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Everything posted by Freebird

  1. Thank you Rusty, it's been fun so far. Thanks to All for the Likes, much appreciated! Best Regards .... Rick
  2. Here’s last night’s effort, the stem. It took a fair amount of time to get the parts to fit well, the angle cut of the laser is a bugger and careful sanding is required to get gap free joints. I mostly used a file and sanding sticks, I also used with excellent results my Byrnes 4” sander (RIP Jim, we miss you) for trimming down the joints that Chuck points out is his build. Overall it was a pleasant experience. Now to start the taper... Best Regards …. Rick
  3. Thank you Allen. I totally agree with you about Chuck and his efforts to help the modeling community. Best in the business! Best Regards .... Rick
  4. This marks the start of my Syren POF Speedwell! I’ve been dealing with some medical issues and am now close to being 100%, so here we go! A POF has been a bucket list build for a long time as I’ve admired this style of model. Most of the offerings out there just didn’t appeal to me with the scaffold type of construction. Enter Chuck with his Speedwell, Bingo! I’m a huge fan of Chuck’s designs and all the help he (and the other MSW modelers) provides, it gives guys like me a lot of hope. I’ve built Chuck’s Medway (my first wood build) and it came out awesome. Thanks Chuck! I’ve started Cheerful but a POF build has extreme attraction for me. I’ll probably work on Cheerful when a break is needed. Last month at the New London Conference I got to meet Chuck (and Rusty, Ryland and Olha and several others! Awesome to meet you guys!). Had some great conversations and it was nice putting a face to the name. Also, I got to eyeball Chuck’s Speedwell, pictures in the build thread don’t do it justice. A real beauty! Anyway, here we go! When Chuck said there was a lot of wood in the 1st 2 chapters, he wasn’t kidding! The laser cutting is the best I’ve ever seen in a model. A lot of the parts had fallen out of the billets, so I took some time to place them in their proper place and used some blue painters tape to hold them in place. Because the thickness of the wood, I see a lot of billet sanding to remove surface char in my future. Here’s a picture of the wood. Stem will be started tonight. Best Regards …. Rick
  5. Don't forget that many of us don't have access to a mill, much less a CNC mill. So Chuck's offerings give us an opportunity to have the best results, despite not having a machine shop. Best Regards .... Rick
  6. If you really wanted to remove the sharpie, plain ‘ole rubbing alcohol will quickly and easily remove the ink. Best Regards …. Rick
  7. I love how you painted your initials on the hair bracket. Very clever! Best Regards …. Rick
  8. Fantastic artwork! Best Regards …. Rick
  9. Thanks Rusty! Really looking forward to this build! A POF has been bucket list project. BTW - are you attending the conference at the end of the month? Best Regards …. Rick
  10. Mike, I probably missed that in his post. The picture looks like the support is across the board, hence my comment. l’ll be starting my Speedwell log very soon. Best Regards …. Rick
  11. One suggestion Rusty, I’d add another support in the middle to keep the board from sagging. Best Regards …. Rick
  12. Interesting details, but like you’ve said before, Chuck, less is more. Best Regards …. Rick
  13. Jeff, It’s best to sand the laser burn off the parts while they’re still in the billets. No chance of rounding the edges that way. Best Regards …. Rick
  14. Chuck, Do you think a group build like the Winnie would be a good idea? Thoughts??? Best Regards ….Rick
  15. I’ll also be starting a build log shortly, mine arrived yesterday. Thanks Chuck! Best Regards …. Rick
  16. What does the gap look like on the other side? Remember, the laser doesn't cut perfectly straight, so I would think that a slight adjustment on the other end would be appropriate. I'm sure that Chuck will chime in. Best Regards .... Rick
  17. Given up, no. I had a major flood disaster in my workshop that required a foundation rebuild. Working with insurance wasn’t fun and things stalled for a while. But now things are settled and back in place, so I’m ready to go. While I’m still very enthusiastic about Cheerful, a POF like Speedwell has been a bee in my bonnet for a long time and nothing out there has captured my POF excitement until your Speedwell came along. Besides, having worked in the aerospace industry for over 40 years, your approach and design aspect's are extremely appealing to the detailed side of me. And yes, a build log will be created. Thank you. Best Regards …. Rick
  18. My shipyard is also ready! Thanks for the update Chuck! Best Regards …. Rick
  19. Sure looks different from the first time I saw it! Wonderful model! Rick
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