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Everything posted by jct

  1. Thanks Denis...partially, other ideas came from Chuck's practicum of the Sultana, fictional rigging for a fictional boat!
  2. More rigging fun...got the fore yards up with slings and got the braces and lifts rigged the bosun would be ashamed by these coils, jig will be used for the next bunch jib stays traveler rod installed
  3. I for one thank you and all the rest for hanging in there...your services are essential to keep the rest of us up to snuff while we trug thru this disaster
  4. Here's the update I promised yesterday... did a bit with the standing rigging and for most I used a serving technique developed by the late Hubert Sicard on his website Wooden Ship Modeling for Dummies, that is the use of zip sizings. I'll snopsize here but would urge those interested to head to the Dummies site, a wealth of info and building tips there. here's a shot of the sizings before trimming, they are coils of line soaked in ca, first step is to find a form the size you want your finished sizing to be, I use a drill bit, then apply a liberal coat of bees wax and polish it up. You then coil your rigging line around it, the one shown below is 10 wraps apply the ca let it dry, then find something to push it off the form with cause even with the wax the ca will stick to it, I just close my tweezers over the top of it and push on the table top and here's the coil ready for trimming be sure to re-wax the form (drill bit) before making another one, to use them you just slip them over the line you want to represent a serving on. here are is a shot of one on a back stay of Jumbos froward mast it's a technique I find useful, I hope you will as well now more riggin pics fore mast fore stays foremast back stay, you can also see the main topmast stay and main stay deck attachments just forward of the grating mainmast fore and back stays riggin in the tops fore top mast stay and outer jib stay Needed to make some cleats for the catheads here they are mounted, still need some paint this is the same technique I use for cleats in my Hannah build, link is in my signature played around with rigging the anchor and catheads...these aren't permanent yet and will most likely be redone and started prepping the fore yards and that's about it for today...more rigging fun tomorrow, thanks for hitting the like button and leaving comments
  5. the deck and steering houses look fine...nice job, I think your representation of the Clotilda is gonna be great overall, sorry to here work is a pita
  6. The cap rails look great D...she's coming along and looking good...I'm really not that far ahead, considering your still workin'... and building two
  7. Thanks a bunch D...I got more done with the standing rigging today but didn't get any pics...tomorrow for sure
  8. Thanks to all for the likes and comments...mast are stepped and rigging has commenced but first the ships boat was hung from the davits, I just made some simple hooks from wire and blacken it... top shrouds were rigged, with deadeyes, smaller size then the mains and the formast top shrods were ratted (lousy pic) I spun up the main shroud lines on the rope walk, no pics here, same story just different threads, and they were mounted to both masts, I made up a deadeye jig to size the shroud lines and glued and tied off all the upper dead eyes dangling deadeyes rigged all tied off. ratlines won't happen until last, the stays will be next mounted the bow sprint and gammoning and that's it for today, stays will go up next
  9. No it's scratched...used the kit boat as a buck to make a new one from paper...thx, trying to finish before the end of the month, not sure if I'm gonna make it or not, cap rails weren't to bad. The rudder was a pain to align with the hole in the deck...I ended up drillin' a bunch and making a cover plate
  10. Here's shot of the rudder and the fake pintle and gudgeons, kinda chessie I know ships boat complete and fitted out with rudder, oars and line completed the upper shroud lines, still need to rig the deadeyes rigged the anchors and that's it for now may step the masts and start rigging tomorrow
  11. No problem Keith, not an intrusion at all, you did a nice job fixin' her up, your friend should be pleased
  12. Thx D, that's only cause you still have to go to work, thanks for that by the way...rudder is done, I cheated on the mounts though just simulated them with strips, fast and easy
  13. Here are the pics of the sticks I promised earlier...main boom fore and main gaff jib boomcont, dolphin strikecont, beesdone mast tops, decided to use deadeyes as opposed to just lashings added mast rings and boom rests, these are just strips of card stock glued up and dyed and painted. mounted the furniture and added some bolts and rings for the fore stays. and that's it for now. just trying to get as much done as I can before I step the masts as it's easier then working in the air, so to speak
  14. Hey all thx for the likes and comments...the channels and chainplates are done, my original plan to use the spun copper was a complete FAIL, the stuff would not keep a bend for nothing so I reverted to solid copper wrapped the deadeyes formed the lower sections and blackened everything, used Jax for this and finally mounted also got the masts, yards and booms prepped and ready, no pics yet maybe later today of not tomorrow for sure
  15. I chased tose for awhile as well...even had some pieces fall apart that were fine when first cut, untrustworthy material
  16. I used what I could manage to rip down, all of the deck is kit supplied oak, rub strake, the trestle and cross trees, and some other small bits here and there. Used a bit of the pine/fir for paneling in the fwd hold. All else is from the spares box
  17. I'll be posting an update soon...I hate chain plates
  18. Hey D.... You may have already seen these pics of the Clotilda, most I've seen depicts her as a topsail schooner, not sure if you're gonna find a definitive answer...less someone out there has more data??
  19. That kit planking is old oak...I had some luck starting with 80 and working up to 300 for the deck on mine, but it was a pita...yur deck looks real good, gonna leave it natural I assume
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