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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. The oars are bundled and tied to the seats, as shown. Only one question remains: What kind of fishing gear should I put on the boat? And should the boat have an anchor stored somewhere, what type of anchor should it be?
  2. It's just a brush and maybe some thinning down with water, if i so choose.
  3. Yeah, it looks pretty much the same color as everything else, but I don't know how else to paint them.
  4. Ok, no white handles. The oars have been painted, and i have made one bundle and laid it on the seats in order to visualize where it will go.
  5. The rudder and tiller have been fitted onto the boat, and the boat's paddle is resting in its proper position. How should i tie the oars onto the thwarts of the boat? There are two options.
  6. Of course! I look forward to your build with utmost excitement. I am not done with mine, though.
  7. I haven't been doing much in the past week or so. This week I have had more time than usual, so I decided to work on the boat. I made all 16 rope coils and attached them to the boat last night. Then, today, I stained the bottom of the hull a clear gloss. Then comes the fun part. I painted the stand a little differently this time. It's a clear stand. On the bottom side, i painted some splotches of green, and covered that with brown. Then, on the top, i painted two shades of blue, intentionally making it not uniform, mostly so all the different colors could be seen. I quite like it.
  8. To stain, i use the following paints: Citadel Nuln Oil, Citadel Agrax Earthshade, and Folk Arts Antiquing Medium. The latter works marvelously well, as can be seen on my Spanish Galleon.
  9. The reason your weathering looked horrible, as you put it, was because you had the wrong paints for the job. I am assuming you were using Revell paints. Revell paints are generally of very poor quality and not suitable for weathering. To weather, you need a stain. Revell doesn't give you those.
  10. It doesn't have to be. Most people who build with wood stain their ships in large swaths, with wide strokes of the brush. I am pretty bad at painting as well, but i manage. "I'm not artistic enough" was an excuse I gave for a long time before i made my second model. EVERYONE can get better, even you. I certainly did. Getting realistic weathering is a very simple, uncomplicated matter: basically, you smear a paint that looks like grime onto your model, and that's it. Simple as that. I have some paint recommendations for you.
  11. Today is Columbus day, so ironically, it's a great time to work on your Santa Maria model. I assume you are using the Mataro Nave as a reference? It looks like you took a significant amount of features and replicated them on your model, which is probably a good decision.
  12. You're making real headway on this! I haven't seen many scratch nao's, so i will be following your build very closely.
  13. This is a boat that fits in the palm of your hand, and i dare anyone to make a scale-perfect representation thereof at 1/96 and keep their sanity.
  14. The scale and size is simply too small for anything more. I wish i could add more detail and be accurate, but the size of this build is nearly microscopic, as far as model ships go.
  15. I would like some input here. Should i have an inner jib and outer jib along with the staysail, or just the outer jib?
  16. Probably after the Senora Fielden, if i'm not completely burned out by then and never wanting to build a model again, i want to partially scratchbuild a 1/96 Cutty Sark kit into a McKay-style extreme clipper.
  17. I rigged the jackyard topsail as i had laid out, then partially rigged the staysail. I used rigging line for the stay hoops. I have yet to rig the sheets, halyard, downhaul, and tack.
  18. It definitely looks like the standing rigging is done. Good job! Now you have an insane amount of blocks to strop.
  19. That's a wrap on the main gaff. The peak and throat halyards actually do through the same thimble down to the deck. The boom lifts are standing because there aren't enough pins for them to be running.
  20. I have yet to tie the loops that will become the rigging thimbles, so i have to finish that at least for the main gaff before i do anything with the gaff topsail.
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