understand the purpose of the Rolling Bevel as well .
    Highlander nearly got it right, except that the bevel only rolls for the last couple of (scale) feet from the bow and stern. Picture the Rabbet - it's a parallel groove the thickness of the planks, whereas the clinker planking overlaps each plank by a couple of (scale) inches. As the plank approaches the bow (or stern) it needs to transition from Clinker to Carvel, hence the "Rolling Bevel". The diagrams below may help explain how it works - they are copied from the Cutter Instructions written by David Antscherl :

  7. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to guraus in HMS Victory by guraus - scale 1:48 - plank on frame   
    Another small update.

  8. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from mtaylor in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Really nice progress, Dan. It looks so easy, if you work on this parts. But I know it is not easy. This is a really nice model of it's own.
    Do you plan also to build the pinnace?
  9. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to EdT in Young America 1853 by EdT - FINISHED - 1:96 - POB - extreme clipper   
    Young America 1853 – POB 1:96
    Part 3 – Erecting Bulkhead Assemblies
    In the full-framed version of the model, frames were plumbed then clamped in place using small wood spacer blocks or later, using ribbands at the planksheer.  For this model the bulkheads are glued to their neighbors using wood spacers.  The method is basically the same but requires a different clamping method.  The first picture shows the device used to clamp the bulkheads for gluing.

    The two plywood rectangles fit loosely over the central spine.  They are drilled at the same level as the holes shown earlier in each bulkhead.  A long, loose-fitting threaded rod is used to tighten the glue joints as each new bulkhead is added and aligned.  The next picture shows bulkhead 2 being glued.

    The squares are used to align the frame to the maximum breadth line on the shipway plan.  The nut on the threaded rod is then tightened to secure the glued joint.  The next picture shows more bulkheads added - one at a time.

    And so on.

    In the above picture the fairness of the deck “beams” is being checked with the metal rule.  If the notches over the spine are cut carefully, the line should be precisely fair.
    The next picture is a close up of some bulkheads showing the excess spacer material that will need to be removed later.

    Note that the station lines on the shipway plan align with the plywood bulkhead at its maximum breadth.  When the hull is faired by removing the excess and smoothing the line to over the plywood sections, the hull shape will be precise.
    The last picture shows the framing of the forebody almost complete.

    Note in this picture that the midship frame and another forward of that are held in alignment throughout this process by squares clamped to the shipway.    This prevents the hull shape from twisting as frames are added.
    While building up to this point, a number of special attachments were made on some of the bulkheads for mast steps, reinforcements and hold down bolts.  I will show some of these in the next part.
  10. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from Canute in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Really nice progress, Dan. It looks so easy, if you work on this parts. But I know it is not easy. This is a really nice model of it's own.
    Do you plan also to build the pinnace?
  11. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from GLakie in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Really nice progress, Dan. It looks so easy, if you work on this parts. But I know it is not easy. This is a really nice model of it's own.
    Do you plan also to build the pinnace?
  12. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Thank you Nigel, Greg, Maury, Nils and Popeye .
    The ribs have all been installed, and also the Keelson. I'm in the process of fitting the Risings which support the Thwarts (seats) :


  13. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    Next jobs were the Fore and Aft Platforms. Card templates were made for both :

    The first plank of the fore platform. The glue has just been applied and not yet cleaned up :

    A pic of the fore platform at a later stage of the build :

    The aft platform. The Knees have also been fitted in this pic, but I later removed them to fit the stern sheets (seats) :

  14. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Dan Vadas in Cutter for HMS Vulture by Dan Vadas - FINISHED   
    The Thwarts are next. The central one is fitted with the clamp that holds the mast, and a step is fitted to the keelson below it :


    The Stern Sheets and Knees :

    The upper fore Platform and Breasthook in the bow :

    There are three eyebolts and rings fitted, one each in the stem and sternpost and one amidships. These are the smallest ones I've made so far - 0.35mm wire, the ring is 1mm inside diameter :

  15. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Finally a long overdue update. My KF got little attention lately as work and other (fun) projects got in the way.
    I cut all the mortices for the carlings in the upper deck beams and started to make the first of the knee's and hanging knees. These are not one of my favourite parts to make and unfortunately every beam has a hanging knee. This is due to the heavy load on the deck with all the canons. I'll stick to my mantra and go step by step or part by part in this case





  16. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Thanks all for your kind words. And yes Mark it's relaxing. 
    David B, 99% is Castello Boxwood and deck planking is Holly
    Just a minor update, the mast step finished with lots of bolts and 4 shaves.

  17. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to jack.aubrey in HMS Guadeloupe by jack.aubrey - 1:48 scale - ex French Le Nisus - Brick de 24   
    Friday, June 19, 2015  
    It's +/- fifteen days that I do not provide any news about this project.
    Unfortunately I had other commitments and could not find the time to continue with my idea on the copper plating. 
    Commitments about matters concerning the condominium where I live, so I was heavily involved and I am just now released.
    I also had to undertake the repair of my computer because the two internal harddisks showed signs of being to pass away and I had to recover the situation. As result I spent almost three full days to restore all the data on the new harddisks. Thanks to the fact that I have always had in place an automatic and regular data backup process I did lose practically nothing. But I had to reinstall many software, from Windows 7 Operating System to the application programs I usually use.
    It had also a chance to do some housekeeping of all the "garbage" installed in the last five years. Now, thanks to the smart hardware changes, the PC runs like a beauty.
    And so, rather than carrying on the copper plates matter, since I was on the computer many hours, I started thinking to get ready to build, at the right time, the brick longboat, the first of the three boats on this ship.
    And here I followed the same path that led me to design the hull of the ship some months ago:
    1) trace the longboat ANCRE plan with AUTOCAD,
    2) correct some more evident errors in the drawing, which, as far as great, was convenient to adjust.
    The result can be seen in the first image here below, containing all the hull design elements.
    01 Brick%20de%2024%20Plans/v1.0.0.ScialuppaGrandeDisegno1_zpsgtelmm2d.jpg

    From the first drawing I then extrapolated some details, as the following views . .
    02 Brick%20de%2024%20Plans/v1.1.0.ScialuppaGrandeDisegnoLato_zpsthsqaani.jpg

    Then I cleaned up a few lines that were no longer needed . . 
    03 Brick%20de%2024%20Plans/v1.1.1.ScialuppaGrandeDisegnoLato_zpsefmj0pri.jpg

    Until I got the draw of the keel . .
    04 Brick%20de%2024%20Plans/v1.1.2.ScialuppaGrandeDisegnoLato_zpsxwvbohjf.jpg

    And the bulkheads from midships aft . .
    05 Brick%20de%2024%20Plans/v1.1.2.ScialuppaGrandeDisegnoPoppa_zpsewgrx39p.jpg

    The process continues . .
    Cheers, Jack.
  18. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to AlexBaranov in HMS Cumberland 1774 by AlexBaranov - FINISHED - 1:36   
    Наконец, законченная работа на модели корабля. К сожалению (есть причина), я был не в состоянии показать процесс строительства. От меня это мало влияет. Тем не менее, подлежат рассмотрению в силе, я постараюсь, чтобы сделать хорошее фото студию и добавить к этой теме.

  19. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   


    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Paul
  20. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Mirek,thank you.



    The beginning of the relation is available at this address:
    Regards, Paul
  21. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum got a reaction from popeye the sailor in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Really wonderful pictures. What's the next model in your shipyard?
  22. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to Alex M in HMS Sphynx 1775 by Alex M - Scale 1/48 - English 20-Gun Frigate   
    a litle bit of progress, the work go on:


    Soft soldered from 0,1mm brass:



  23. Like
    AnobiumPunctatum reacted to DORIS in ROYAL CAROLINE 1749 by Doris - 1:40 - CARD   
    Night view of Royal Caroline

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