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Ferrus Manus

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Everything posted by Ferrus Manus

  1. By the way, i did the research, and we have no idea whether the term "cathead" came after the cat's head carving tradition, or if the carvings were in response to the term. However, the first known use of the word was in a 1623 dictionary published in England.
  2. The term "halyard" which is any line used to raise something on a ship, literally means "haul yard". This term made perfect sense, until the English language changed and things other than a ship's yard needed to be hauled. Now, we are left with a term that hasn't changed since the 1400's, and makes precisely zero sense in its current use.
  3. Likely because there was an earlier tradition of carving a cat's head onto it. Don't ask me where that came from, either, as i have no clue. The other boats are likely the ship's launch or longboats. You have to take into account the fact that a lot of these terms come from the distant past, when the term meant something practical. However, languages and traditions changed, but the names were so cemented into nautical terminology that changing them would've been disastrous. A lot of terms also have origins in different languages. The term "poop deck" comes from the latin word puppis, meaning "stern". It has nothing to do with what you think it does; the toilets on a ship are actually located at the bow. the etymology of ship terms is insane, which is why a lot of the terms themselves are equally so.
  4. That's a good assumption, and anyone who's relatively new to the scene would make it as well. However, those are not lifeboats. The boats on a ship were primarily used for utility purposes, hauling materials and men, assessing various things, repairing/repainting the outside of the ship, sending messages, etc. Their use as lifeboats would be possible in an emergency, however. Either way, each boat has it's specific name, and none of them are lifeboats. I called them the same thing until someone corrected me. As you'll find out, every single thing on a ship has a specific name, and absolutely none of those names are what any reasonable person would expect them to be called. 😂
  5. It's the paint! You can thank @kirill4 for that. If you REALLY want to be blown away, check out his galleon.
  6. I've been here for the better part of a year, and it took me almost the entirety of that time to figure out how to name a build log.
  7. What's honestly quite impressive is the fact that this is your first model ship, and i can't see a single error you've committed. However, if you do do something wrong, there is an entire army of modelers a whole lot more skilled and experienced than me, to prevent errors, catch them when they occur, and help you remedy them and/or stop them from snowballing into a much larger problem.
  8. I added my follow. I am 18 years old, and have been building model ships since i was 14. It's wonderful to see people like me in the hobby. I started out on, and am still doing, plastic ships. The SR-71 is also one of my favorite aircraft!
  9. As you might have been able to tell by now, i am a pretty fast shipwright. I usually produce updates almost daily, and make fast progress on kits. However, that has changed, at least temporarily. Several real-life developments, including a serious issue involving myself and the church i attend, have somewhat hampered my ability to make consistent and regular progress on the build. However, i do know that this will only be a temporary phenomenon, and that the show will continue. Anyways, the standing rigging is almost complete, with the exception of the fore lower shrouds.
  10. Your parents seem really invested in this model! Are you building it for them? I assume they think very highly of your skills. I am 18. I buy and build my own models, and display them in my bedroom.
  11. You simply went to the right places in the US. Our nation ranges a lot in quality of life. If you go to the big cities, you see the filthiness and homelessness problems. The suburbs and countryside is nicer, though. All in all, i assume Belgium is much the same. I would say, it takes a frame of reference.
  12. Yesterday and today, i did the majority of the standing rigging on the galleon. I did the running backstays, the foremast stays, the main topmast and topgallant stays, and the mizzen/bonaventure topmast stays. I have yet to do the mizzen topgallant stays, as well as the main topgallant and royal stays, as well as all of the ratlines.
  13. Hey Aurelien, how old are you? It seems like we might have found another young model shipwright here on the forum! 😄
  14. I would really have liked to see her as a porcupine, but the gunports were moulded shut and gun decks were not included with the kit. The general "Imai-ism" here was to not have decks that extended the full length of the ship, or have decks included that weren't absolutely necessary.
  15. I got all the masts painted and dry-fitted, and began on the ropework. The fighting tops still need their cleats, there will be either 28 or 32 in total.
  16. I finished the fore and main masts. Well, technically not finished. They still need their cleats at the fighting tops, and they have yet to be glued in place.
  17. In the next step of the project, i had to make two holes in the mainmast to accept the lift. Here is how i did this: First, i scored two lines in the plastic, which is where the hole will go. Then, i drilled holes at shallow depth between the lines. Then, i trimmed up the holes with an Xacto knife, forming a rough trench in the plastic: After that, i inserted by pin vise into the trench, before vigorously going back and forth with the vise. This removed more material, deepening the trench. This is the final product of such an endeavor: These holes will accept the main lift for the course.
  18. I trimmed a spare pinrail down to size, and inserted it into the forward part of the beakhead. This only took some gentle, but persistent, sanding to achieve. I also drilled two holes in the forward bulkhead for two eyebolts, which will have two double blocks on them, to be used for the topmast and topgallant stays. The running parts of these lines will belay to the two rearmost cleats on the bowsprit.
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