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About Carleroo

  • Birthday January 8

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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Interests
    model ships, trams and trains, antique map collecting, history.

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  1. Your work is fantastic! A lovely looking model. I'm considering getting this, but for me, the quality of the instructions is very important. How would you rate the instructions? I have never done a Bluejacket kit. Thanks, Carl
  2. I have built quite a few wooden ship models and was looking for something different, and noticed card/paper model options. Your build is very impressive and I may try my hand at something similar. What would you say are the big differences between the wood and paper/card options? Are all the pieces pre-cut or shaped as in plastic models or is there some measuring/shaping/sanding, etc. required? How robust are these models compared with wood? What would be the basic tools? Anyone..feel free to chime in. Thanks, Carl
  3. I've been looking at your build and am very impressed. I am thinking of building this kit and wondering of you have some overall insights on what was good about the kit, and what might have been some "watch-outs". I do like the larger scale and love working on little details. I also have a slight hand tremor that makes it a bit challenging to do complex rigging, but this model does not seem too complicated - at least there seems to be more room to manage threads, knots, etc. than in a more fully-rigged ship. Thanks, in advance, carl
  4. Hi, I'm now building the African Queen. Did you have any success in finding the right kind of figurines for Bogie and Katherine??
  5. Carl, hope all is well , I posted an up date on my just for fun riverboat build, on this site I go by MOG   Mike  

  6. I'm building my first RV boat, Occre's Ulises. I have already applied fibreglass plus additional coats of epoxy resin. I am looking for some advice as to what kind of primer and paints to use to finish the hull. I have made quite a few static models and a basic primer and acrylic paints work well. I also have some SPAR varnish that someone recommending as a final coat. Advice anyone?
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