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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. Dude, that's almost perfect. I had the idea to "swap" the deck piece and knighthead, and you executed it perfectly.
  2. That's how i see it. We don't really know much about what the Soleil Royal looked like, so there is a lot of room for creative expression. I may attempt to paint every figure realistically, instead of gold, for example.
  3. The only reference for this is a model of the William Rex. So, i figured i would do the same thing, but with chain. I also went and got some silkspan, and began with the spritsail. I was a stupid idiot, and touched it right after eating pizza. So, i tried to hide it by feigning battle damage on the spritsail (common in Hendrick Cornelisz Vroom's paintings)
  4. I would add as many oars as is realistic, if i were you. It's up to you, and i think any number of oars would look perfect.
  5. @Bill97 Scroll up to the top of the page on my log, then go to the right-hand side. There should be a follow button, with the number "2" next to it. Clicking the button will open a drop-down menu detailing how you would like to receive word of the log's progress. Clicking "follow" at the bottom of the menu will finalize the process.
  6. I think it needs to be done now, or at least as soon as reasonably achievable. Every step you do, it will be harder to re-do the knighthead. I have procrastinated on stuff before, and regretted it.
  7. Also, Bill, I can see an error you've committed, that needs to be fixed before the rigging begins. Or, rather, it's the lack of an error that i'm concerned with. Take a look at the forecastle of the ship. The fore knighthead, that block with sheaves directly behind the mainmast, is centered right behind it. Now, no one would ever be expected to know this, and you were just following the directions. However, when it comes time for the rigging, the fore course halyard will foul against the mainstay. The knighthead needs to be moved slightly off-center to avoid this. If i were you, i would do this now instead of later. I will reiterate, your SR is incredible. I just want to save you some major grief in the future.
  8. Thank you for the kind words. These and others mean a lot to me and motivate me to continually improve my work.
  9. @Bill97 I think you should give a follow! you certainly will be entertained, and i could certainly use the company. I am waiting for Kirill to get back from his fishing trip. By clicking "follow" at the top of the page, you will get MSW notifications when anything happens on this build log, so you don't have to rely on a 68-year-old memory.
  10. Professional amateur, here. When i eventually get the confidence to do a SR, i'd be happy to come within a few light years of yours.
  11. It isn't shaped like that. Check the blue, white, or gold sprue trees. It looks like that, but the parts fold up into that shape. The newer instructions omit that step, however the part looks sort of like a blooming flower.
  12. I would play it safe, Bill. The doors look great, and they could serve a practical purpose as an obstacle for any potential enemy boarding parties on the balconies.
  13. Yes. Tie them, as well as some oars, onto the boats. Tie them to the seats, running lengthwise along the boat's hull.
  14. I'd certainly like to see the finished paint jobs on the boats. If you want, you can lash a mast/spar/rigging down onto the boats, as they would've had them, especially the larger ones.
  15. i think the acronym is "STFU", but i'm glad no one feels the need to say it here.
  16. @Knocklouder, that boat of yours sure is something. I might have to try that kit. I'm currently reading the Book of Acts, and i think you should attempt the grain ship that the book describes (which i actually designed a LEGO model of) You would have to do it from scratch, but i think it would turn out great. I find sail-driven vessels from that time very interesting.
  17. Of course you could! any skill simply needs patience, persistence, and practice. You can do absolutely anything you set your mind to, including painting tiny lamps on model ships.
  18. Ya know those videos where people fix stuff with putty and ramen? Just build up some putty in the chipped area, then sand and scrape it into shape. Might take a few attempts.
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