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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. However, it could very well be that these vessels aren't displaying Guadalupan inagery, but something very similar, in which case i would like to know what it is so i can put it on the flag instead.
  2. Thank you very much for bringing it up. If i had been committing a blatant anachronism, i would have liked to know. Please stick around and keep providing your services, they are extremely helpful. Better than having to rip a flag off the model and redesign it.
  3. The Spanish had been putting Guadalupe imagery on their ships since at least the Armada, i believe. The Guadalupe apparition took place in 1531.
  4. I designed the flag for the bonaventure mast: Those are the Greek Alpha and Omega symbols. In the Bible, God is portrayed as both Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. This makes its way into much of Christian theology, as well as Catholic art. The cross is of the Order of Santiago, the religious order that in 1493 was officially integrated into the Spanish Crown.
  5. Okay, so here's what i did. In order to change out the existing anchor line, i glued the end of the old like to the end of the new one, and just pulled until the new line was through both holes. Then, because actual anchor rope knots are horrible, i did a simple half hitch and then seized the end onto the anchor rope.
  6. I would have put the anchors under the channels, in and amongst the preventer stays, like in the paintings. However, that would present an issue on this ship, that being the fact that at least four of the guns would not have been able to fire. That irritates me when i see it on Victory builds, although it's hard to prevent. Imagine what the crews of those four guns would have thought upon opening the gunport lid and seeing a massive anchor stock in their face. It would have been quite frustrating not being able to let loose on the French (or in this case, the Dutch), without ruining an anchor or its rigging.
  7. On most paintings, the spare anchors are basically stacked almost directly on top of the main ones. This is the only way they could be stored. Anchors in the galleon age were absolutely huge. You'd think this anchor would have been on a ship like HMS Victory. Anyways, the other two anchors they gave me were to be used. They expected me to tie them to the main channels, and for obvious reasons there's no way i would have done that.
  8. The anchor itself, and the one on the other side, is done. That is, except for the anchor ropes. The spare anchors are next.
  9. I have now made up and painted the anchors, which look very similar to the ones in paintings, being long and slender. They took about a half hour to paint, which wasn't bad. Look at the anchors on the galleon.
  10. The anchors are massive. They are each individually almost as long as the fore channels. I think i can fit them, however.
  11. Regarding the anchors: The ship only has one hawse hole per side, instead of two. However, the kit contains four anchors. Should i include all four, or only two. Some depictions show two anchor lines coming out of one hawse hole.
  12. Thanks. Stay tuned. Just one of those little details that's going to irritate me if i don't add it in my build.
  13. The finished sail: Now, i have gotten to designing flags ahead of time. This will be the one that goes on the stern flagpole:
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