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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. I’ve never used Corel and wouldn’t know where to begin. I’ll play around with Word. I’ve made adjustments and it looks better. Does the rest look ok? If you need more pictures, let me know. Thanks! Best Regards …. Rick
  2. Chuck, thank you for the quick reply. Great trick! How did you do that? I see the strake as a little high on bulkheads 8, 10 & 12 and low on 14, the bend is too severe. Again, thank you for having my back! Best Regards …. Rick
  3. I have the first wale on the port side. I need some eyes to look at the run and let me know if I’m good to go, or are some tweaks needed. Thanks! Best Regards …. Rick
  4. Chapter 2 complete and off to chapter 3. Love the shape of this hull! Thank you for all the likes and any comments or suggestions welcomed! Best Regards …. Rick
  5. Glenn, the saw was the last tool to add to my arsenal. The thickness sander and the new 4” disc sander rock! Best Regards …. Rick
  6. Well, UPS just dropped off a fairly large and heavy box. I forgot that my birthday is a week away and my Admiral surprised me with a fantastic and unexpected gift, a Byrnes table saw and some accessories! Holy sawdust Batman! She knows that I’ve really gotten into ship modeling and how much I’m enjoying building. She also knows the value of quality tools. She’s a keeper! Best Regards …. Rick
  7. First, let me say that I’m enjoying this build immensely! Next, I thought the gun ports were a pain, they ain’t got anything on the 2 ports in the transom, but I got’er done. I cut the ports from the stern template and used double-sided tape to position them on the frames. I also clamped a 5/16” board in between the 2 X frames to stabilize them. Four hours later, the ports are framed, lots of measurements taken to ensure they were equally positioned in relation to each other. The Byrnes disc sander is a huge asset for this type of work. This is my first time building a stern like this and I’m really pleased at the results. I’m really enjoying this build! Wait, I think I already said that, but it bears repeating. Best Regards …. Rick
  8. Remaining stern frames glued in place as is the counter. On to the sills and lintels. Best Regards …. Rick
  9. Chuck, quick question. In the picture above, the Z frame has a dotted line on the outer side. Does that mean the outer portion of the frame needs to be brought down to the dotted line? Best Regards …. Rick
  10. Holy accuracy! The X/Y frames are just sitting in place and I decided to tape the stern template in place. Dang! Can’t ask for better alignment. I know I’m not this good, a great testament to Chuck’s design and laser skills. I’m loving this build! Thanks Chuck! Best Regards …. Rick
  11. Outer frames are faired and a batten confirms the shape is good. Best Regards …. Rick
  12. Started framing the stern. Z frames are laminated and glued into place. I used some bubble levels to make sure the frames were level with the bow and no adjustments were needed. Hard to see in the pictures, but all is level. I’ve also made the square tuck piece. Just need to fair the outer frames first and then glue the X & Y frames in place. Best Regards …. Rick
  13. Thanks Diver, I think you’re more advanced than I am. This is my second build, first was Chuck’s Medway longboat, this is far more advanced than I thought. Thanks Captain, you’re more than welcomed to pull up a chair and follow along, I enjoy the company! There’s a lot of Cheerful logs with lots of great ideas to steal, err…..I mean to use. You’re going to love this build, such a pretty vessel with nice lines. Best Regards …. Rick
  14. This marks the completion of chapter 1. Lots of rework required and a lot of measurements taken. Gun ports are a lot more complicated than anticipated. A few I messed up by over sanding (a bad habit of mine), and some were improperly installed. What ever didn’t measure up was removed and replaced. The sills have a nice flow and the battens sit snug on the bulkheads from stem to stern, no humps or bumps. I thinned the bulwarks to 1/8” before cutting the forward chase posts. All of this work is a new frontier for me and I’ve really enjoyed it! It took 30 days to complete this chapter, just some time here and there, no hurry needed here! Thanks to everyone for the likes and to those that have offered advise, much appreciated! Now onto another first, the stern. Best Regards …. Rick
  15. Very nice! Hope mine is half as good as yours! Best Regards …. Rick
  16. Chuck, Thanks for checking in and looking over my shoulder, much appreciated! I did find myself picking up the pace, so I’ve backed off. Thank you for the reminder. Having lots of fun, it’s so very different than the longboat. Best Regards …. Rick
  17. Thanks Glenn for the sage advice. Gun ports is something I’ve never done before, and it’s quite a challenge. I’ve been looking at build logs, including yours, for ways to get them ship shape. I’m having a lot of fun with this build and it’s teaching me a lot for when I get to my Winnie. One thing I really like about Cheerful, is the amount of bulkheads, I think it made fairing easier to get a nice flow. Also, just for giggles I put the stern parts on the hull to see what’s it going to entail. I can already see that there’s a lot of room to mess things up. Again, this is a first for me. Best Regards …. Rick
  18. Bob, I got it from Model Expo a couple of years ago. Keeps the keel nice and straight. Best Regards …. Rick
  19. Ok, who ever thought that gun ports on model ships was a good idea should be hanged from a yardarm! I’m a pretty good modeler, but gun ports have brought me to my knees. They’re a whole lot more work than I anticipated. I had to tear out some sills (only 2) and several port uprights. Lots of lessons learned! Stay tuned! Best Regards …. Rick
  20. Slow progress, I completed the starboard ports and then checked the alignment with a batten, all looked good. Then I thought for the port side why not use the batten to align the sills. So I placed the batten just touching marks. I made the sills and alignment was quick and easy. Now to add the port uprights. Best Regards …. Rick
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