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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. So you're essentially saying this was an auxiliary device, and the real cat block had more sheaves?
  2. Therefore, i propose something like this for the bonaventure sail: Would that work, or should i haul it all the way up like the mizzen?
  3. Here we go. I would like to bring something to your attention. In period artworks featuring galleons, oftentimes the lateen sail at the aft is allowed to billow out and rub against the shrouds, and is also lowered about halfway instead of being raised to the top.
  4. The single cat block does seem pretty impractical. However, the line may have been attached to the capstan and raised that way. Where is the capstan on the Vasa?
  5. Please, stick around. I really want you to stay. You're a good friend, and an even better mentor. Even with the language barrier.
  6. Michael and Kirill, the build has progressed too far for me to just rip everything out and redo it. However, i can take tips on how to improve what i already have done.
  7. Same thing i used on the mizzen rigging. All lines will be the tiny white thread. That is what i have at my disposal.
  8. What types of thread do you use? are there any brands you like? I am using modelling thread, which is quite hairy. As i put together the bonaventure sail, i will use the CA technique. How would i go about painting threads, but not getting that paint on the sail and other threads?
  9. I am about to start on the bonaventure lateen sail. I have about four opportunities there to use CA to make really good crow's feet.
  10. I see it now! Thank you for showing me. A lot of times, i don't understand until someone tells me. I will do that with the bonaventure lateen sail.
  11. Oh, your build log! I think that got lost in translation. I looked there and found where you did the crow's feet for your mizzen lateen sail.
  12. At first i did not know where to find where you did your crow's feet, but then i searched and found it.
  13. Remember, I do not know many of these tips and tricks, and i have so much more to learn from you. However, if this is a waste of your time, i will leave and do my model alone. I enjoy your presence very much, because i always learn something whenever you are here.
  14. Ah! Thank you! I will do that next time i have to do crow's feet. By the way, i did not understand your first message. Thank you for the advice, however. I will try it, i have plenty of CA. I sometimes use CA to straighten lines, and i always use it on my knots.
  15. How did you imitate gravity on your lines? Как вы имитировали гравитацию в своих линиях?
  16. @kirill4 @72Nova I know you guys have a massive appetite for crows' feet, just like me. So, here you go. That's the mizzen lateen sail, done.
  17. I would greatly appreciate it if you guys would come hang out at my Galleon build. Maybe we could throw a party on the deck! @72Nova (my name is also Michael) Your work is only eclipsed by the one and only Kirill. It genuinely looks so much larger than it really is, which makes it all the more impressive. To be honest, your ropework is absolutely incredible. You two would make an amazing duo, and i have much to learn from you.
  18. Kirill!!! I cant believe you're back!! How was your fishing trip? My galleon is waiting for you. You certainly are a sight for sore eyes.
  19. I kind of feel bad continuing the build before @kirill4 checks my work. We'll wait for his approval. Lots has changed since he was last here.
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