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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Yes It is planked to the stern and trimmed off
  2. My bad, I posted here by mistake instead of the build log.
  3. Upper side second planked
  4. Gunports now lined and interior bulwarks sanded
  5. Finished first plank before sanding: and after some good sanding:
  6. So coming along. Another couple of days to go for first planking
  7. About 4 years. Snake took 3 months, the larger ones about 8 months each depending if they have sails or not.
  8. You are very observant and correct so... here are the ships in order that I built HMS Victory, first but learnt a lot as the instructions were very thorough Second, Soleil Royale Third USS Constitution Fourth HMS Surprise Fifth is the HMS Agamemnon here next to my seventh (completed 3 weeks ago) HMS Snake, together for size comparison since same scale and sixth as you recognized the Occre ship Montanes IMG_4420 5.21.21 PM.HEIC
  9. So ... planked the gun deck. To mark the gunports I first made a wood template to try measurment. Turned out to keep most ports next to a rib the distance worked out to 4.7 mm from front of port to next front of port except at frame 12-13 where 5mm worked to keep things in line. Then used painter tape to mark it ou.t Looks pretty straight and regular. Also placed supporting ribs next to port edges not against a frame.
  10. yes it is tanganyka, which comes with the kit but I put on a sanding sealer then several coats of of a matt polyurethane.I also penciled the edges to give some line effect. For wood this thin I find markers bleed.
  11. To complete the fleet, here are the other models I have built in order: First HMS Victory, not perfect but learnt a lot Second Soleil Royale: Third USS Constitution: and forth, one of my favorites, HMS Surprise
  12. The last picture was before I finished the running rigging. The completed Agamemnon can be seen next to her sister the HMS Snake. I like Caldercraft as they use the same scale for the models so you get an idea of how the ships would look next to each other in the 18th century.
  13. Here are the picture in JPEG format as they otherwise may not download
  14. Here are the pictures in .JPEG format
  15. Opened box and started before joining but here is the work to date. Have planked the main gun deck. Have been looking at other logs as I forsee the placing of the gunports will be an issue as the plans and guide not usefull. Appears they need to be adjacent to a rib for at least 8 of them. The plans say 30 mm apart but looks more like 33. IMG_4438 2.HEIC IMG_4439 2.HEIC
  16. Just joined. Now that the kids have been in college for the last few years I started building ship models as a hobby. Started with De IMG_4420.HEICAgostini Victory. Major for a beginner but the instructions were well done and learnt a lot. Have built their Soleil Royale, Constitution and my favorite, the HMS Surprise. I branched out to Caldercraft and Occre. Glad I did the earlier models as instructions are definitely sparser. I am going to start a build log of my latest start the HMS Diane . From reading the sites, it is definitely an older kit as the instructions are woefully lacking in details for certain things. I attached my 3 recent ships, HMS Agamemnon and Snake by Caldercraft and Montanes by Occre. IMG_4419.HEIC IMG_4420.HEIC IMG_4262 3.HEIC
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