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Captain Poison

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  1. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    In the Shipping lanes 
    W/C 16” X 11”

  2. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    HMNZS Gambia and some elements of the BPF 
    w/c16"  11"

  3. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    Two MTBs in bound. Three Minesweeping Trawlers out bound w/c 16” X 11”
  4. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Photo Bud in Ship paintings   
    I especially liked your pictures of the Flower class corvettes as one of my favorite WWII naval books is "The Cruel Sea" by Nicholas Monsarrat. The (badly worn) cover of my copy from 1951 had the cover designed by John O'Hara Cosgrave II. I have to say, I prefer yours!

  5. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    HMCS Sackville in convoy, I think the Tanker could be a bit bigger or further away!
    w/c 16” X 11”

  6. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    “Nee Naw, Nee Naw” 'Hants and Dorset' Air Sea Rescue launch on a 'shout', passes a couple of A/s Trawlers. w/c 16” X 11”
  7. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Vegaskip in Ship paintings   
    Cutty Sark W/c 16.5" X 11.5"

  8. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Matt D in HMS Winchelsea 1764 by Matt D 1:48   
    It was a big day for me today.  I finished planking the port side.  It came out quite a bit better than the starboard, but I had a lot more experience to work with.  It’s not devoid of errors, but I’m pretty happy with it.  Here are some photos including before and after WOP.  I took the dead on bow and stern photos and you can see that they don’t match up very well.  That’s something I’ll try to do better on subsequent models.

  9. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    @Keith Black
    Thanks for nice comment. Also many thanks for the LIKES.

    Another small stage of the standing rigg of La Créole has been completed: the ratlines of the mizzen mast are finished.
    The integration of the shrouded ladders and the signpost blocks is still missing.

    In the meantime, a small detail needs to be clarified once again. The side davits for the "Petit Canoes" of the corvette were made of iron and were lifted with a topping lift. These were shorn by single blocks on the mizzen mast.
    How these single blocks were attached to the eyes of the ring fitting on the mizzen mast still needs further clarification. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of the original model of the relevant area, where one can see more details. In the documents available to me I could not find anything meaningful about this either.

    In this respect a question to the experts here in the forum: How could the fixing of the single block/lead block and the continuation have looked like, e.g. as shown below?


    I would be very pleased if I could get answers or hints and suggestions. - I would be very grateful if you could send me your comments.
    See you soon ...
  10. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    In the meantime, not much has happened to the model.
    But in this autumnal weather you spend more time inside again.
    The futtock shrouds for the mizzen mast have already been prepared. The catharpins are now fixed.
    The rear futtock shrouds have been fixed provisionally for the binding.


  11. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to cookster in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    Bob, I'm so sorry I haven't been around for 2 years, lol.  It's not funny, but I'm laughing at myself anyway.
    I'm SO glad you're still here modelling.  You, Frolic and Auggie were several of my biggest supporters around here and I'm so sorry I disappeared but life really got me down.  But hey, now I'm back!
    Carry on mate, your model looks wonderful as usual!
  12. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to bartley in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by bartley - FINISHED - 1/48 scale   
    Post 39: The Catheads
    As suggested by Chuck these are made in two parts from 3/16 square stock which was cut on my Byrnes.
    The first step was to cut slots into the caprail - always a scary business,  cutting holes in nicely fabricated parts.

    The inboard part was made first and notched to fit the spirketing and the waterway:

     Slots were cut for the sheaves using a micro mill.  I do not own one of these but i have access to one via a colleague whom i cut planks for.  However, as always with this kind of arrangement, I am not very competent because I never  learn by experimenting.

    Finally the inboard end was round to fit.  The idea is that it should look like one piece - which as it presumably was.  Cut from the elbow of a tree I presume.

    So finally the two parts were glued in position:
  13. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to bartley in HM Cutter Cheerful 1806 by bartley - FINISHED - 1/48 scale   
    Post 38:  The Carronades
    This is a first for me (my previous build had no guns)  so I am enjoying the process but it is quite a slow business for me .  I quite like the look of black trucks but being mindful of the discussion on this point  from Druxey and others it seems that the consensus is "any colour but black" so I have gone with red.  I placed a few on deck to see how they would look. Just as on the chain plate straps, I used chuck's  method for the blackening of the cannons (painting followed by weathing powder).

    The rigging of the guns is next.  The breech rope is quite straight forward using the method described by Chuck but I am finding fabricating the in-haul tackle much more of a problem.  I am exploring a few methods at the moment n order to find one that is quick enough to make the 40 or so blocks with hooks yet produces an acceptable appearance.
  14. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to giampieroricci in LA VENUS 1782 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - French Frigate   
    New look:









  15. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to giampieroricci in LA VENUS 1782 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - French Frigate   
    I went a bit further in the work









  16. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to giampieroricci in LA VENUS 1782 by giampieroricci - FINISHED - Scale 1:96 - French Frigate   
    I have set the crown, obviously still to be refined and perfected:



  17. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Amalio in MONTAÑES by Amalio   
    Good morning.

  18. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Amalio in MONTAÑES by Amalio   
    Good morning.

  19. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to marsalv in Le Gros Ventre by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:48 - POF   
    Carved sternrail.

  20. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to marsalv in Le Gros Ventre by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:48 - POF   
    Thank you guys. Answer to Glenn: The groove is made so that you only have to push the plank into the groove. For sure, however, it is still glued with double-sided tape.
    I started work on stern - moulding rails.

  21. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to marsalv in Le Gros Ventre by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:48 - POF   
    Thank you guys🙂.
    I continue with rudder´s well and lockers.

  22. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to marsalv in Le Gros Ventre by marsalv - FINISHED - 1:48 - POF   
    Some moldings are added to the quarter galleries.

  23. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Wahka_est in HMS Cruiser by Thunder - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale   
    Havent updated for a month but work hasnt been stopped.
    Still working on cannons. Yesterday received last blocks for tackle. Did first line and i love the added detail. Just winder how to get rope  “more loose” so it would look more natural. Also i will probably tie it up - transport state.
    Also deadeyes almost done. Last fixing when ropes are attached to get right line. This was sort of an headache as i cant close the “chainplates”. Also tried soldering deadeye iron bands-sry but cant do it so used epoxy to close it.
    About closing cahinplates-read that others also left it open as it near impossible to do it. Im trying to find 1mm brass tube (yeah good luck with that) so i could so call overlap it.
    Other  than that im close to glue the mast and start rigging and doing yards. Some are ready for blocks, some not.
    I feel that im really close to ending this chapter of the build and getting to next one (masts and rigging).
    I fear rigging the most as drawing are Sometimes hard to under stand. Thunder definitely helps with his build but he researches his rigging so im hard spot little bit.
    Probably some part of rigging will be unlogical and total ship also when finished but still-first one hopefully done soon

  24. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Greg M in HMS Winchelsea by Greg M - 1/48 scale   
    Thank You for the likes folks.  Last night I was up late measuring and remeasuring the stern because of the circled areas below left.  This area was far enough off from the plan to be noticeable visually and I spent a long time trying to root cause it.  I couldn't find the problem as the port side seemed alright.  Went to bed last night realizing I was in danger of falling into the "it's good enough" habit and I had to break it.  I read up on chapter three to get an idea of what dangers lay ahead and paid special attention to what Chuck was saying about the optional panels and gunport placement.  I went back and spent a good amount of time reframing and sanding both gunports to match the plans as close as I could get them.  It turned out that the starboard port was about 1/32" too low fore and aft.  The port one was a little bit lower on the forward side and a little bit higher on the aft side in comparison, so it didn't look off visually and the measurements between the two side weren't far off, but it would have come back to bite me down the road.  

    With the tops of the starboard bulkheads measured, faired and the rail installed for the quarterdeck, everything is back in spec and transferring the measurements to the port side should be a snap.

  25. Like
    Captain Poison reacted to Forlani daniel in Chebece 1750 by Forlani daniel - FINISHED - 1:48   
    Buongiorno e grazie a tutti per i mi piace, altre foto.






    Un Saluto.
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