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Everything posted by ECK

  1. Yes, did a bit more leveling later. Now first 3 rows went in easily
  2. Faired the hull and drying the siding Also painted the inside of the gunports.
  3. As you can see the top of the ribs have taken some combat damage
  4. Ok, interior painted and now will do the hull sanding/feathering. Will be a few days as I do it outside to minimize dust in the house.
  5. So filler bow and stern done. Inner bulwark sanded smooth.
  6. I know, Anxiously await its release. Hope to make Indy my Christmas present while awaiting the Victory. Have to really be careful with the tops of the bulkheads. Also sanding the hatches has to be done very lightly as tend to brake easily. Find putting in the gratings gives a bit more stiffness for sanding. Funny the shield symbol next to your name is very similar to Duke University's
  7. Continuing things, parts fit very nicely but the tips of the ribs very delicate as I bent several. Fortunately did not break as it would be much harder to glue back than wood.
  8. So after putting on my N95 mask (seem to have a lot of those around these days) started sanding. I used an orbital sander with 120 grit paper. It has an edge that flexes and can shape the contours nicely. Also have a vacume next to it to get the dust. Although I over did it on the fist side I tried. Did better on the bow Much easier to work with than plywood, no splinters, less dust. So far parts fitting together very nicely compared to other kits.
  9. Okay, first step is to get Captain Cochrane ready for duty He decided to visit Nelson on HMS Agamemnon Model is really small and makes you appreciate the 1:64 scale
  10. With this many people watching I might get stage fright !
  11. So having just finished the Santisimo Trinadad by Occre, have opened up this long awaited next project. I splurged to get the upograded blocks and bought extra to to properly rig the guns. Also got the to scale figure of CAPTAIN Cochrane. Nice coaster, good place to put my G& T while building I
  12. So at last finished. I do like the geometric symmetry of the rigging And now for my long awaited next project, build diary to follow:
  13. I concur. Waiting for this and the Victory to come out. Will keep me busy for a few years.
  14. So the riging continues. As the model picture on the box has the sails furled, I have decided to do the same. Again , instructions not always the greatest for placement of lines.
  15. Yards and sails attached. Plans are very poor marking locations for tying things off, some points missing and others on opposite sides depending which picture you look at.
  16. Bit by bit shrouds going up. I find the knotting rather relaxing once you get into the rhythm of it. Occre instruction very poor here as do not make note of the catharpins needed for the upper shrouds. Also do not give distance between ratlines. I use a piece of 2x5 to space and straighten knots here
  17. Another few weeks, yards all done. Starting on the shrouds
  18. Hull and ship's boats done. Foremast completed and mainmast started. I leave the bowsprit until after setting up the shrouds as it gets in the way and I am always snagging it.
  19. Here is the stern. A bit different than the plan for several reasons: Things did not line up and in the plan pictures it actually shows thins lining up differently from each other. Also looked a bit incomplete . The etched parts just do not look good and it would have been better if the windows and columns were put in separately for better depth.
  20. Thanks. New pictures of the stern tomorrow as I am about done.
  21. Thanks. It takes some modifications at times as things do not always fit like the plans show. I was pleasantly surprised that the missing gunports came in in 2 weeks. Interestingly, the parts that came with the kit were dull cast metal that I had to paint black whereas the replacements were a nice bronze color which you see in the assembly manual. So unfortunately I had to paint them black.Original upper left replacements bottom right.
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