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Everything posted by bobandlucy

  1. Thanks very much, Druxey! I did get better results than I had rights to expect. I'm so glad I did not build the model I bought first, AL's King of the Mississippi. b
  2. Thanks, Bradley! I am always in danger of succumbing to perfectionism, which is not realistic in my case. I seem to have overcome this disease! I bought the Norwegian Sailing Pram, that's next. Bob
  3. I decided to stain the thwarts. This is where the framing inaccuracies show the most, as the boat is a little wider in the middle that what was intended. But overall I'm very happy with the addition of the red oak stain color. I did not seal them with poly (yet) because afraid I would screw it up. I can't find the wipe-on poly in matte or satin at our local historic hardware store ( wonderful store called Placerville Hardware, I love going there). I might just do the tops of the thwarts at a later time. I put in a couple of the tholes and had to stop because doing that almost made my head explode. . . also, I thought better to get the becketts in prior, in order to not break the tholes. Maybe that's why the instructions are written as they are!
  4. After painting the hull exterior, added the cap rail. I was pleasantly surprised by the strengthening of the model by the addition of the bands and gunwales, and after the cap rail was glued on all felt really solid.
  5. Primed the hull with spray can per the designers recommendation. Wish now I'd waited to find a can a lighter shade of gray, but maybe for the best as it forced me to apply several layers of topcoat:
  6. Adding the cleats. I had some glue squeeze-out at the intersection of the bottom and the first plank that I wish I'd taken care of on the spot. My attempts to remove the glue scared me somewhat, and I decided to live with it on this model. I did a better job, I think, after that.
  7. After planking (poor job I know, but I was happy to be able to do at all!). I distorted the intended lines at the bow end, due to my clamping method. I'll try and not do that again. . .
  8. Thank you Ryland. Yes, I'm very pleased with the kit - as a former specifications writer I know how difficult it can be to convey instructions clearly. They did a pretty good job of it, while keeping the cost (really) reasonable for entry level modelers.
  9. Now is where I ran into some trouble. The instructions are to overlay the frame pieces on the plan to assemble. However, the plans are not to scale. If I were to do over again, I would have resized the plan before proceeding. What I did was assemble as best I could with the object of maintaining a flat bottom on each frame. It worked, but caused some dimensional inaccuracies and of course made things a little more difficult later on. Sorry for poor photo. . .
  10. Hello all. This is my first model boat. Previous model experience was as a boy, plastic cars and one balsa wood plane. I don't think I finished any of them. I think I'm going to finish this one soon. I started on December 28. I did a lot of reading and gathering of tools and supplies as I waited for the model to arrive, and also read every build log on this model that I could find. I made a spreadsheet with a link to each log, and noted the specific tips I thought were pertinent or unique in each, so when I arrived at that particular stage I could identify which log applied without re-reading them all. I think I will do the same when I start the next model.
  11. Between Sacramento & Lake Tahoe. We are supposed to get snow here tonight! Bob
  12. Hello all, I'm Bob. I retired last year and needed a new indoor hobby as we were in "lockdown." I finally decided on wooden ship models. I started with the Model Shipyards Grand Banks Dory, which may be finished soon. My Dads nickname for me was "Spaz," and not without reason, so it's surprising that I have not destroyed this boat with one of my patented "moves," haha. I did break a couple of pieces. . . Anyway, I found that I really enjoy this, and have three other models waiting. I was lucky to have found this site, and have reviewed all the build logs for this model. Such an invaluable resource for a new modeler, and thanks to each of you. My model is full of flaws, but certainly would be a lot worse if not for this community.
  13. Hi, John - Looks great! I have a question: How did you go about staining such small pieces? I'm at this point on the GB Dory model, and I want to stain the seats as you have. Did you just hold them in fingers and wipe with cloth? Silly question I know, but I don't want to screw this up. . . Thanks, Bob
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