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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Here’s my story. I have been building plastic and balsa airplanes as far back as I can remember. My father was a true craftsman building R/C planes and I learned a lot from him. Over the years though, I yearned to build a wooden POB or POF ship. Back in the mid 70’s I bought a Cutty Sark (I forget the manufacturer), anyways with my meager and limited skills I tried to build this ship and failed miserably. So I shelved the idea of wood ship models and concentrated on R/C planes. Fast forward to 2020 and I was having a conversation with Nic of Bluejacket fame (he’s been a good friend for quite a few years), and he turned me on to this site. To say I was blown away is an understatement! There are so many talented builders and information and how-to’s, it was mind numbing. After reading so many inspiring build logs, I honed in on Chuck’s offerings (I also have 3 Model Shipways kits, which are Chuck’s designs). After reading about his Medway Longboat, I decided this was the place to start, and I’m not disappointed. I loved the lines and the support that is offered by those who went before me, which is truly amazing and appreciated! So some 40 years later, I started on my desire to build a wooden boat/ship. I’m currently on/off working on a Syren Medway Longboat and I’m just amazed with the results. While I know some skills are needed and more need to be developed, the design also contributes greatly to success. So while I believe there are many very good kits out there, I love Chuck’s approach to make modelers develop skills that greatly improves building skills. I’ve built a lot of kits in my time, but ship modeling building is on a different level that I’m enjoying to the max. So my experiences so far is with Syren Ship Models (I have Cheerful waiting in the wings), and has been my to go source. I also look forward to building my Model Shipways kits. Those are the only 2 vendors at this time I’ve gotten items from, but I’m eyeballing some from Vanguard Models as Chris’s approach are very unique. Attached are a few Medway pictures. Best Regards …. Rick
  2. Thank you Chuck, that means a lot to this newbie! Merry Christmas! p.s. My Admiral …. er Santa was very generous with the beginnings of a Winnie! Best Regards …. Rick
  3. Had a little time to accomplish a task or two, so I decided to tackle some metal work. Like most items on this project, the metal work is something I’ve never done. Took 3 tries to make half mast hoop, still needs a little tweaking. The straps weren’t too bad, again took several attempts to get the holes drilled in a straight line that was centered. Not perfect, but being I was running out of metal I had to quit while I was ahead. Next up is to blacken the brass. Merry Christmas to All! 🎁🎄 Best Regards …. Rick
  4. Just catching up on this build, beautiful! Quick question - will the figurehead be available separately? Merry Christmas to all! Rick
  5. Haven’t had much time to work on the longboat. I added the frieze, added some filler to fill the gap in the cockpit and added a few more coats of paint. The knees for the thwarts have been fitted and are being painted, several more coats are needed. I really like Chuck’s technique of applying many coats of thinned paint, results are really nice. The transom frieze was very difficult to size, I’m not really happy with it. I may redo it. Best Regards …. Rick
  6. Started to add some color! Very happy with the shade of red, but not happy with the texture, it’s too flat and needs just a little gloss. BTW - I’m using Chuck’s painting technique, this is only 2 coats. The aft thwart and cockpit seats are just posed for the pictures. Cheers …. Rick
  7. Here’s a couple of pictures, still have to fix the gaps on the seat. I’m way out of practice, I couldn’t for the life of me make the slots tight around the frames. Cheers …. Rick
  8. Ahoy All! After being a landlubber for the summer, I’m back! Work has once again resumed on Medway. I will say that my skills have tarnished some, not unexpected. When I left off, I had installed the starboard riser. This weekend I installed the port riser, made/fitted the last thwart and started on the cockpit seats. I still need the nail the port riser and add some WOP. it feels great to be back in the dockyard! Pictures to follow. Cheers … Rick
  9. Tim, Thank you for the intel! Far too simple! Thanks again! Best Regards …. Rick
  10. Tim, Beautiful, beautiful model! Just one question. I understand your method of blackening the wood, but how did you do the blue? It’s so totally awesome! Best Regards …. Rick
  11. That looks very nice, Bob. The wide parts are a bear to work due to their thickness. The other laminated floorboard parts were much easier to work. BTW, those belaying pins look great! Another task that I’ve never done and will be interesting when I get there. Fine job you’re doing! Best Regards …. Rick
  12. Bob, thank you for the compliment and thanks for all the likes. The 1/16” thick floorboards were a real bear to work into shape, that was a full day’s effort for just one piece. Not complaining, just my experience. I also had to touch up the fairing near the bow to allow the floorboards to flow better. A couple of the frames were a too little high. If I’m gluing where WOP has been applied, I lightly sand the area so the glue can get a better grip. I'm working on risers and again, being the wood is 1/16” thick, it takes more effort to bend the wood. What worked for me was to wet the wood and clamp it in place and then gently heat it with my heat gun and let it cool for about 15 minutes. Worked pretty well. Starboard riser is glued in place and looks good. Now to get the port side on an even/level with the starboard side. That’s tomorrow’s project. Keep going on your longboat, you’re doing a fine job! Best Regards …. Rick
  13. Quick update floorboards, forward and aft platforms are in. The 1/16” floorboard was a real challenge to shape and install as was the forward platform. Very pleased though with the results. Going to install the risers next and then add some color. A very satisfying build! Best Regards …. Rick
  14. Quick question - what adhesive is used to attach the frieze to the model? Also, before the frieze is cut from the sheet, is any type of clear coat applied to protect the graphics? Thanks for the help! Best Regards …. Rick
  15. That looks really terrific. You would never know that this is your first ship model. This is NOT a beginner model and you are doing a fantastic job. You should be very happy with the results thus far. Chuck, thank you for the compliment. Many mistakes have been made, but this is expected. I retired a year ago, and have wanted to build a ship/boat model for many years. Now that I have the time it was time to fulfill this desire. Your kit is truly outstanding and I’m enjoying this build immensely. Next up will be your cutter Cheerful, another beautiful model. Your Winchelsea is my goal build though. Thank you for all that you do for us modelers and allowing us to fulfill dreams. Jeff - Thank you. I’ve been following your builds and have been inspired. Diver - I’ve studied your build and have learned a lot. Thank you for kind comments. Best Regards …. Rick
  16. Thanks to All for the likes! Much appreciated! Quick update. Overall, very, very pleased so far. First ship (boat) project I’ve ever tackled and while I’ve made some mistakes, I’m really impressed. Even the admiral is impressed. Cap rail has been glued into place and shaped along with fairing of the frames. Bolsters have been carved and sanded to shape, took 5 tries for the starboard and only 1 for the port side 😏 and thanks Chuck for the extra bolsters! Exterior has been given 3 coats of WOP and the interior 1 coat. I’m ready to add the sheer strip and to start adding some color. Best Regards ….. Rick
  17. Chapter 2 completed….. Have some boo-boos to fix once the hull is off the building board. Thanks Chuck for designing such an awesome model! Best Regards ….. Rick
  18. Chuck, thanks for the idea. Whatever I end up doing, it’s going to start from the inside like you suggest. I first have to get the hull off the building board. I’m almost there, working on the last wale on the starboard side. Has been an awesome project so far! Best Regards …. Rick
  19. Guys, thanks for the likes and the help, much appreciated! Port side fixed and wales added. Final sanding of the port side accomplished and a coat of WOP applied. Totally amazed at the results. However one issue reared it’s ugly head. Just under the wale, I sanded through the wood (UGH!) . Looking for ideas on how to minimize/hide this. Really need some ideas. Thanks for the help! Best Regards …. Rick
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