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Everything posted by helmarsowick

  1. Tom Lauria has a good you tube on hanks and coils. Very simple and they look good.
  2. I can't exceed the praise above, but I heartily agree. An inspiration to us all. Helmar
  3. Looks beautiful. Constitution was black out of the yard. All six frigates commissioned were the same black and white.
  4. And yes that means he can print the entire model, but that wouldn't be any fun would it. I'm only having him deal with the few things I can't make because I no longer have the tools. When I was young I got familiar with wood as an apprentice cabinetmaker which didn't last too long. Before I retired from business I sold most of my tools not knowing I'd get into this hobby. So 3D printing. Helmar 415 244-9526 hsowick@gmail.com
  5. I had the plans scanned to pdf's by my local architect and then sent them off to my friend in Poland who builds a 3D model of the 2D drawings and prints them out. He then ships them out properly packaged and it takes several weeks to arrive. I can give you his information and he already has the complete 8 sheets of plans in digital form. He would probably still have the file to print out others.
  6. gaff for main mast, subject rigging

    Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 1.10.19 PM.png

    1. hamilton


      Hi Helmar:


      If this is a picture of your model, then it looks to me like your peak halliard is rigged just fine to me....can you clarify what you are having issues with? I would like to be of help but I'm having difficulty understanding the problem.....


  7. I was wondering if you can help me.

    The rigging knots for main gaff blocks going to the mast. I'm a relative beginner and can't find anything on the rigging of these. Can you help or do you have someone to recommend?


    Helmar Sowick

    1. hamilton


      Hi Helmar:


      I posted a couple of responses on my build log in reply to your earlier question - Can you provide a photo or two (eiuther of your model or the plans) of what you're having issues with - is it the peak halliard blocks rigged onto the gaff? Or the ones on the mast? I tried to describe the process in the responses on my build log, but it's really hard to find clear language to explain these processes.....my work life is extremely busy at the moment, but if I have time and you describe your issue or send photos to show the area you're having trouble with, I might be able to provide photos of my process to illustrate it for you....I can't guarantee these would come fast, since as I say my working life is ramping up for the next couple of weeks, so time will be precious....but I'll see what I can do if the descriptions and photos I've posted at the end of my BN log aren't sufficient.


  8. I was wondering if you can help me. The rigging knots for main gaff blocks going to the mast. I'm a relative beginner and can't find anything on the rigging of these. Can you help or do you have someone to recommend? Thanks Helmar Sowick
  9. I was wondering if you can help me.

    The rigging knots for main gaff blocks going to the mast. I'm a relative beginner and can't find anything on the rigging of these. Can you help or do you have someone to recommend?


    Helmar Sowick

  10. Very nice work. I know your not to the rigging knots for main gaff block going to the mast. I'm a relative beginner and can't find anything on the rigging of these. Can you help or do you have someone to recommend? Thanks Helmar Sowick
  11. I consider his rates reasonable as the Polish Zloty if 4 to 1 US. You need to send a copy of scale plans to work from. I had an architecture office scan the 8 drawings and sent them as PDF's. He has all the plans for Conny so he can make anything you want. I use him for things I'd have to carve or can't make, remember I've only done some small boats and Bluenose. He does an estimate including mailing, but sticks by his number. His English is fairly good but he can take a while to respond so be patient. He also has another job. Big jump to the Constitution but I used to be a cabinetmaker and enjoy woodworking. I also enjoy striving for perfection. Not that I'll get there but the pursuit is enjoyable. If you contact him let him know Helmar says hello.
  12. If you're interested contact Kris Szkutnik at szkutnik-model@wp.pl in Poland.
  13. I don't think you're slow at all considering the quality of work. I haven't started Conny yet as I've been finishing Bluenose. I have been doing pre work on Conny as I love research and there is lot to do as this will be pushing what practical experience I actually have. I have access to 3D printer and could not resist doing the companionways. Thet aren't on the boat while racing but I thought they to cool to miss. Plan to follow your build when I start. IMG_0848.heic
  14. BlueJacket Ship Crafter sell unassembled cases. Bluejacket’s case-kits are offered to offset the crating, shipping, and insurance costs associated with completed cases. They include all wood, hardware, and assembly instructions. All wood supplied is finish sanded, but is not finished. Case-kit bases are routed to accept 1/8” glass. Please note that glass is not supplied. Cost for unassembled case in cherry is $490. Shipping assembled is expensive. Then there is the 1/8" glass. You can go the route of buying a case and table as one piece of furniture. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=assembled+model+case+for+uss+constitution#vhid=6193644185886193296-16--0-0&vssid=uvpv-713 About $1,300 plus shipping. As you say it's expensive.
  15. I may have a solution for cathead decor. Contact me at hsowick@gmail.com and I'll provide details.
  16. I have info about cat heads source but I prefer to give it to you outside the forum. My email is hsowick@gmail.com.


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