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Everything posted by BrianK

  1. Hi Jeff, Got your newbie hello. Thanks. As a novice builder I am curious if you decided on a "practice" model to hone your rigging skills before taking on the Constitution. I have collected a few large and small, wood and plastic model ship kits (all in the 1/96 ish scale range so I can use them for HO model railroad layouts) and was thinking the same thing: start with a smaller (less challenging?) build to have higher probability of a satisfactory outcome. Regards and happy holidays, BrianK
  2. Keith, new member here (thanks for the newbie hello that helped me find you). I am fascinated by auxiliary sailing ships. Your Tennessee build will be a premier resource if I ever get a big one started! You have so many great ideas and techniques that I will adapt for some small auxiliary kitbashing projects I have planned. Your smokestacks are going to save me some work, but I don't think I could master your custom ventilation cowls -- quite some skill there. Thanks for sharing! (FYI, I cheated after reading the first hundred or so posts and started skimming your build blog to get to where I could reply) 😃 Happy Holidays. BrianK
  3. Thanks everybody and Happy Holidays! Looking forward to getting to know some of your builds, and the builders!!! I am a novice builder and feel like there is a firehose of great info here to sample. I am reminded of my childhood dog who would take bites from the water spray at the nozzle of the garden hose in an attempt to get a drink. 😃
  4. Chris, that is a killer paper airplane! 😃 Seriously, I have the Revell 1/32 P-51B on the workbench and your Spitfire blows it away! I am building mine as a prop to discuss design iteration with my engineering students so the details are scant but I know I could not do your Spitfire justice. In fact, I have shied away from paper models in model railroading but the truth is I never gave them a chance. You may have changed my mind. I will be following.....
  5. New member, late to your build Patrick but I was thinking about returning to model ship building with a few plastic kits and your extreme kitbash is an inspiration! Thanks!! Brian
  6. Hi everyone, glad to be here. My name is Brian and I am in the US, in Florida. I am just getting back into model building after about a 20 year hiatus. I built a plastic kit, C W Morgan at age 12 after visiting Mystic and then seeing the 1976 tall ships flotilla in Newport. My first love in modelling is actually model railroading but I am working to incorporate model ship building. I don't count rivets but I do like to be "historically plausible." So no diesel engines or radio antennas on a late 19th century auxiliary sailing ship.... 😃
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