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  1. When it is grown up, what will it be? 🙂 But it looks very interesting and promising 🙂 Like!
  2. Good job on your first planking! And that 24'ers look massive! I like!
  3. Milestone reached: all the spars are ready from a wood working point of view. That means, the 'building' is finished, but the complete rigging is to do next. Some inbetweens: Some spars taperd and the 8-sided, äh, 'things' are worked out: Two points about the next pictures. First, I ran out of PE-cleats(?). A short email dialog with Chris brought clarity to my fault: he very politly pointed out, that the use of pe-parts at this point was overhoult, and I should use the plenty of wooden parts. Damn! The wooden parts looks much better than the pe parts, and I could not figure this out by myself. Only excuse I have is, that in the plan sheets I only found references to the pe and not the wooden parts. Well, to much use of blinkers on my side :-). Second point: I lost one of the holsters for the additional smal spars on top of the main spars. Sorry for my lack of propper nautical terms. I made a new one out of the black paper and stiffen it with ca-glue. It is more bulky than the orginial pe-part, but if you don't know, only on the second view, so I hope I'm ok there. All spars ready for rigging in front of the boat: To give me an idea of how it might look in the end, I put all together, but only with the pins and no glue, so all is still wonky:
  4. Thanks for the detailed unboxing and sharing your building experience! Looks good so far, IMO 🙂
  5. Glad you found out what went wrong! I have such things too, and did'nt fix them, because no one will ever see it. But, I allways want to know what I did wrong, so that in the future I know how to not make the mess again :-). A pro po again: your model is beautiful just the way it is! 🙂
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