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Everything posted by jct

  1. Very nice Paul...something really different, great paint work too
  2. Well...here we are, almost 3 months since I visited the Hanna...I was busy with some non-ship builds, sometimes I need a bit of a break...but this build will resume, so today's progress The mast hole are drilled and the dowels cut to length and teh deck grates have been assembled and cut to rough shape, they all still need to be finish sanded nothing is attached just placed to check sizes
  3. I see your conundrum...definitely like the black and white stripes...is there a shot of the other side? wondering if the strips continue around like a barber pole? think I'd be tempted to give it a shot...Tamiya makes some really sweet tape that would allow you to pull it off...no matter what you decide I'm sure it will be an exceptional example
  4. Hi CD...you can always resort to a liquid mask if necessary, I've used em in the past with good results, with that said I don't think your camo job looks bad?
  5. Sometimes I miss the old days, other days, not so much. Roger that...Mickey Thompson even did Pontiac hemi’s for awhile...I think only like 6 motors were ever converted , Lew Arrington ran one in the og 65 Brutus GTO
  6. The 2.2? could look like this ...I got an old Blue Flame from a 53 Vette I thinking of doing this to
  7. THX Ron THX Mark...I agree...toyed with the idea of rigging a trapeze but just wanted to keep it simple Not at all sure Denis, I know I'm staying away from my stash for awhile, I do need to get an inventory though...this little bird was buried under multiple layers, I've no idea what I have...a hiatus may be in my immediate future as we are opening the RV in a couple weeks, but we'll have to see I do want to say thanks again to all that have followed and supported along the way much appreciated my friends
  8. Love the work on the motor. very nice detail work
  9. THX D...that's one of the Admirals place mats I was ready for the decal issues this time around
  10. My thanks to you all...and yes Roger they did still us Morris...accounts say that the cockpit was so restricted that they had the key strapped to their knee
  11. Hello everyone...this is the last installment of the Sparrowhawk build, she is complete... The wing support rigging was completed with 0.015 stainless steel wire...the radio antenna is line from my rigging box, the attachment points are small hooks made from the stainless wire CA'ed into predrilled holes...I was able to use most of the kit decals though they all broke at one point or another, the stripe borders were a total lose though, so those are really thin pieces of masking tape, they were painted with a pointer brush after the green had dried, that was a pita...my thanks to all who've participated in this log your support is much appreciated...on to the photos
  12. Looks great D...like the chose of steelies with the dog dish caps
  13. Thanks Ken...colorful they were, I think that's what makes them fun to build
  14. Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na ... BATMAN
  15. Started applying decals today...no pics till the big reveal, but here's a teaser of the cowl and shutter plate, just so you can see the color I came up with for the markings...a little dark but I think it looks ok, the wheel pants, fuselage strip and wing chevron will match
  16. Yep still a yellow wing, there were 6 a/c used each with different color markings
  17. I've been told they are one in the same...built in the same factory, same drive trains, different trim and front ends
  18. Have not heard too many good things about the brand, seem to be pledged with little quality issues
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